Chapter 362

Lu Yanche can understand Mu Niange. This makes me warm and gratified, but at the same time I feel a little bit of joy. The most important thing between lovers is trust. Lu Yanche has given Mu Niange enough trust. What reason does Mu Niange have? , Rejecting Lu Yanche's request?

Mu Niange nodded heavily and said: "I promise you, if I can't handle things by myself, I will think of you immediately..."

After the Spring Festival, everything gradually returned to the original state. Mu Niange's school started. Lu Yanche sent Mu Niange to the gate of the college. Lu Yanche carefully got out of the car and helped Mu Niange open the door. Mu Niange got off the passenger seat. Lu Yanche gently picked Mu Niange's hair, and said softly, "Friday afternoon, shall I pick you up?"

Lu Yanche's inquiries to Mu Niange have always been very gentle, and he waited patiently for Mu Niange's response. If there is nothing else, Mu Niange would like to agree to Lu Yanche, but Mu Niange has important things to do. Dealing with it, she couldn't open her mouth to refuse Lu Yanche, she looked at Lu Yanche, bit her lower lip, and said nothing.

Lu Yanche saw Mu Niange's embarrassment, he chuckled lightly, and said with a bit of helplessness: "It's normal for a boyfriend to pick up a girlfriend, don't feel any pressure..."

What Mu Niange has is not pressure. The more Lu Yanche is like this, the more Mu Niange feels that he is incompetent. It seems that after being with Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche has become more clingy than six years ago, more understanding, considerate, and careful. Mu Niange is gone, this feeling makes Mu Niange enjoy it like never before.

As he grew older, Lu Yanche understood some truths, so why did Mu Niange not understand these truths?
"Ache, actually, there's no need for you to be so nice to me..." Mu Niange shook her head, she didn't think that Lu Yanche shouldn't send Mu Niange to school, she just felt that there was really no need for Lu Yanche, deliberately to do something.

"I'm not nice to you? Whom is it nice to?" Lu Yanche's face was unharmed, but there were slight fluctuations in his heart.

Lu Yanche's kindness to Mu Niange did not make Mu Niange take it for granted. This is Lu Yanche's failure, and it is also a reminder to Lu Yanche...

Mu Niange was silent. Mu Niange couldn't answer this question. Thinking of what Mu Niange didn't say in the past, she hoped that Lu Yanche would only treat him well, but what she saw was that Lu Yanche treated Xia Minmin, Xia Youyou is just as good, to what extent?
The good Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou have things that Mu Niange doesn't have. Although Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou are making trouble, but Lu Yanche is Mu Niange's boyfriend, shouldn't he be the one who understands Mu Niange's thoughts best? people?
Thinking of this, Mu Niange laughed unpreparedly, with a hint of sarcasm, and Lu Yanche didn't catch it, Mu Niange felt very lucky.

"Go back, I'm going in."

Mu Niange tugged at the strap of his backpack, and urged Lu Yanche. When Lu Yanche heard this, his eyes deepened, and he nodded without refusing. He gently pushed Mu Niange and said, "Look at You go in, I'll go."

Then, Mu Niange disappeared before Lu Yanche's eyes, and Lu Yanche got into the car and drove away.

The first thing Mu Niange did when he returned to the dormitory was to see if Yang Zhishuang's things were there, and if Yang Zhishuang had returned. Mu Niange called Mo Yunhao the 30 manuscripts, and Mo Yunhao told Mu Niange Thank you, Mu Niange thought, Mo Yunhao didn't need to be polite to him at all, if he wanted to say thank you, Mu Niange really owed Mo Yunhao a lot...

Mu Niange wanted to tell Yang Zhishuang about this as soon as possible, but she was afraid that she would not be able to clarify it over the phone...

Who would have thought that Yang Zhishuang, a bastard, hadn't come back yet, Mu Niange sat on the bed and sighed, she called Yang Zhishuang, urging Yang Zhishuang to come back quickly.

Yang Zhishuang was actually behind Mu Niange, she watched Mu Niange say goodbye to Lu Yanche reluctantly, she clicked her tongue twice in admiration, she didn't step forward to disturb, she wanted to give Mu Niange and Lu Yanche a chance to strengthen their relationship , who would have thought that Lu Yanche, a useless thing, would not know how to give a parting kiss?
Yang Zhishuang was so disappointed in Lu Yanche that she didn't bother to complain about Lu Yanche anymore.

As soon as Yang Zhishuang entered the dormitory, she wanted to tease Mu Niange, seeing Mu Niange's serious expression, Yang Zhishuang put down the things she was on hand, walked up to Mu Niange and asked, "Niange, what's the matter?" gone?"

"Shuangshuang, it's not that something happened to me, but something happened to the senior..."

What could happen to Mo Yunhao?

This was the first thought in Yang Zhishuang's mind. After Mu Niange told Yang Zhishuang the ins and outs of the incident, Yang Zhishuang realized that this was a very serious matter. What Yang Zhishuang didn't see was that Mu Niange had Of the 30 manuscripts deposited, all of the more generous ones were lent to Mo Yunhao. Normal people generally don't think about it like this?

Yang Zhishuang looked at Mu Niange's eyes, and was weird for a while. After realizing it, Yang Zhishuang sighed and said, "Niange, I don't have as much money as you. If it's [-] to [-], I can take it out. You know, mine Family conditions……"

Yang Zhishuang's family conditions are not as good as Mu Niange's. The 2 yuan was used by Yang Zhishuang to use his spare time to work and save money. Mo Yunhao is not an outsider, so if Yang Zhishuang can help, he will help.

Mu Niange is clear about Yang Zhishuang's situation. On the one hand, she wants to be honest with Yang Zhishuang and doesn't want to hide anything. On the other hand, she hopes that Yang Zhishuang can help in case of emergency. Recite the song with confidence.

"I know that if it is not a last resort, the senior will not come to me. You can see the kindness of the senior to me. I can't just ignore it..."

Mu Niange is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. Yang Zhishuang has learned this a long time ago. She sat beside Mu Niange, patted Mu Niange's back, and comforted her: "I know what you said. , so I don’t need to wait for you to speak, and blew up my house?”

Mu Niange looked sideways at Yang Zhishuang and smiled slightly.

"But...if it gets serious, we really have nothing to do. Have you told Lu Yanche about this?" Yang Zhishuang frowned, and she had to leave a way out for herself when necessary. , you can go.

Mu Niange fell silent after hearing the words...

This is not easy to say, and Mu Niange doesn't even think that Lu Yanche would want to know this: "You said, I care so much about the senior, how would Lu Yanche feel if he knew it?"

Mu Niange didn't know, so he asked Yang Zhishuang.

(End of this chapter)

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