Chapter 365

"Xia Minmin, those despicable methods of yours are no longer effective with me. You want to tell Mu Niange, go ahead, but I want to see if Mu Niange will believe you or me..." Mo Yunhao looked Looking at Xia Minmin's eyes, revealing layers of frost.

He didn't face Xia Minmin with the slightest fear, but threatened Xia Minmin instead.

Xia Minmin's face changed when she heard the words, she said "you" to Mo Yunhao, and fell into silence, she rolled her eyes, thinking in her heart, Mo Yunhao dared to say so blatantly, could it be that he and Mu Yunhao What did Niange confess, Mu Niange already knew what Mo Yunhao did?
But also...

Mu Niange already knew what Xia Minmin did, and what Mo Yunhao did, but it was only a matter of time.

Xia Minmin covered her lips, and laughed twice: "Who told you that I'm going to tell Mu Niange? You must know...Mu Niange is with Lu Yanche, let Lu Yanche know what you did to Mu Niange Oh, Lu Yanche will let you go easily? It's true, why do you think Mu Niange is so generous?"

"You did such a bad thing to Mu Niange. Since Mu Niange still considers you as a friend, it's because of you that Mu Niange came to the hospital, right? What's the reason for you to come to the hospital?"

Xia Minmin narrowed her eyes slightly, and every word in her words was full of temptation.

It is not difficult for Xia Minmin to interrogate Mo Yunhao in a different way...

It depends on whether Mo Yunhao is scared by Xia Minmin. If Mo Yunhao is scared by Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin can see the flaws on Mo Yunhao's face. Unfortunately, Xia Minmin thinks everything is too simple After all, Xia Minmin and Mo Yunhao are the same kind of people.

They have done things against their conscience. The person concerned knows it, but those who care about the person don't know it. If they know it, it will become out of control.

"I can imagine what kind of means you used six years ago to hurt Mu Niange and make Mu Niange disappear from Lu Yanche's side. The times are different, and smart people...wouldn't do it again and again. Using outdated methods, unless, you are a no-brainer, hehe... Look what I said? You are a no-brainer yourself, can you understand me when I tell you this? "

Mo Yunhao smiled, his words were full of sarcasm.

He remembered the scene when he saw Mu Niange in City B. At that time, Mu Niange was so afraid of people. When he saw Mo Yunhao, he hid behind Yang Zhishuang and didn't dare to come out. Yunhao is full of defense, if Mu Niange had such a strong defense before going through these things, the next thing would not happen.

Distress flashed across Mo Yunhao's eyes.

"Mo Yunhao, let me tell you, don't think you can continue to be proud, I want to kill you and Mu Niange, it's just a matter of moving your fingers, remember what you said today, in the future, don't kneel Beg me in my presence!"

Xia Minmin understood that there would be no results if he continued to entangle with Mo Yunhao. He was determined not to let Xia Minmin know where the ward was, and why Mu Niange appeared here...

Xia Minmin rolled her eyes, looked around for a while, then turned and left.

When Mo Yunhao returned to the ward, Mu Niange was helping Mo Yunhao's mother wipe her body. Mo Yunhao had been out for a while, but Mu Niange didn't ask anything. Mo Yunhao smiled slightly.

Looking at Mu Niange's smile, Mo Yunhao felt uncomfortable...

He stood aside and looked at Mu Niange, and waited for Mu Niange to help his mother wipe her body, then he gave Mu Niange a look and told Mu Niange to go out.

In Mu Niange's heart, she could vaguely guess something, she stood in front of Mo Yunhao, did not speak, and was waiting for Mo Yunhao to speak on his own initiative.

"When I went to pour water, I bumped into Xia Minmin." Mo Yunhao didn't play around in the slightest, and cut directly to the topic. Hearing the word Xia Minmin, a coldness flashed in Mu Niange's eyes. Chest, as expected, she walked to the window and looked at the scenery outside the window.

Mo Yunhao has never had a deep understanding of Mu Niange, so he naturally doesn't know what Mu Niange's gesture represents...

He wanted to hear Mu Niange's response, but after waiting for a long time, he couldn't wait for Mu Niange to say a word, Mo Yunhao was silent for a while, and continued: "Niange, Xia Minmin followed you to the hospital."

"Xia Minmin loves Lu Yanche, the love is extreme, you are with Lu Yanche, Xia Minmin will not let you go easily, this time, she followed you to the hospital to catch you, and then came to Lu Yanche to provoke One time, when the time comes..."

Mo Yunhao said at the end, he couldn't continue.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this incident was caused by himself, and he felt guilty, and he was ashamed to face Mu Niange.

When Mu Niange heard Mo Yunhao's worried words, she burst out laughing, she turned her head to look at Mo Yunhao, and said with a relaxed expression: "Senior, I know what you are worried about, and I know what you are thinking, But have you ever thought that Xia Minmin is the Xia Minmin of six years ago, and Mu Niange is no longer the Mu Niange of six years ago."

"I was the one who provoked Xia Minmin. I was with Lu Yanche..."

For the first time, Mu Niange talked about the details related to Lu Yanche in front of Mo Yunhao: "Xia Minmin always thought that I was using Lu Yanche's feelings to deal with her. She is really ridiculous. She doesn't know how to look in the mirror. Look at what kind of virtue, if I want to deal with her, I need to use Lu Yanche?"

"However, since she thinks so, I'll just satisfy her a little bit. Anyway, she's idle. I'll give her something to do. Otherwise, she'll give me something to do. What do I need? How about doing it? Say yes, senior..."

"Niange, you..." Mo Yunhao looked at Mu Niange in a daze, not knowing how to answer Mu Niange's words.

Mo Yunhao never thought that Mu Niange would become like this, become so thoughtful and know.It's not the best way to deal with people who bully you, just to be patient...

Mu Niange grew up amidst grievances, became strong while growing up, and learned how to deal with it while being strong.

While Mo Yunhao was relieved, he was even more worried about Mu Niange. You must know... Xia Minmin can't be dealt with casually. She knew how to play tricks when she was so young. Until now, six years have passed , her scheming can only progress, not regress.

To Xia Minmin, Mo Yunhao's appearance was an accident, an unexpected opportunity that could be well utilized.

(End of this chapter)

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