Chapter 354

Mu Niange glared at Lu Yanche, and murmured something in Lu Yanche's arms. As for what he muttered, Mu Niange couldn't remember, all he knew was that Lu Yanche made himself very embarrassed, really embarrassed.

Mu Niange lowered her eyes and didn't look at Lu Yanche. She slowed down her pace. Lu Yanche simply stopped, pulled Mu Niange into his arms and said, "Niange, are you shy?"

"I didn't expect that after six years, you are still so shy. Do you know when I liked you the most?"

Lu Yanche leaned against Mu Niange's ear and spoke softly. The heat from his words blew away on Mu Niange's ears, and the numbness hit Mu Niange's body. Trembling, she clutched the clothes on Lu Yanche's chest tightly with both hands. She ignored Lu Yanche, but became emotional because of Lu Yanche's words.

Lu Yanche never told Mu Niange what he liked about Mu Niange...

Mu Niange has been asking himself before, what are his strengths?
When he couldn't figure it out, Mu Niange would laugh at himself and say, what advantages does he have?That was just the comfort I gave myself. She was nothing, and she couldn't be anything. Lu Yanche took a fancy to her, maybe because she thought she was pitiful.

just now……

Lu Yanche told Mu Niange that he liked Mu Niange's appearance the most. It was when Mu Niange was shy. In this way, Mu Niange quickly remembered that when he first saw Lu Yanche, he looked ashamed. Her shame was not Because Lu Yanche looked at him, but felt that he was ashamed, peeping at Lu Yanche was discovered by Lu Yanche, if he was a beautiful woman, maybe he would smile at Lu Yanche...

With such an ugly self, I really couldn't muster up any courage, and smiled at Lu Yanche.

Mu Niange was silent again, Lu Yanche had an answer in his heart, and Mu Niange had an answer in his heart even more, the smile on Lu Yanche's lips became stronger: "You really, let me not know how to treat you..."

Lu Yanche sighed, his tone full of helplessness.

Lu Yanche told Mu Niange what he liked about Mu Niange, so should Mu Niange respond to Lu Yanche and tell Lu Yanche what he likes about Lu Yanche?
Mu Niange looked up at Lu Yanche, stood on tiptoe, and whispered in Lu Yanche's ear not to be outdone, "Then tell me, what is it that I like you the most?"


Lu Yanche really doesn't know, maybe it's because Lu Yanche is more handsome, there are many girls, when they see Lu Yanche for the first time, they are all attracted by Lu Yanche's appearance, Lu Yanche thought, Mu Niange is not so perfunctory People don't use such reasons to prevaricate themselves.

"You don't like me handsome, do you?"

Lu Yanche frowned, pretending to be contemplative as he said...

Mu Niange gave Lu Yanche an angry look. It's true that Lu Yanche is good-looking, but isn't Lu Yanche too narcissistic?
Do you like handsome Lu Yanche?

"Why are you so superficial? But, what I like most is your superficiality..." Mu Niange finished complaining about Lu Yanche, and then said with a smile. After Lu Yanche realized, he realized that he was being played by Mu Niange with.

Lu Yanche scratched Mu Niange's itch...

Mu Niange was caught by Lu Yanche and jumped up. She pushed Lu Yanche away, glared at Lu Yanche and said, "Lu Yanche, rebellion?"

What Mu Niange is most afraid of is itching, Lu Yanche has always known that whenever Lu Yanche wants Mu Niange to interact with him, he will use this method to let Mu Niange chase him...

Hearing Mu Niange's words, Lu Yanche felt inexplicably at ease. Was Lu Yanche in the mood to seek abuse? could he be smiling so happily?
While running, Lu Yanche turned his head and made faces with Mu Niange. Mu Niange ran after Lu Yanche. She knew what Lu Yanche wanted to do. She could cooperate with Lu Yanche and recall the past, but it was just the past , I can never go back again, whenever I think of it, apart from nostalgia, only nostalgia remains.

After running after Lu Yanche for a while, Mu Niange was exhausted and out of breath.

She lay on the lawn, motionless, and Lu Yanche lay down beside Mu Niange. He looked at Mu Niange's face from the side, and suddenly said: "Sometimes, I think, I am It's not really hateful, that's why... when I got you, I didn't know how to cherish you. When I wanted to cherish you, you didn't even look at me. Fortunately, I didn't give up, and finally I was in the crowd In, waiting for you..."

Lu Yanche's emotional words fell into Mu Niange's ears, making the smile on Mu Niange's lips restrained again and again...

Lu Yanche fantasized about it, so why didn't Mu Niange fantasize about it?

What Mu Niange thinks about, the problems that he thinks about are worse than what Lu Yanche thinks. Mu Niange thinks, is it really that bad that he is living a life that no one else has?The unfortunate person she is from time to time?Although she didn't know clearly, she knew that she was very unhappy, really unhappy...

Parents were buried in that fire, why not take her away?

Leave her alone, wandering in this world...

In this world, is there anything worth remembering?Mu Niange thought and thought, no... really not, nothing at all, only pain, pain and sadness, which made Mu Niange feel very embarrassed.

"You people are always so cherished without understanding."

Mu Niange looked at the endless sky, and said calmly: "When you have something, you think that the things you have will always be yours. One day, when the things you have are gone, you want to cherish them, but in this world , how can there be such a good thing? Do you want it if you want it, and throw it away when you don’t want it? "

"It's not a good thing to be whimsical, and it's not a good thing to take yourself too seriously..."

"You're right, I just took myself too seriously, that's why I lost you, I know how to cherish it now, I hope you will give me a chance to take good care of it..." Lu Yanche nodded in agreement with Mu Niange, the only difference is that you can't stand with Mu Niange.

Only when he conforms like this can he show that he is pleasing to Mu Niange.

Mu Niange gave Lu Yanche a sideways glance and said, "You say yes to everything, why didn't you see you say yes before?"

"Before, there was no chance for you to hear it? If you said it in my ear a hundred times a day, I would obey your will and respond to you a hundred times until you were satisfied."

(End of this chapter)

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