Chapter 357

Why hasn't Xia Minmin tried it?
She just wanted to confirm from Lu Yanche whether it was true that Mu Niange and Lu Yanche were together, why wouldn't Lu Yanche tell Xia Minmin himself?Xia Minmin has eyes to see, but she hopes that she is blind and can't see anything. Even if she sees, it is wrong, not true...

Xia Minmin lowered her eyes, a tear dripped from the corner of her eye, she was not talking, nor was she running out to block Lu Yanche's way...

Xia Minmin persisted so much for what she didn't even understand. After persisting for so many years, it doesn't mean that if she lets go, she can let go. Like Xia Youyou, Xia Minmin wants to say that she didn't lose her mind at all, otherwise, how could she do it? to this point?

Xia Minmin began to admire Xia Youyou, saying one thing while doing another, it was really disgusting.

During Lu Yanche's annual vacation, she came to Mu's house every day to look for Lu Yanche. At first, Mrs. Mu didn't like to see Lu Yanche very much. Without saying anything, Lu Yanche knew in his heart that Mu Niange wanted Lu Yanche to get Mrs. Mu's approval.

Lu Yanche is working hard, and Mu Niange sees his hard work, so everything is worth it...

When Lu Yanche finished his annual leave and was going to work, he was very reluctant to let go of Mu Niange. Lu Yanche wanted Mu Niange to go to work with Lu Yanche, but Mu Niange flatly refused. She followed Lu Yanche to the company What's the matter with going to work?

Mu Yuanling was listening, and couldn't help complaining, "Ache, what's in your head?"

"How long has Niange been with you? Do you want to bind the freedom of Niange? There must be a certain degree of whimsy, lest...hehe." Ji Jingchen didn't say anything next, but laughed twice , to express their own meaning.

Mu Niange agreed with Mu Yuanling's words, nodded and said, "I don't suggest that we meet for a long time..."

After being separated for six years, Lu Yanche and Mu Niange could bear it, why now, after eight hours, Lu Yanche couldn't bear it?
Lu Yanche didn't want to tie up Mu Niange, he wanted to strengthen their relationship with Mu Niange. He and Mu Niange got back together. There are many things that neither side has made sure. If an Eva accidentally appears Lu Yanche was caught off guard, so what should Lu Yanche do?
What Lu Yanche wants to see is the relationship with Mu Niange, which is getting better day by day, and in the end, no one can do without the other.

Lu Yanche sighed, patted Mu Niange's head, and said dotingly, "You know that's not what I mean..."

Of course Mu Niange knew, but, Mu Niange didn't want to know, she had the same idea as Lu Yanche, but the idea was limited to ideas, when it was time to make it, Mu Niange hesitated, and got back together with Lu Yanche However, what Mu Niange cannot deny is that there is an element of moving in it.

When this emotion gradually faded away, what did Mu Niange have left for Lu Yanche?
Mu Niange thought, she really needs to think clearly, seeing the way Lu Yanche looked at her, Mu Niange felt a little guilty, she avoided Lu Yanche's eyes, hummed lightly, as a response to Lu Yanche.

Of course, Lu Yanche couldn't force what Mu Niange didn't want to do, so he could only let Mu Niange do it.

Mu Niange hasn't contacted Mo Yunhao for a while, it's not that Mu Niange doesn't want to contact Mo Yunhao, but Mu Niange can't contact Mo Yunhao, and Mo Yunhao didn't take the initiative to contact Mu Nian Song, when Mu Niange was about to start school, Mo Yunhao took the initiative to call Mu Niange.

When receiving the call from Mo Yunhao, Mu Niange was slightly surprised...

She answered the phone in front of Lu Yanche, and Lu Yanche knew Mo Yunhao's position in Mu Niange's heart without asking.

When Mo Yunhao was sad, he accompanied Mu Niange. Although Lu Yanche was not sure what kind of emotion Mo Yunhao had towards Mu Niange, but only because Mo Yunhao could support Mu Niange To do this, Lu Yanche had to treat Mo Yunhao politely.

remember last time...

When Mu Niange was sick and hospitalized, Mo Yunhao understood Mu Niange's preferences, and prepared food for Mu Niange. Yang Zhishuang assisted Lu Yanche, and after Mu Niange hung up the phone, Lu Yanche stared at him closely. Mu Niange looked, his eyes were full of anticipation.

Mu Niange didn't try to hide anything from Lu Yanche...

In other words, from the very beginning, Mu Niange did not hide the existence of Mo Yunhao from Lu Yanche. On the contrary, Lu Yanche has met Mo Yunhao many times. Lu Yanche should know the relationship between Mu Niange and Mo Yunhao .

"I want to go out..." Mu Niange couldn't stand Lu Yanche's burning expectant eyes, and said helplessly.

This was not the answer Lu Yanche wanted at all, he continued to stare at Mu Niange, hoping that Mu Niange could give a more precise answer.

"I haven't been in touch with the senior for a while. It's normal for us to meet and have a meal after the year. Don't look at me like this again. What you're looking forward to is not going to happen. occurring."

This was the guarantee Mu Niange gave Lu Yanche.

Lu Yanche listened to it and was happy in his heart.

He hugged Mu Niange, buried his head on Mu Niange's neck, greedy for the smell of Mu Niange, and said: "Niange, I want to know everything about you, including, what happened to you things, people you know, what kind of experiences you have with them."

Lu Yanche did it out of concern for Mu Niange, and also wanted to make up for the missing memories between him and Mu Niange...

However, as soon as Lu Yanche said this, he clearly felt that Mu Niange's body trembled slightly. It seemed that, a little abnormally, Lu Yanche hugged Mu Niange even tighter: "Niange, I have no other intentions. Just want to care about you."

"Lu Yanche, did I tell you that you will know when you should know..." Mu Niange closed his eyes and let his emotions slowly calm down. Lu Yanche wanted to test Mu Nianche all the time. Chant.

Lu Yanche's temptation made Mu Niange feel tired. Although Mu Niange knew that Lu Yanche's words were unintentional, but in Mu Niange's ears, Mu Niange still felt a little caring.

"Yes, you did say that I was the one to be abrupt." Lu Yanche nodded, sincerely admitting his mistake.

Mu Niange hugged Lu Yanche back, wanting to give Lu Yanche warmth, but Lu Yanche couldn't get the slightest sense of security from Mu Niange's body.

(End of this chapter)

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