Chapter 364

In the next few days, it wasn't Xia Minmin who deliberately paid attention to Mu Niange, but what should happen, Xia Minmin will find out sooner or later, Mu Niange and Lu Yanche are not lovers in love?Why do Mu Niange and Lu Yanche walk separately every time?

One front foot goes out, one back foot goes out...

According to Xia Minmin's understanding of Mu Niange and Lu Yanche, it is impossible for them to go out on a date, they must have their own affairs.

Lu Yanche is busy, Xia Minmin can understand, a big company is handled by Lu Yanche, Mu Niange is busy, Xia Minmin really can't understand, what happened in the clinic made Mu Niange go out early and come back late every day?It seems that Mu Niange hasn't gone to the academy since last Friday.

Did Mu Niange ask for leave?
What is the reason for the leave?
What Mu Niange did aroused Xia Minmin's curiosity. Xia Minmin damned wanted to know what Mu Niange was hiding from Lu Yanche...

Xia Minmin couldn't help going out with Mu Niange on Saturday. After these few days of observation, she saw the clues. Lu Yanche went out early one day, and Mu Niange went out early one day. The two exchanged time. As for where the two went, this is a question worthy of Xia Minmin's in-depth study.

Lu Yanche went out earlier than Mu Niange, Xia Minmin didn't have to worry that Lu Yanche would suddenly follow behind Mu Niange, she could do what she wanted to do with confidence and boldness.

Xia Minmin said it was stalking, so naturally she didn't dare to be blatant...

She watched Mu Niange get on the bus, drove the car, and followed the bus made by Mu Niange. The bus route, the more it drove, the more familiar Xia Minmin felt, as if she had seen it before. Xia Minmin raised her eyebrows Frowning, relying on memory, she suddenly remembered, isn't this the hospital where Lu Yanche lived before?

What did Mu Niange come to the hospital for?Could it be that she is sick?
Thinking of this possibility, Xia Minmin inadvertently raised a smile on the corner of her lips. What is Mu Niange's best terminal illness? It is really an excusable thing to hide Lu Yanche's terminal illness. Xia Minmin doesn't mind helping Mu Niange. After reciting the song, the secret of Mu Niange was revealed.

After Xia Minmin parked the car, she could no longer see Mu Niange. Xia Minmin searched carefully in the hospital. As long as Mu Niange was here, Xia Minmin would not believe it, and she would lose sight of Mu Niange.

However, to Xia Minmin's surprise, she didn't see Mu Niange, but saw Mo Yunhao instead. When she saw Mo Yunhao, Xia Minmin was inexplicably surprised, thinking, she hadn't seen Mo Yunhao for a while Hao, thought that Mo Yunhao had disappeared, but it turned out that he had entered the hospital.

and many more……

Mo Yunhao is in the hospital?

Could it be that Mu Niange came to the hospital looking for Mo Yunhao?

This thought made the smile on the corner of Xia Minmin's lips grow stronger. Heaven pays off, Xia Minmin finally did not run away in vain when she went out this time.

Mo Yunhao didn't see Xia Minmin, he came out to fetch water, when he finished fetching water and turned to go back to the ward, Xia Minmin's figure stood in front of Mo Yunhao, startled Mo Yunhao, Xia Minmin put his hands together Hugging her arms around her chest, she raised her eyebrows and said, "Mo Yunhao, what a coincidence, why did I bump into you here?"

After Mo Yunhao came to his senses, he put on a cold face, without even looking at Xia Minmin, he passed Xia Minmin and walked towards the ward.

Mo Yunhao thought to himself, how could Xia Minmin be here, could it be that he followed Mu Niange?
A lot of doubts made Mo Yunhao wish he could go back to the ward immediately and let Mu Niange leave quickly. Xia Minmin's lingering ghost always appears like this silently every time, doing unimaginable things.

"Mo Yunhao, why are you going? We haven't seen each other for so long, shouldn't we catch up on the old days?" Xia Minmin caught up with Mo Yunhao, walked beside Mo Yunhao, and kept talking.

She looked at Mo Yunhao's direction and said, "Who did you accompany to the hospital? Family, Mu Niange?"

Xia Minmin first tried to test Mo Yunhao, after a few words, Xia Minmin felt that it was not her style at all, so she simply said the name of Mu Niange, anyway, Mo Yunhao probably knew what Xia Minmin was thinking, and, Xia Minmin The question you want to ask...

"Who I'm with, or who is hospitalized, has nothing to do with you. I don't have time to talk to shameless people like you."

Mo Yunhao doesn't give Xia Minmin any face at all, as much as he can dislike him, Mo Yunhao dislikes Xia Minmin as much...

Xia Minmin has been subjected to all kinds of cynicism and ridicule, and she has long been used to it. It was just a shameless sentence, and Xia Minmin could bear it. She laughed twice, and said disapprovingly, "What's wrong with me? It's not the first time, and neither are you." The first day you met me, why, are you disappointed in me?"

Mo Yunhao's footsteps gradually slowed down, Xia Minmin sensed the abnormality, and looked around with sharp eyes, trying to find Mu Niange's figure, as long as Mu Niange appeared, there would be all the evidence, Xia Minmin was still afraid Can't you reveal Mu Niange's secret?

As for what the secret is, as long as you study it deeply, you will definitely know it.

"You don't want me to know, where is your ward?" Xia Minmin simply stopped, looked at Mo Yunhao's back and said.

Mo Yunhao sneered, he looked back at Xia Minmin, his eyes were filled with disgust: "Who wants to go to the place you have been to? You don't know how dirty you are? If it wasn't for a carelessness, the suffering Sick, and you are responsible?"

"Looking for you... Maybe it will only make the condition worse. Xia Minmin, if I don't appear in front of you, it doesn't mean I'm afraid of you. I just don't bother to pester you. But if you insist on provoking me, Don't blame me for showing mercy to you!"

Look, Mo Yunhao's momentum now?
Did you know that you said something that threatened Xia Minmin?Xia Minmin didn't take Mo Yunhao seriously at all, so naturally she wouldn't be fooled by Mo Yunhao...

She shrugged her shoulders and said with a meaningless expression: "Are you trying to pretend to be noble in front of me now? What you do yourself, how noble is it compared to me? I need to go to Mu Niange and tell you Did you tell me what you did to Mu Niange?"

Xia Minmin is really enough. Every time, he used this trick to threaten Mo Yunhao. Before, Mo Yunhao would be threatened by Xia Minmin because he was worried that Mu Niange would not be able to accept it if he knew it. Yunhao looked at him as a relative, but Mo Yunhao stabbed Mu Niange in the back.

No one can accept it...

Mu Niange's generosity to Mo Yunhao made Mo Yunhao feel grateful to Mu Niange.

(End of this chapter)

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