Chapter 340

Mu Niange's temper is also fierce, but there is no chance to show Mu Niange's fierce temper.

Being so inspired by Lu Yanche, Mu Niange really couldn't control it, just like what Lu Yanche thought, he was afraid that if he didn't do it, it would be too late, and Mu Niange was also afraid that if he didn't say anything, it would be too late...

Mu Niange's sharp eyes and sharp words are forcing Lu Yanche to land. Lu Yanche is very helpless in his heart, but he doesn't want to see Mu Niange disappointed. He grabs Mu Niange and retreats his hand. Pulling Mu Niange into his arms, he said, "Niange, things are not as simple or as complicated as you imagined..."

"Every red envelope I gave you was prepared by me long ago, and I never had the chance to give it to you because you are no longer by my side. I deeply remember that when I was writing these notes , How do I feel in my heart, I am very uncomfortable, I don’t understand why I am like this? You are gone, taking away our memories and everything that belongs to us, isn’t this a good thing? "

"You don't need me, why do I need you? This world is real, no one can't live without anyone..."

"Recite the song, you can think of me as bad, because I have never been a good person, but you can't say that I prepared these for you because I have ulterior motives, haven't you noticed? The red envelope for you, Each one is different, old and has its own characteristics. They accompany me to grow up, and they remind me of you in the dead of night. I think what are you doing? I want to ask again Myself, why do I miss you, didn't I say, if you don't need me, I don't need you."

"But I can't do it, I just can't..."

"It takes a lot of courage to give up someone. I don't have the courage to give up on you, but I have the courage to want to have you..."

"Niange, are you angry, right? It's me who made Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou target you. It's me who caused what happened to you tonight. You're talking indirectly, you're playing tricks I, want to hurt me with my feelings, how could I believe your words, your mind is so simple, if you don't get hurt by others, you should be lucky to laugh..."

Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange tenderly, he stroked Mu Niange's hair, very affectionate and pampering.

Mu Niange should have known earlier that Lu Yanche thought so...

When were those red envelopes prepared? It can be seen from Lu Yanche's handwriting. When questioning Lu Yanche, it was just that Mu Niange felt unreal. The unreal Mu Niange couldn't believe that Lu Yanche really loved herself so much?

What do I have that is worthy of Lu Yanche's love?
Mu Niange lowered her head and didn't look at Lu Yanche. Her eyes turned red all of a sudden, and she couldn't control her emotions. When the emotions came up, when it was time to cry, she was about to cry.

Tears fell drop by drop and fell to the ground. Lu Yanche clearly saw it. Lu Yanche's expression changed, he raised Mu Niange's chin nervously, and asked softly, "Why are you crying? Is that what I said?" What you said is wrong, making you sad? You tell me, I’ll spit it out and say it again, don’t cry, I’ll hit you? Hit until you lose your breath.”

Lu Yanche grabbed Mu Niange's hand, aimed at his chest, and beat it hard.

Mu Niange looked at Lu Yanche as a man looking for abuse...

Mu Niange cried, must it be caused by Lu Yanche saying something bad?
Why didn't Lu Yanche say... He did something that moved Mu Niange?

Mu Niange slapped Lu Yanche passively, and when she slapped, Mu Niange became active. While slapping, she cried: "Lu Yanche, you are a bastard, a complete bastard, tell me, I Why do I hate you so much? I fell in love with you because I was blind..."

Mu Niange also forgot why he fell in love with Lu Yanche back then, was it because of Lu Yanche's appearance?

Is it because of Lu Yanche's temperament?Or, Lu Yanche himself was an eye-catching person, and Mu Niange just took one extra look at Lu Yanche in the crowd, and was caught by Lu Yanche.

"You say I'm an asshole, I admit it, I make you sad, I make you sad, but if you say that you fell in love with me because you were blind, I disagree, I ran up to you and took the initiative to provoke you You are right, you are not wrong, and I am even more right."

When did Lu Yanche become so confident when speaking in front of Mu Niange?

This made Mu Niange dumbfounded and speechless...

Mu Niange was tired from the beating, so she gave up and continued beating Lu Yanche. She rushed forward and hugged Lu Yanche's waist tightly. She took the initiative to rest her head on Lu Yanche's chest, listening to Lu Yanche's powerful heartbeat: "I never knew that I have such a place in your heart..."

"When you told me that you liked me and let me be with you, I was confused. After the confusion, I was very happy, but I was also very scared. I was worried that if I woke up in the morning, what you said would not count. , I was daydreaming, and when I woke up, everything was gone.”

"After being with you for a few days, I gradually realized that I am really with you, not fake, it is real, and then I started to worry again, I am worthy of you like this Is it? I asked myself more than once in my heart, what exactly do you like about me, are you playing with my feelings, you don't like me at all, right? "

"How long am I going to deceive myself? Xia Youyou and Xia Minmin made me realize that I am not important in your heart, so... I lowered my figure and made compromises with Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou. You don't know, I just need a word from you, but once you say that, you are very important in my heart, I will muster up the courage to confront Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou, and then the ending between us will change from separation to beautiful……"

"Six years have passed like this. Is it sad or fake? In this life, how many six years can I waste? I feel that I am not young anymore, not at all young..."

"I think I can turn back time, go back to the past, give me a beautiful family, let me be Xia Minmin, or Xia Youyou, I have enough qualifications to stand by your side, I have it, and I can drive the girls by your side I have more qualifications, I despise your qualifications, our love is equal, you are not standing in front of me, I am standing behind you, dare not say a word."

(End of this chapter)

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