Chapter 342

Yang Zhishuang sighed, walked over resignedly, and looked for the pocket of the jacket. Yang Zhishuang was lucky, the first pocket she found was the place where Mu Niange put the red envelopes, watching the red envelopes being taken from her hand one after another After coming out, Yang Zhishuang frowned.

Was Mu Niange bought by Lu Yanche's red envelope?

After Yang Zhishuang took out all the red envelopes, she looked for other bags, which contained nothing...

Yang Zhishuang sat on the bed, then took a red packet and opened it. When the money came out, the note inside fell out. Yang Zhishuang was stunned, and squatted down to pick up the note. She knew very well that looking at other people's things It's not right, but since Mu Niange asked Yang Zhishuang to take it out, there must be a reason for Mu Niange.

Yang Zhishuang hesitated for a while, opened the note and looked at...

When she saw the first note, Yang Zhishuang was stunned, and she couldn't wait to open the second one. There was money and a note inside, and the content written on it was completely different from the one just now...

Yang Zhishuang never expected that Lu Yanche would pull such a show.

Yang Zhishuang silently put the note back, and then put the red envelopes aside. When Mu Niange came out of the bathroom, as expected, she saw Yang Zhishuang sitting on the bed, motionless. What is thinking at this moment, Mu Niange is clear in his heart.

Yang Zhishuang wanted Mu Niange to be good in everything she did. Lu Yanche hurt Mu Niange and did good things to Mu Niange. Yang Zhishuang was conflicted in her heart and lacked a chance for Lu Yanche to perform...

Now, the opportunity came, Lu Yanche performed, and performed very well, leaving Yang Zhishuang in a situation where she had nothing to say.

Mu Niange was in front of Yang Zhishuang, wiping her hair as if nothing had happened. Yang Zhishuang looked at Mu Niange, and finally couldn't bear it and said, "Niange, are you shaken, right? The secret you want to tell me, is you and Lu Yanche is together."

Yang Zhishuang wasn't asking about Mu Niange, but was speaking with certainty...

Mu Niange and Lu Yanche are together.

After wiping her hair, Mu Niange turned to face Yang Zhishuang, and said with a serious expression, "Yes, you are right, I am with Lu Yanche..."

"Niange, this is not love, it's a momentary emotion. You can't put yourself in it just because he did such a thing for you. What about Xia Minmin? Are you not afraid of what she is doing to you? The more you and Lu Yanche go on like this, the more Xia Minmin will do crazy things, after going through so much, I gave you time to think, to think, why are you still so stupid?"

"What are you expecting, expecting, expecting?"

Yang Zhishuang was disappointed with Mu Niange, very disappointed...

She thought that Mu Niange could persevere, but she didn't expect that everything was just Yang Zhishuang thinking too much.

"Shuangshuang, some feelings are beyond my control..." Mu Niange sighed, and said helplessly: "I don't want to continue to be entangled in this matter, but I can't help it. I was an insider from the beginning, but I want to become an outsider, how easy is it?"


It's easier said than done.

Xia Minmin just clings to Mu Niange, what can Mu Niange do?

I can't do anything, I can only bear it silently, and when necessary, fight back against Xia Minmin...

"I know you are worried about me, afraid that I will be hurt. Like tonight, I walked back to the compound alone, but if it hadn't happened, how would I know? I am in Lu Yanche's heart , has such a position? The notes you just read were prepared by Lu Yanche year after year. You said, if he doesn't care about me and wants to perfunctory me, he doesn't need to do this at all. He is What you do subconsciously, not subconsciously remember, you have to do it.”

Mu Niange is a typical one who heals the scar and forgets the pain.

This helped Lu Yanche speak, what Yang Zhishuang said was useless...

Yang Zhishuang simply lay on the bed, buried her head deep in the pillow, and stopped talking to Mu Niange.

Mu Niange walked up to Yang Zhishuang, stretched out her hand and said to Yang Zhishuang, "You don't agree with me being with Lu Yanche? But why do I remember that someone told me that Lu Yanche's money should be spent constantly, ruthlessly?" Hua, you even sold me to Lu Yanche for money, now that I have found a rich man, you and I don't have to worry about our future living expenses, what are you unhappy about?"

"You are really... so annoying!"

Yang Zhishuang glared at Mu Niange sideways, and cursed angrily.

Mu Niange took the opportunity to sit down, and said with a smile: "Why am I bothered? You have been with me for six years, I should bother you, I shouldn't bother you, everything is bothering you, what do you want now? Dislike me, that's impossible..."

"If I was really bullied by Lu Yanche and Xia Minmin, wouldn't it be that you stood in front of me and stood up for me, so... why do you have to worry about me?"

Mu Niange is not human when he is optimistic, and even more inhuman when he is depressed. Yang Zhishuang was defeated by Mu Niange and compromised with Mu Niange.

The next day was New Year's Day...

Yang Zhishuang and Mu Niange didn't get up until eleven o'clock, and when they finished washing and went downstairs, it was 11:30, just in time for lunch, Yang Zhishuang wanted to go to the kitchen to pour water. There was a crackling sound, who was fighting against the kitchen, Yang Zhishuang was not interested in knowing, because besides Mu Yuanling, there was only Mu Yuanling.

But Yang Zhishuang was wrong...

When she saw Lu Yanche holding the kitchen knife, the cup in Yang Zhishuang's hand slipped and fell to the ground with a loud noise. The moment it fell apart, she attracted Mu Niange's attention. She walked into the kitchen and saw such a scene, The first time was to ask Yang Zhishuang if she was injured, then she frowned and looked at Lu Yanche and said, "Why are you here?"

It's really strange that Lu Yanche is here?
One or two like this made Lu Yanche dumbfounded...

Lu Yanche put down the kitchen knife in his hand, and said to Mu Niange, "Go out first, and I'll explain to you after I clean up this place..."

******, early in the morning, do you want to be so exciting?

Yang Zhishuang patted her chest, and walked out with Mu Niange: "Niange, is Lu Yanche sick? I was worried that you would not admit it, so I came to our house to see your reaction. You asked him why are you here?" When I was here, I felt that he was not in a good mood, but you should treat him like this, and don't let him feel that if he becomes your boyfriend, he will be treated differently."

(End of this chapter)

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