Chapter 343

Mu Niange didn't think that Lu Yanche would think so, but what Yang Zhishuang said was very reasonable, and Mu Niange had to take Yang Zhishuang's words to heart.

Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang sat on the sofa. After Lu Yanche finished cleaning up, he came out with two glasses of juice. He handed it to Yang Zhishuang and then to Mu Niange. When they each had a sip, Lu Yanche explained: "Well, Yuan Ling and Jing Chen went to buy seafood..."

Official explanation, who understands?
Yang Zhishuang rolled her eyes at Lu Yanche and said, "We have eyes to see, brother is not at home, and we have a mobile phone, so we can call brother to ask, why are you here, and what is the purpose of appearing here?"

Yang Zhishuang is very wary of Lu Yanche. Even though Mu Niange and Lu Yanche are together, she can't treat Lu Yanche as Mu Yuanling. Mu Yuanling and Mu Niange are brothers and sisters. No matter what happens to Mu Yuanling It hurts those who miss songs.

"They went to buy seafood, I'm the chef here..." Lu Yanche smiled, and responded to Yang Zhishuang with a good temper.

Yang Zhishuang frowned: "Does Aunt know that you broke in without permission? Lu Yanche, it's true that Nian Ge promised to be with you, but the promise is limited to the promise. The problem you will face, the decision cannot be so simple..."

Yang Zhishuang went straight in, not wanting to beat around the bush with Lu Yanche.

Lu Yanche looked at Yang Zhishuang seriously, and listened carefully to Yang Zhishuang's teachings.

"I know what you said. I'm here. I solemnly ask you to help me? I really want to be with Nian Ge, in this life, in the next life, and in the next life. Together..." As soon as Lu Yanche finished speaking, he bowed deeply to Yang Zhishuang.

Lu Yanche came prepared and wanted to take Yang Zhishuang down.

Yang Zhishuang was frightened by Lu Yanche's aura. She stood up from the sofa, pointed at Lu Yanche and said, "What are you doing? Bow? I'm not your elder, and you didn't do anything to offend me. There is something wrong with you." ?”

Yang Zhishuang blew up...

Knowing that this is what he dislikes the most, if Lu Yanche wants to do this, doesn't that mean he is provoking Yang Zhishuang's majesty?

"I once did something very sorry for you. I made Niange hurt. This bow is not my apology, but my plea. I know you want to recite, and I also want to recite. , and when Niange is with me, it can become even better. I hope you can bless us. You are a good friend of Niange and the person who helps Niange the most. In my heart, you are a very important person. Man, I won't ignore you just because I'm with Nian Ge..."

Lu Yanche stood up straight and spoke sincerely.

Yang Zhishuang was not moved in her heart, it was a lie...

Lu Yanche also valued the people Mu Niange liked. He seemed to really care about Mu Niange, otherwise he would not have reached such a level.

Yang Zhishuang felt very depressed, Mu Niange didn't say a word from the beginning to the end, but Yang Zhishuang knew in her heart that Mu Niange was on Lu Yanche's side, and she also hoped that she could accept Lu Yanche, otherwise If she hadn't, she wouldn't have let her read those notes last night.

Yang Zhishuang sighed silently in her heart, she waved her hand and said, "Look at your performance..."

The meaning behind the words is that he is willing to give Lu Yanche such a chance...

Lu Yanche thanked, and looked at Mu Niange, and Mu Niange also looked at Lu Yanche, the moment they looked at each other, only they understood what the other party wanted to express.

Yang Zhishuang felt like she was a light bulb here, she scratched her hair and said, "I'll go for a walk..."

Hearing this, Mu Niange quickly followed Yang Zhishuang and said, "I'll be with you."

"Yo, do you know to go out with me? Are you sure you don't want to be here and live your two-person world?" Yang Zhishuang said through gritted teeth.

Mu Niange blinked innocently and said, "Didn't you say that? Don't let Lu Yanche think that his status has improved..."

Therefore, here, Lu Yanche's treatment is the same as before, without any special rights, Yang Zhishuang's heart was deeply moved by Mu Niange's words, Yang Zhishuang patted Mu Niange's shoulder: "You can teach a child."

After Xia Minmin came back from the flower market last night, she took a shower and fell asleep. Thinking of Mu Niange's helpless appearance in the flower market, Xia Minmin couldn't help laughing. When she got up the next day, she saw that she was sitting on the sofa Xia Youyou couldn't help asking: "Did anything memorable happen last night?"

Xia Youyou curled her lips and sneered, what did Xia Minmin want to express?How could Xia Youyou not know...

She didn't respond to Xia Minmin, and continued to stare at the TV.

Xia Minmin shrugged needlessly, and didn't care about Xia Youyou's indifferent appearance at all. Letting Mu Niange suffer is the most gratifying thing for Xia Minmin: "I don't know how Mu Niange is doing now? Sister, let's go to New Year's greetings together Bar?"

Xia Minmin blinked, seeming to be asking Xia Youyou, but actually trying to ridicule Xia Youyou.

Last night, he gave up halfway and told Xia Minmin some great principles, which made Xia Minmin wish he could tear Xia Youyou into pieces.

"Xia Minmin, you are very proud now, I'm afraid that you won't be so proud when you come back from New Year's greetings..." Xia Youyou turned off the TV, got up and walked towards the second floor.

Xia Minmin snorted coldly and said, "Open your eyes wide to see clearly whether it's because I can't get complacent, or you can't get complacent..."

After Xia Minmin tidied up, she went out. The Lu family was very quiet today, without the slightest movement, which surprised Xia Minmin. However, Xia Minmin didn't care too much. The person she cares about most now is Mu Niange.

She hummed a ditty and walked towards Mu's house. She happened to meet Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang who were going out. Traces, but no matter how Xia Minmin looked at them, she couldn't see them...

This is how the same thing?

Could it be that Lu Yanche and others found Mu Niange last night?
This thought suddenly turned Xia Minmin's happy mood into a bad mood. With a sullen face, she slowly walked towards Mu Niange, and Yang Zhishuang walked over.

The atmosphere between Yang Zhishuang and Mu Niange was very good, and Xia Minmin stepped forward, undoubtedly destroying this atmosphere.

Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang had already forgotten about Xia Minmin. If Xia Minmin hadn't appeared, Yang Zhishuang would not have remembered that Mu Niange was killed by Xia Minmin yesterday, so she separated from Lu Yanche.

Mu Niange glanced at Xia Minmin calmly, compared to Yang Zhishuang's concern, Mu Niange seemed indifferent.

(End of this chapter)

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