Chapter 356

Following Mu Niange's movements, Lu Yanche took a few steps back. After Mu Niange walked into the door, Lu Yanche turned around and left with all his strength. Lu Yanche had just taken a few steps when he stopped. He looked at the person standing in front of him. The figure and pupils turned cold.

Xia Minmin was extremely paranoid.

After separating from Lu Meiqi, she searched all the possible places where Lu Yanche and Mu Niange could go. She searched for the whole afternoon and didn't even eat at night. She just stood here and waited. Finally, when Lu Yanche came back, The scene of Lu Yanche holding hands with Singer Mu Nian hurt Xia Minmin's eyes.

Her heart was bleeding, she warned herself, she must bear it, endure the urge to go up and separate them...

Xia Minmin looked at Mu Niange and Lu Yanche reluctantly parting. Under the moonlight, Lu Yanche looked gentle, and Mu Niange was a little shy. What a harmonious picture is this?If strangers saw it, they would mistakenly think that Mu Niange and Lu Yanche were very in love with each other, but they didn't...they didn't love each other at all, everything was controlled by Mu Niange.

Mu Niange took advantage of Lu Yanche's feelings, and even more so, his own feelings...

Mu Niange is really powerful, she easily made Xia Minmin feel uncomfortable, so uncomfortable, so painful, so uncomfortable. When she saw Lu Yanche, Xia Minmin stepped out of her feet. She was afraid that if she stepped forward, she would be killed by Lu Yanche. Pushed away, she just blocked Lu Yanche's way, looking at Lu Yanche fixedly.

Xia Minmin saw Lu Yanche looking at her cold eyes, how could she have the tenderness when looking at Mu Niange again?

Xia Minmin laughed at herself in her heart, she was delusional to compare herself with Mu Niange, she was humiliating herself.

When Lu Yanche saw Xia Minmin, the night when he and Mu Niange separated appeared in his mind. Mu Niange looked very tired, his hair was disheveled, he walked for a long time and suffered a lot. The crimes suffered by Nian Ge were all given by Xia Minmin, and Lu Yanche wished he could tear Xia Minmin into pieces.

But in a blink of an eye, if it weren't for Xia Minmin, would it be possible for Lu Yanche and Mu Niange to be together so soon?

The answer is not necessarily...

Lu Yanche kept this matter in his heart and didn't mention it in front of Mu Niange. It seemed that there was a tacit understanding between Lu Yanche and Mu Niange. Reciting the song doesn't mean that Xia Minmin won't show up on his own initiative.

What does she want, isn't it obvious?
Lu Yanche picked up his footsteps and walked forward slowly. Xia Minmin watched Lu Yanche walk in, and her heart arose. She thought that Lu Yanche would stop in front of him. Who would have thought that Lu Yanche didn't even look at her , walked straight forward.

Xia Minmin felt a chill in her heart, she turned around abruptly, and shouted at Lu Yanche's back: "Lu Yanche, stop!"

Of course, it was impossible for Lu Yanche to listen to Xia Minmin. Once Xia Minmin got angry, she chased after Lu Yanche and grabbed Lu Yanche's hand. She forced Lu Yanche to look at her and said, "You don't want to see me? Do I treat it as transparent? Lu Yanche, in your heart, I'm not even as good as air..."

Xia Minmin laughed at herself while talking.

Xia Minmin really takes herself too seriously...

The air is so precious, what is Xia Minmin?Want to compare yourself to air?It was a joke. Lu Yanche shook Xia Minmin's hand away in disgust. His force was so heavy that Xia Minmin backed up and hit the tree. She frowned in pain and looked into Lu Yanche's eyes. Flooded with tears.

"I didn't settle accounts with you, but you took the initiative to appear in front of me, Xia Minmin, you are really a bitch!"

Lu Yanche treated Xia Minmin with bad words, and didn't take Xia Minmin seriously at all...

Mu Niange can insult Xia Minmin, or beat Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin can fight back, can refute, but what Lu Yanche said, and what Lu Yanche did personally, made Xia Minmin so powerless.

The only thing she can refute is that you made me so mean...

When Xia Minmin said these words, it would only make Lu Yanche even more disgusted. Xia Minmin couldn't say it, but could only hold back. She bit her lower lip tightly and clenched her hands into fists. She stared at Lu Yanche Look, I want to see through Lu Yanche: "You can say I'm mean, but when you say I'm mean, why don't you think about it, what am I doing this for?"

"Lu Yanche, you don't understand my inner world. You know what I did. What you want to do to me is your business. It doesn't matter. I will bear it. Just come...'
Xia Minmin said such things with the mentality that he must die. Anyway, it's not that Lu Yanche didn't do anything excessive to Xia Minmin, so what does it matter if he does it again?
She hoped that Lu Yanche would do it ruthlessly, and it would be best to mutilate Xia Minmin and let Xia Minmin go to the hospital. Lu Yanche felt guilty in his heart and remembered Xia Minmin for the rest of his life. Xia Minmin had done heinous things, but why didn't Lu Yanche think about it? Regarding Che's matter, which one did Xia Minmin not do her best?

She wants Lu Yanche to be good, stronger than Mu Niange...

"You have no right to ask me to do anything to you!" Lu Yanche was upset. The good mood with Mu Niange was all ruined by Xia Minmin. Whenever Xia Minmin appeared, she would always bring some Lu Yanche to Lu Yanche. Surprises you don't want to see.

"I'm not qualified? Then why did you treat me like that before?" Xia Minmin smiled and shrugged disapprovingly.

"Is it because I helped you to be with Mu Niange this time, so you don't want to do too much to me? Are you doing good for Mu Niange? I think, Mu Niange just wants you to do something to me Right?" Xia Minmin's eyes turned cold, and when Mu Niange was mentioned, her words became gritted.

She didn't dare to ask Lu Yanche directly, fearing that Lu Yanche would not respond to her, or would use ugly words to ridicule herself...

She could only ask indirectly, and Lu Yanche was about to answer. Then, Xia Minmin can believe that Lu Yanche and Mu Niange are really together, and she caused it indirectly. She did so many bad things. In the end, revenge Is it yourself?
Xia Minmin really wanted to laugh, but couldn't...

"What are you? Can you compare with Niange? Xia Minmin, not everything is developed under your control. I don't bother to have any conversations with you. I have other methods for the things you do. It can teach you a lesson, if you don’t believe it, it’s okay to try.”

(End of this chapter)

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