Chapter 353

"What did you do that you don't know? Xia Minmin, don't pretend to be pitiful in front of me. It's useless. Ever since I saw you treat Sister Nian Ge like that, I don't even want to give you a look. Not to mention being close to you." Lu Meiqi hated Xia Minmin to the extreme.

Xia Minmin is always like this. When she does something wrong, she pretends to be innocent and wants to be sympathized with. In the end... she becomes the most hurt person, and the one who cries the saddest. People who don't know often think that , Mu Niange is a bad guy, a bad guy who bullies Xia Minmin.

"Yeah, I did a lot of bad things, but I don't think I did anything wrong at all, like Xia Youyou, she also hurt Mu Niange before, but you guys, pretend nothing happened, and continue to get close to Xia Youyou So, I’m envious, I’m jealous, I want that too, but you just don’t give me that chance, there’s no way, I can only fight for it myself.”

"Like this time..."

"Mu Niange and Lu Yanche are together, you are all happy for them, no one will think, I will be sad, I will be sad, I will be in pain, but if you think about me a little, I will not do that After taking the first step, it is difficult and impossible to turn back.”

"You don't need to tell me that Mu Niange is with Lu Yanche, but if I find them, guess what I will do to them?" Xia Minmin looked at Lu Meiqi with a smile, a cold look flashed in her eyes.

Xia Minmin was threatening Lu Meiqi, blatantly threatening...

She clearly knew that Lu Meiqi was afraid of herself, that's why she held on to Lu Meiqi.

Xia Minmin's attitude changed too quickly, Lu Meiqi was startled by Xia Minmin, she took a small step back, clenched her fists with both hands, and warned herself in her heart that Xia Minmin could not do anything to Lu Yanche and Mu Niange , she can't cover the sky with one hand.

Xia Minmin looked at Lu Meiqi's vacillation, and smiled inwardly and scolded Lu Meiqi for being stupid. Lu Yanche has such a sister, just like Xia Minmin has a sister like Xia Youyou. It is really embarrassing...

"Meiqi, you probably don't know? Mu Niange will be separated from Lu Yanche in the flower market. That's what I did. You said, I can successfully complete such a thing with so many people... If When Lu Yanche and Mu Niange are alone, can I do more excessive things? Or, when Mu Niange is alone, will she suffer any harm?"

"I'm asking you now, where are Lu Yanche and Mu Niange? You'd better answer me honestly. You want to confirm with them whether the news that they are together is true..."

Even though she heard it from Mu Niange, Lu Meiqi and others, Xia Minmin still didn't want to believe it. She had to listen to Lu Yanche herself before she would give up. This was Xia Minmin's attachment to Lu Yanche, and also her own attachment to herself.

What Xia Minmin said by herself must be true...

Lu Meiqi was worried about Mu Niange that day, and didn't think too much about it, but Lu Yanche and the others clearly knew that Xia Minmin did this, and Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou never appeared again. In this world, it is impossible to have such a coincidence.

Since Lu Yanche and the others knew about it, why didn't they do something to Xia Minmin?

Are they waiting for some opportunity?

Lu Meiqi was silent. She thought about it in her heart. After thinking for a long time, she couldn't come up with an accurate answer. The emotional world of Lu Yanche, Mu Niange, and Xia Minmin was too complicated. I don't even want to join it.

What she wants to see is that Mu Niange and Lu Yanche are together happily.

She wouldn't be so stupidly used by Xia Minmin...

"My brother, how could they not know that you did it? They acted as if they didn't know, but they didn't bother to see you, and they didn't want to face you. Fortunately, Sister Niange didn't have anything to do, otherwise, you would think that you Can you still stand in front of me and talk to me like you are here now?"

"Xia Minmin, people must be self-aware, you don't want to lose face, I can't help you, you want to know the whereabouts of my brother and sister-in-law, you go find it yourself, I'm not so stupid, I will accompany you to continue going crazy..."

Lu Meiqi said the last words with a cold face, she slammed Xia Minmin away, and walked in towards the door.

Xia Minmin was knocked aside by Lu Meiqi, she didn't expect that Lu Meiqi had the courage to treat herself like this, Xia Minmin looked at Lu Meiqi's back, and a cold smile rose from the corner of her lips, Lu Meiqi, do you think you won't tell I, I don't know where Lu Yanche and Mu Niange went?
After finding them, Xia Minmin will torture them again...

Facts have proved that Xia Minmin was whimsical. Lu Yanche took Mu Niange out and didn't come back until evening. During the holidays, there were very few people on the street. Lu Yanche took Mu Niange's little hand and walked in the park. The scene of singer Mu Nian holding hands appeared in Lu Yanche's dreams many times, and finally... Lu Yanche got his wish to be with Mu Niange.

Mu Niange walked by Lu Yanche's side, Lu Yanche remained silent, Mu Niange couldn't help looking sideways at Lu Yanche, seeing the smile on Lu Yanche's lips, Mu Niange stretched out his other hand to pat He patted Lu Yanche and said, "What's going on in your head? You're laughing so...****?"

Mu Niange thought for a long time before he thought of a suitable word to describe Lu Yanche.

As soon as the words fell, Mu Niange laughed to himself...

Lu Yanche is really not suitable for such an adjective, but Mu Niange just wanted to say this about Lu Yanche.

"Am I, you know best, don't you?" Lu Yanche smiled instead of anger. He looked around, but no one was there. He leaned into Mu Niange's ear, kissed Mu Niange's cheek, and said softly road.

Such ambiguous words and ambiguous aura spread around Mu Niange, making Mu Niange's face turn red...

She fell in love with Lu Yanche again, and couldn't get used to Lu Yanche's intimacy for a while. She remembered that six years ago, when she was with Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche always liked to kiss Mu Niange's forehead and cheeks. At that time, Mu Niange would be ashamed She buried her head in front of Lu Yanche's chest, not even daring to look at Lu Yanche.

Lu Yanche would play with Mu Niange's hair, laughing at Mu Niange and saying, "You are really stupid, we are lovers, isn't it normal to do this kind of thing?"

Of course Mu Niange knew that this was a normal thing...

But whether to adapt or not is another matter.

(End of this chapter)

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