Chapter 350

Mu Niange smiled and grabbed Mu Yuanling's hand, and smiled disapprovingly, people need to grow up, how can Mu Niange survive in this society if he doesn't learn to pretend himself?
When Mu Niange and Mu Yuanling returned to Mu's house, Lu Yanche was busy in the kitchen, Ji Jingchen was helping with things, Lu Meiqi nervously looked towards the door from time to time, when she saw Mu Niange, she deliberately looked towards the kitchen There was a shout from inside: "Sister Niange is back..."

As soon as Lu Meiqi finished speaking, she quickly ran towards Mu Niange, grabbed Mu Niange's hand, and kept Mu Niange away from Mu Yuanling. In Lu Meiqi's eyes, Mu Yuanling was like a virus. Being poisoned to death by Mu Yuanling, Mu Yuanling looked helpless, he sighed, and walked away wisely.

Between Lu Yanche and Mu Yuanling, there is actually no need to say anything...

The two of them did not agree with each other, after Mu Yuanling walked into the kitchen, he naturally helped Lu Yanche.

Lu Yanche and the others had been busy for two hours before they prepared all the dishes. When everyone sat on the chairs, it looked like a big family gathering. Mu Niange had never felt such a warm feeling On the one hand, seeing everyone chatting and laughing happily, Mu Niange's expression was suddenly stunned, staring at the seafood on the table, motionless.

Lu Yanche got a mangy shrimp and put it in Mu Niange's bowl.

Yang Zhishuang glanced at it, and said with a sneer, "Lu Yanche, you only see songs in your eyes? Those of us sitting next to me are all just for foil?"

"Don't can be with Nian Ge, we've all let the water go." Yang Zhishuang hummed twice, reminding Lu Yanche not to push his feet.

Ji Jingchen rolled his eyes at Yang Zhishuang, took a piece of cabbage for Yang Zhishuang and said, "In the end, you're just envious, come on... Brother, I love you, I'll give you some vegetables to eat, don't bother the young couple, isn't that good?" Is it easy to be together?"

Yang Zhishuang returned Ji Jingchen's choy sum clip to Ji Jingchen in disgust, and said, "Sometimes I really doubt that you are after Niange and want to be with Niange, the matter between Lu Yanche and Niange should not be done by Lu Yanche himself. Do you want to deal with it? Why do you keep on being Lu Yanche's military adviser next to you? You have to be a decent military adviser... With your little tricks, you'll be done in a few clicks."

Yang Zhishuang couldn't find anyone to complain about, so she vented all her emotions on Ji Jingchen.

Mu Niange and Lu Yanche are together. In the future, they must be stuck together. Yang Zhishuang feels happy, but also feels a little lost. It is obvious that the two are together, but suddenly, she becomes herself. Alone, where is Yang Zhishuang going to find another sister like Mu Niange?

Yang Zhishuang sighed silently in her heart.

Seemingly seeing through Yang Zhishuang's thoughts, Ji Jingchen, who was complained about, was not angry, and greeted Yang Zhishuang with a smile, "Don't worry about me, you are not alone? You follow Niange every day, worrying that the recitation will Being bullied by us, you said that you are such a tough person standing beside Nian Ge, and we are not stupid, how could we want to provoke you. "

When Ji Jingchen said this, there was a burst of laughter, Yang Zhishuang glared at Ji Jingchen, warning Ji Jingchen to shut up.

Everyone has eyes to see what Yang Zhishuang did for Mu Niange. The person Lu Yanche should thank most is Yang Zhishuang. Then... Lu Yanche picked up the red wine glass, stood up, and said to Yang Zhishuang, "Jing Chen That's right, you protect Niange very much, let Niange change little by little under your protective power, so that Niange six years ago disappeared, and became Niange transformed six years later, Words can't express my gratitude to you, but what I can assure you is that I will be good to Niange, love Niange with my life, and protect Niange."

Lu Yanche looked focused, and said vowedly.

Yang Zhishuang was moved by what Lu Yanche said, she didn't stand up, nor picked up the red wine glass to pay back to Lu Yanche, but glanced at Mu Yuanling and said, "You seem to be thanking the wrong person, the person who really paid for the song , it’s my brother... You didn’t even thank your brother, you came to thank me, you really messed up the rules.”

Yang Zhishuang did it on purpose...

She just wanted to make things difficult for Lu Yanche, otherwise Lu Yanche thought that Mu Niange's backstage was so easy to bully?

When Mu Niange fell into Lu Yanche's hands, could Lu Yanche ignore Mu Niange?It was just a dream, wishful thinking...

"Shuangshuang..." Mu Niange called out to Yang Zhishuang, the meaning was obvious, she wanted Yang Zhishuang to stop, Yang Zhishuang felt wronged, this didn't even pass the door of Lu Yanche's house, why did she help Lu Yanche speak, Yang Zhishuang looked at Mu Yuanling Said: "Brother, tell me, what should we do about this matter?"

What can I do?
Of course it is what to do.

After lunch, Ji Jingchen, Yang Zhishuang, and Lu Meiqi cleaned up, Mu Yuanling returned to the study, and had work matters to deal with, while Mu Niange and Lu Yanche were just sitting in the living room, fools could tell, Ji Jingchen waited People are creating opportunities for Lu Yanche and Mu Niange.

Lu Yanche actually... didn't know how to get along with Mu Niange.

Just getting together, there are many things that Lu Yanche needs to understand clearly...

He couldn't treat Mu Niange the way he did six years ago, and Mu Niange didn't like that. The two sat side by side on the sofa, and Lu Yanche sat next to Mu Niange, very close. intentionally or unintentionally, reached for Mu Niange's shoulder.

Mu Niange saw through Lu Yanche's thoughts and pretended not to understand. She stared at the TV without even giving Lu Yanche a glimpse.

Lu Yanche scolded himself in his heart, it was not the first time he fell in love with Mu Niange, why did it look like the first time, he had no experience at all, when Lu Yanche was upset, Mu Niange stood up, she saw Glancing at the busy figure in the kitchen, he said to Lu Yanche, "Shall we go for a walk?"

Lu Yanche couldn't wish for it, he stood up from the sofa, wanted to walk into the kitchen, and told Lu Meiqi, Mu Niange held Lu Yanche's hand, looked at Lu Yanche with an idiotic look and said: " Are you really stupid, or are you just pretending? They want us to be alone, so they will all disappear..."

Lu Yanche could probably guess it, but since Mu Niange said that Lu Yanche was stupid, then Lu Yanche should admit it.

He pretended to be surprised and said, "Really? Why can't I see it at all? They want us to be alone, so how can we be alone with them? Hmm...?"

(End of this chapter)

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