Chapter 363

Lu Yanche's concern for Mu Niange is not ordinary. If Lu Yanche found out about Mu Niange's help to Mo Yunhao, Lu Yanche didn't feel anything. That's impossible, but he can hide and tell the truth. It's another matter. There is a big difference between the two.

Although Yang Zhishuang could understand Mu Niange's way of doing this, she couldn't understand that Mu Niange used the idea of ​​Lu Yanche's good to hide the matter of Lu Yanche...

"Niange, confess to Lu Yanche." Yang Zhishuang did not directly respond to Mu Niange's question, but directly said what she wanted Mu Niange to confess.

Mu Niange frowned, looking at Yang Zhishuang incomprehensibly...

Looking at Mu Niange's eyes full of doubts, Yang Zhishuang patted Mu Niange's head and said, "You must have done something strange in front of Lu Yanche about the matter of the senior, if Lu Yanche didn't notice it, that would be wrong." It's possible that he chose to trust you because he trusted you, but you really want to use Lu Yanche's trust in you to hide this matter until the end?"

"Niange, it's unfair for you to treat Lu Yanche like this. You are lovers now, not the relationship before, enemies..."

"You have to understand the difference between a lover and an enemy. If you can't do this, I don't think you and Lu Yanche can really get close." This was Yang Zhishuang's thoughts, and it was also what she wanted to persuade Mu Niange of.

Of course Yang Zhishuang hoped that Mu Niange was well, if Mu Niange wanted to die, Yang Zhishuang would be the first to stop her.

Yang Zhishuang was right. Many of Mu Niange's behaviors during this period made Lu Yanche suspicious. He appeared when Mu Niange needed him, and disappeared when Mu Niange didn't need it. He perfectly matched Mu Niange's behavior Come on.

Mu Niange thought these were accidental, but in fact, they were all carefully planned by Lu Yanche.

"I understand the reasons you said. If I were to confess to Lu Yanche right away, I couldn't do it..." Mu Niange looked sad, she lowered her eyes, and said in a soft voice.

"You know, it's very difficult for a person to gain a sense of security if he doesn't have a sense of security in a person. I know that Lu Yanche is accommodating me and wants me to trust him again. I really want to believe that I can't get over this hurdle in my heart, what can I do?"

Yang Zhishuang should be the one who knows Mu Niange the best, but because of Mu Niange's concealment from Lu Yanche, she blamed Mu Niange...

Yang Zhishuang remembered that Mu Niange and Lu Yanche were in love, and she forgot the experience of Mu Niange and Lu Yanche when they were together. It had a deep impact on Mu Niange. Yang Zhishuang realized her mistake and quickly shut up .

Shut up, Yang Zhishuang felt that something was wrong again, she didn't have any other intentions, she just wanted to tell Mu Niange that she wanted Mu Niange to live a good life, a good life, and no longer suffer the pain of life suffering.

"Recite the song, I have no other intentions. If you don't want to tell Lu Yanche everything, you can give Lu Yanche a vaccination, so that when necessary, Lu Yanche can come forward to help..."

For the vaccination, Mu Niange had a shot with Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche looked fine, and he accepted what Mu Niange concealed.

On Friday, Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang went to the hospital together to look at Mo Yunhao's mother. When they came to the hospital, Mu Niange felt that this place was somewhat familiar. She searched her memory and suddenly remembered that Lu Yanche was injured once. Those who lived here, at that time, Mu Niange was unwilling to come, and in the end, he was forced to come.

She came alone, and she remembered the route of the bus very clearly...

Whether it was when getting in or getting out of the car, she saw a familiar yet unfamiliar figure, he hurried over, Mu Niange didn't have time to see clearly, Mu Niange thought, that figure must be Mo Yunhao, It turns out... so long ago, Mu Niange and Mo Yunhao met each other, but neither of them noticed, and they met again later by accident.

When Mo Yunhao saw Yang Zhishuang, he was not very surprised.

Yang Zhishuang handed the flower basket in her hand to Mo Yunhao, and comforted her: "Senior, you are so mean, you should tell us about this kind of thing as soon as possible, we will definitely help if we can, Auntie will be fine. "

Yang Zhishuang's personality has always been cheerful, with her comforting Mo Yunhao, Mu Niange was very relieved, when Mu Niange saw Mo Yunhao's mother lying on the hospital bed, his expression was a little dazed...

Think about my mother, if she hadn't passed away, would she be in this grade now?
Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang didn't stay in the hospital for a long time, Mo Yunhao wanted to invite Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang to have dinner, but Yang Zhishuang ruthlessly refused: "I ate a lot at noon, I don't need to eat, senior, if you are hungry If so, go to eat, we can take care of your aunt here, and we will leave when you come back."

In terms of loyalty, who can compare to Yang Zhishuang?
How could Mo Yunhao fail to see Yang Zhishuang's intentions?
He really ran to eat, and Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang were left here to look after Mo Yunhao's mother. When Mo Yunhao came back, he had two more snacks in hand, and Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang each had one , he said goodbye to them after sending them to the station.

Yang Zhishuang went back to school, Mu Niange went back to the compound, they took different roads, got on the bus, and after getting off, the two parted ways.

When Mu Niange returned to the compound, he bumped into Xia Minmin by chance. Xia Minmin was dressed beautifully and seemed in a good mood. When he saw Mu Niange, he took the initiative to greet Mu Niange and said, "Mu Niange, I just came back now. Why, Lu Yanche didn't pick you up from school?"

Whether Lu Yanche picked up Mu Niange from school or not has nothing to do with Xia Minmin...

Mu Niange ignored Xia Minmin, and continued walking towards the compound. Xia Minmin was ignored by Mu Niange, and she didn't feel annoyed as she imagined. She looked at Mu Niange's back, and continued unhurriedly: "I'm in the middle of what I said. Don't you even want to talk to me about something you're not happy about?"

"Mu Niange, it's important that you are really stingy. Lu Yanche likes you the most, isn't it you? If I had known this earlier, I would have followed your example. Maybe Lu Yanche is mine now. What a pity..."

Xia Minmin said with a sigh, her tone full of regret.

What kind of medicine is selling in Xia Minmin's gourd?Mu Niange frowned, and continued walking without saying a word. She was with Lu Yanche, Xia Minmin's stimulation was only when they were together?
The current Xia Minmin is no longer the Xia Minmin of the past.

(End of this chapter)

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