Chapter 351

Xia Minmin couldn't accept the fact that Lu Yanche and Mu Niange were together. On the way back, her mind was full of what Mu Niange said. Because of Xia Minmin, Mu Niange and Lu Yanche were like this We got together smoothly...

Xia Minmin has calculated thousands of times, and she missed a little bit. Mu Niange is a person who doesn't count her words. She has feelings for Lu Yanche, but in front of her, she pretends to be indifferent and deceives herself. When the time comes, she will hit herself. Caught off guard.

Mu Niange didn't want to use Lu Yanche's feelings to hurt Lu Yanche, but she wanted to use Lu Yanche's feelings to hurt Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou. Mu Niange knew very well that Lu Yanche had a special relationship between Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou. what a location.

Without Lu Yanche, what would Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou's life be like?

No one can imagine that...

The insidiousness of Mu Niange is beyond what Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou can imagine. When Lu Yanche and Mu Niange were entangled, they at least had a chance. Now, they don't even have a chance, so they can only stand aside, Quietly watching from afar.

Is Xia Minmin the kind of person who will stand aside and watch Mu Niange's happiness?
She couldn't bear that Lu Yanche was protecting Mu Niange wholeheartedly. Now that Mu Niange was with Lu Yanche, would Lu Yanche protect Mu Niange even more?
Do not……

Xia Minmin didn't want such a thing to happen. If things really turned into this situation, what kind of reversal could Xia Minmin have?

Xia Minmin didn't know how she got home. After returning home, she smashed everything in the room. She was venting, trying to vent all the unwillingness in her heart...

Xia Youyou was in the room next to Xia Minmin, and heard Xia Minmin's movements, she put aside what she was doing, walked to the door of Xia Minmin's room and saw that Xia Minmin was going crazy, was this not what Xia Youyou expected?

Xia Minmin successfully found the abuser and came back. Xia Youyou really wanted to laugh, but she couldn't laugh anymore.

Xia Minmin being abused means that the relationship between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche has further developed. Shouldn't this be a normal thing?Xia Youyou helped Lu Yanche yesterday, telling Lu Yanche everything about Xia Minmin hurting Mu Niange, Lu Yanche took a step, and the distance between him and Mu Niange got closer.

What is more worthy of making Lu Yanche happy than this matter?

Lu Yanche was happy, wasn't it always what Xia Youyou thought?

When Mu Niange left, what Lu Yanche became like was beyond Mu Niange's imagination, and Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou witnessed it with their own eyes...

Xia Youyou touched the position of her heart, and it hurt. She obviously cared, but she had to pretend that she didn't care. It was really hard work. She was so hard that she could hardly breathe, but what could be done?Things that are not yours, after all, are not yours, if you can't force them, you can only choose to give them up.

"Xia Youyou, I want to tell you some good news..." Xia Minmin saw Xia Youyou standing at the door, she panted slightly, trying to adjust her emotions.

She remembered what Xia Youyou said before going out, did she expect such a situation?So... She pretended to be so calm and said to Xia Minmin, who is the person who will be in pain? This is an unknown, and no one can say for sure.

Now, Xia Minmin can tell with certainty.

Mu Niange wasn't injured, and didn't suffer the slightest pain. On the contrary, Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou endured everything they shouldn't have to bear.

Xia Youyou had the answer in her heart, she didn't want to hear Xia Minmin's words, she turned around and wanted to leave, Xia Minmin stepped forward and grabbed Xia Youyou's hand: "Where are you going? You haven't heard, I have something to say Tell you? This is what you have been looking forward to, if you want to know, you will go crazy with joy. "

Xia Minmin laughed wildly while talking.

Xia Youyou shook off Xia Minmin's hand fiercely, and with a lunatic, Xia Youyou didn't think she had anything to say.

"I don't need to know anything from you..."

"Xia Youyou, stop pretending. You really want to know, but you are afraid of knowing. When you hear this answer, your heart is broken at the same time, isn't it? The more you don't want to hear it, the more I want to hear it." I want to tell you, why should I suffer alone?"

"Lu Yanche and Mu Niange are together. This time, we are really together. We all underestimated Mu Niange's means. She wants to be with Lu Yanche, and she can be together. She wants to make Lu Yanche Get rid of it, you have that capital at any time, Lu Yanche, a stupid man, listens to Mu Niange for everything, doesn't he know that Mu Niange will harm him?"

Xia Minmin spoke freely and scolded Lu Yanche as well.

She just couldn't stand it, couldn't understand Lu Yanche's attitude towards herself, and Mu Niange's attitude...

Lu Yanche just loves Niange so much, wishing he could give everything to Niange?Lu Yanche wanted to vent all the pain that Mu Niange experienced on Xia Minmin. Xia Youyou gradually faded in Lu Yanche's heart. If Xia Youyou hadn't taken the initiative to appear in front of Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche might have forgotten that there was such a person people?
Xia Minmin would rather be the one remembered by Lu Yanche than the one forgotten...

She is ruthless, she has no conscience, so what?

In this world, who is not doing whatever it takes to get what they want?

However, Xia Minmin's actions were a little extreme, and there was nothing wrong with them.

"You are not Ah Che, you are not qualified to criticize Ah Che from Ah Che's point of view..." Xia Youyou's face turned cold, and she shouted at Xia Minmin. At this time, Xia Youyou was still helping Lu Yanche, Xia Minmin really I don't want to scold Xia Youyou for being stupid.

"You are thinking about Lu Yanche so much, do you want me to help you convey your feelings for Lu Yanche? There is no one else here, so there is really no need for you to do this in front of me." Xia Minmin was disheartened, she What she has done so hard has been hurt, so... what else does Xia Minmin work hard for?
She didn't believe it, she couldn't compare to Mu Niange.

"Xia Minmin, I told you a long time ago that the person who will be hurt is not Mu Niange, but you. You still don't believe what I said. Now, you have been hurt a little, so you can't take it anymore?"

"You can go and tell Lu Yanche what I said, do you think Lu Yanche will look at you? You said that Lu Yanche and Mu Niange are together, isn't it a matter of time? Why are you so stupid? Stupid Didn't even think of that?"

(End of this chapter)

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