Chapter 358

Mu Niange also felt this point herself. She wanted to comfort Lu Yanche. It's not that Mu Niange didn't want to give Lu Yanche a sense of security, is really not the right time.

Mu Niange came out of Lu Yanche's arms, pinched Lu Yanche's cheek, and said with a bright smile, "Be here obediently, and wait for me to come back."

The place that Mo Yunhao and Mu Niange had agreed upon was a coffee shop, that was the place Mu Niange and Mo Yunhao would go to every time they went out, Mu Niange refused Lu Yanche's offer, and took the bus to find Mo Yunhao Yes, when Mu Niange arrived at the coffee shop, Mo Yunhao was already sitting there waiting.

Looking at Mo Yunhao's back, Mu Niange always felt that Mo Yunhao was a little different from before.

Mu Niange was surprised, and walked over slowly. Before Mo Yunhao could react, she sat opposite Mo Yunhao. The sudden person made Mo Yunhao, who was staring at the coffee, look up. One look, when he saw Mu Niange, he smiled at Mu Niange...

Mu Niange was taken aback, forgot to respond to Mo Yunhao.

Is the person sitting in front of him really Mo Yunhao?
What's the matter with that haggard look?

Mu Niange hurriedly took off the bag on her shoulder and sat on the chair. She looked at Mo Yunhao with frowning eyes and said, "Senior, what happened?"

Mu Niange's words were full of concern for Mo Yunhao.

Mo Yunhao shook his head, the smile on his lips turned into a bitter smile, the last thing Mo Yunhao wanted to let Mu Niange see himself in such a mess, but Mo Yunhao was really desperate, There was no other way, so I contacted Mu Niange...

Whether Mu Niange's concern won't get Mo Yunhao's response, Mu Niange is so nervous that he wants to grab Mo Yunhao.

Mo Yunhao changed the subject and said, "Sing a song, happy new year."

Mu Niange's expression was startled again, she looked at Mo Yunhao's eyes, and it became complicated: "Senior, happy new year, but now is not the time to say these words, tell me, what happened?"

Mu Niange absolutely did not believe that Mo Yunhao would make himself so embarrassed, unless Mo Yunhao really had no choice but to do nothing...

Mu Niange remembered the past, when she was being bullied, Yang Zhishuang was not there, it was Mo Yunhao who stood up, protected and helped her, at this time, Mu Niange should lend a helping hand to Mo Yunhao, the premise Yes, Mo Yunhao told Mu Niange exactly what happened and what made Mo Yunhao fall into this state.

"Niange, did I say before that you are very kind..." Mu Niange asked Mo Yunhao again and again, she didn't say a word of nonsense, sat down for a few minutes, her brows were frowned Not stretched.

Could it be that Mo Yunhao didn't say what was going on for a minute, but Mu Niange kept acting like this?

Mo Yunhao convinced Mu Niange, and was full of helplessness towards Mu Niange, he smiled coyly, and in one sentence, brought back Mu Niange's memory, Mo Yunhao said so, and said so more than once, at that time, Mu Niange didn't know what Mo Yunhao's words meant.


Mu Niange gradually understood.

Mo Yunhao said that Mu Niange is kind, because Mo Yunhao once did something sorry for Mu Niange, and helped Mu Niange by his side, just wanting to make himself feel better, but Mu Niange But she doesn't think so, no matter what Mo Yunhao did to Mu Niange, Mu Niange has forgotten it, the only thing she remembers is that Mo Yunhao was kind to her.

It is impossible for a person to do this if he doesn't really care about a person and value a person.

"Senior, you're right, should know what kind of person I am. Since I saw something happen to you, I won't stand by. No matter what happens today, you have to tell me what happened to you It's over."

Mu Niange carefully recalled this period of time, Mo Yunhao did not contact him, Mu Niange should have realized that it was strange, since Mo Yunhao met Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang, he would call Mu Niange every three days. I was in touch after sending a text message, but the text message was interrupted suddenly, Mu Niange didn't care, it was because she was pestered by Xia Minmin, plus Lu Yanche's matter, Mu Niange couldn't get away...

The matter between Lu Yanche and Mu Niange is settled.

Xia Minmin has Lu Yanche to deal with, so she doesn't need Mu Niange to be distracted at all. Right now... the matter of Mo Yunhao is what Mu Niange needs to deal with the most.

"Something happened to me." Mo Yunhao lowered his eyes and did not look at Mu Niange. Mu Niange clearly saw a self-deprecating smile on the corner of Mo Yunhao's lips.

Mu Niange has never seen Mo Yunhao like this before, it's a lie that he doesn't feel sad in his heart, the Mo Yunhao in his memory always appears in front of him in such a personable manner, chats with him with a smile, and when he goes out to play, He has been taking care of himself, and when there is any trouble, he will stand up immediately and stop the trouble. How Mo Yunhao solved such trouble, Mu Niange doesn't know, what Mu Niange knows is that this kindness , Not everyone can take it away, and not just one or two things can be changed.

"Senior, I remember you said something to me before..."

Mu Niange suddenly smiled, and the smile was extraordinarily bright, she focused on Mo Yunhao, her eyes were full of determination: "When you are sad, don't hold it in alone, speak it out, let other people take care of you Sharing, being sad with you, this is better than what you bear alone."

"Now, I want to give this sentence to you. When facing me, you don't need to hesitate. You can say whatever you want to say. Similarly, when I face you, I will not hesitate. If there is anything I want to say, I will say it. I can’t be sure, what I can’t guarantee is that I will be able to do what you say, but I will do my best to help you, and you will also be my It was your friend who asked me out and wanted to tell me, do you want to give up halfway?"

"You should remember that the person I dislike the most is a person who gives up halfway..."

Mu Niange was threatening Mo Yunhao, but also warning Mo Yunhao.

If it's a serious matter, if you continue to drag it on like this, there won't be any good results. What Mo Yunhao needs to do most is to resolve it quickly.

"You have remembered all the great truths I said, but how can I forget what I did to you? Recite the song, although you said it's okay before I said it, but I have If I can't do it myself, I..." Mo Yunhao's mobile phone on the table was clenched into a fist.

Mu Niange needs courage, Mo Yunhao also needs courage.

(End of this chapter)

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