Chapter 349

She was suffering in her heart, and what she had endured could not be said casually. When Mu Niange told everything, the courage she mustered was beyond anyone's imagination...

"Since you all know that Ah Che has caused you such a great harm, why do you still insist on doing this? One injury doesn't mean anything, so you can always see something clearly after two injuries, right? This world is not fair, what causal loop, who knows when it will come?"

"The only thing I see is your pain, I don't see anything else, I can't accept that you are with Ah Che..."

Mu Yuanling is determined, even though the facts are in front of him, Mu Yuanling can't accept it...

"Brother, you are embarrassing me. Don't you agree with me for the decisions I made before? Besides, it's not something you and I can say about the relationship. I'm with Lu Yanche today, it doesn't mean Will I still be with Lu Yanche tomorrow? If Lu Yanche does something that makes me feel disheartened, I can assure you, for sure, I will definitely not look back at Lu Yanche again. "

Mu Niange's expression was firm, and he spoke firmly.

And her words completely stirred up Mu Yuanling's anger...

Mu Niange looks mature and stable, but in fact, he is just an immature adult. What does it mean that Lu Yanche did something that hurt Mu Niange? Mu Niange will not look at Lu Yanche again, so why does Mu Niange Want to give Lu Yanche another chance to hurt himself?

Isn't this looking for abuse?
"Do you have no confidence in Lu Yanche, or do you not have confidence in yourself? You are with Lu Yanche, and you think about the day when you will be separated. Recite a song, you are not in love, you are playing, and this play is risky. It's not something you can afford."

Mu Yuanling couldn't control his emotions and yelled at Mu Niange.

After being yelled at by Mu Yuanling, Mu Niange stood there stupidly, motionless...

Mu Niange really didn't think about this question carefully. She followed her inner feelings. After seeing the things Lu Yanche prepared for her, she wanted to be with Lu Yanche very much. She recalled the happiness of being with Lu Yanche, Those who were unhappy were all ignored by Mu Niange.


She was thinking again, as long as she is happy with Lu Yanche, why should she be so obsessed with thinking about those unhappy things in the past?

If she continues to torment like this, how much youth will she have, how much time will she waste?

Isn't Lu Yanche's sincerity towards him right in front of his eyes?
Is it really interesting for her to continue to doubt?
Mu Niange suddenly smiled, with a sad smile. She looked into Mu Yuanling's eyes with a complicated expression and said, "Brother, why don't I understand everything you said? It's because I understand, so much." That's why I made such a choice. I want to be with Lu Yanche. I have fallen in love with Lu Yanche since six years, even earlier. It's the feeling of having a crush on someone , It's really painful. I don't want to keep trying. Shouldn't I be glad that I'm with Lu Yanche? At least, our love has blossomed. As for whether it will bear fruit, no one can guarantee it. , We cherish every day and live every day, shouldn't this be the most important thing?"

"I know you care about me, love me, worry about me..."

"But I just have no choice. If I don't do it, I'll do it. What can I do? You ask me, is it because I don't have confidence in Lu Yanche, or in myself? What I want to say is that I don't have confidence in anyone. I'm not a heart of glass, but my heart was broken again and again by others, so what does it matter if I get hurt again?"

"Brother, you seem to know me very well, but in fact, you don't know me at all. I'm the kind of person who would let others mess around and bully me?"

"It was like that six years ago. I admit it. Now, I've had enough. I don't want to live such a miserable life anymore. In this world, everyone is equal. Who wants to ride on my head? , I'm going to let her fall badly, the first person I want to clean up is Xia Minmin..."

"I'm with Lu Yanche. This is news under bombardment. Even you can't accept it. How could Xia Minmin accept it? Didn't she say that I was using Lu Yanche's feelings to hurt Lu Yanche for Xia Minmin? See? Then... I'll follow Xia Minmin's wishes, I don't really think that way, but I really want to do that..."

"I hate..."

"Hate very much."

The deepest emotion in Mu Niange's heart was just aroused by Mu Yuanling.

Mu Niange kept saying that she didn't want to have any relationship with Lu Yanche, Xia Minmin and the others, it was because Mu Niange was afraid, she was afraid that she didn't have the ability to fight back against them, she was afraid of herself, she would do it again , was severely hurt by them.

But right now, the situation is different. The person who has already been in this situation is Xia Minmin.

In the end, Mu Niange should be grateful to Xia Minmin. It was Xia Minmin who let Mu Niange know that when he really wants to punish someone, he has to pay a price. The price can be heavy or heavy. The most important thing is , depends on how you choose.

Mu Niange chose the latter and paid a small price...

What she will have is a piece of heaven.

"Niange, don't say any more." Mu Yuanling grabbed Mu Niange's hand and stopped what Mu Niange wanted to say next. Mu Niange didn't care enough to make Mu Niange like this.

Since she was a child, Mu Niange's parents have ignored her...

The love she desires in her heart is more than that of Mu Yuanling, Lu Yanche and others. From the very beginning, Mu Yuanling should have cared more for Mu Niange, increased Mu Niange's self-confidence, and let Mu Niange , not so low self-esteem, I feel like an ugly duckling in front of Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou.

"Brother, I didn't want to express anything, I just wanted to tell you that the decisions I made were all carefully considered, even though the decisions I made would bring me great harm, but I... I will still bear it, and I can bear it, you really don't need to worry about me."

Mu Niange gave Mu Yuanling a peaceful smile.

Mu Yuanling reached out and rubbed Mu Niange's hair, his eyes were full of helplessness: "Sometimes I really doubt that you standing in front of me are not the same person."

Mu Niange has always brought a lot of side to Mu Yuanling in many things...

(End of this chapter)

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