Chapter 373

"You don't need me to tell you, you also know what kind of state Ah Che is in, chanting... You told me back then that you wanted to be with Lu Yanche, you said you were serious, but I never thought about it, you Seriously, is this serious, using Lu Yanche to deal with Xia Minmin?"

Mu Yuanling laughed at himself.

In Mu Yuanling's opinion, Mu Niange loves him a little deeper than Lu Yanche...

Otherwise, Mu Niange would not want to be with Lu Yanche so much after being hurt by Lu Yanche again. There are some things that are difficult for others to say and ask, so let Mu Yuanling ask. Believe it, Mu Nian Ge will not hide from Mu Yuanling, and will respond.

"Only we know what kind of state Lu Yanche and I are in. Lu Yanche said that I used him to deal with Xia Minmin, so I used him. Anyway... no matter what I say, you won't believe it. Isn't it?"

Mu Niange chuckled, looking at Mu Yuanling's eyes, he became a little sarcastic.

Mu Niange never expected that Lu Yanche would say this...

He feels uncomfortable in his heart and holds back, so is it necessary to speak out?

When Mu Niange was feeling uncomfortable before, when did he tell Mu Yuanling?She didn't even reveal a single look, isn't Lu Yanche trying to be fair with Mu Niange?Is it fair now?Mu Niange doesn't feel at all...

"Recite the song, how can you say that?"

Mu Yuanling was dissatisfied with what Mu Niange said, his face darkened, and he shouted at Mu Niange and said, "Ahche defends you every word in front of us, it was Ji Jingchen who heard some words from Xia Minmin. If you want to slander you in front of Ah Che, Ji Jingchen was severely taught by Ah Che, and Ah Che even threatened that no matter what you do, you will be against him. Ah Che's friendship for you, I see In my eyes, I objected to you being with Ah Che before, because I was worried that Ah Che would hurt you, and you would feel sad again."

"I ignored it. You are not the Mu Niange you used to be. Xia Minmin can't do anything to you, and Lu Yanche can't do anything to you..."

"You have your ability, and you have your right to choose." Mu Yuanling sighed heavily, and looked at Mu Niange with complicated eyes.

"Recite the song, my brother advises you, if you are with Lu Yanche, if you really want to get revenge on Xia Minmin, I don't mind if you continue to entangle with Lu Yanche, it will be bad for you and Lu Yanche..." Mu Yuan What Ling said was serious.

Instead of letting Mu Niange get into a dispute, Mu Yuanling should let Mu Niange get out immediately.

You know, how could Xia Minmin sit still and wait for death?

Seeing Mu Niange using Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche still following Mu Niange's intentions, what Mu Niange said was what.

Mu Niange couldn't describe her feelings in words, even Mu Yuanling blamed herself, what could she say?When Yang Zhishuang didn't say those words, Mu Niange really felt that she had done something wrong. She went against her original intention and did what she least wanted to do.

But after Yang Zhishuang's words came out, Mu Niange felt that he was right...

She wanted to see if Lu Yanche had really changed, if Lu Yanche had really learned about Mu Niange's past pain and discomfort, if such a thing happened to Mu Niange again, could Mu Niange Can you bear it?
Every word Mu Niange and Lu Yanche said was a test, a test for Mu Niange and Lu Yanche.

Mu Yuanling, an outsider, may not understand at all, and Mu Niange doesn't want to explain so much to Mu Yuanling. If Lu Yanche is clear, he will naturally explain it clearly to Ji Jingchen and Mu Yuanling. As for Xia Minmin, what does she want to say? No matter Xia Minmin, as long as Xia Minmin dares to continue to provoke Mu Niange, Mu Niange dares to continue to deal with Xia Minmin, and it doesn't matter if he uses Lu Yanche's method.

"Brother, we will take care of the matter between me and Lu Yanche, don't worry about me..."

"Lu Yanche defended me, you should know in your heart what I did and what I didn't do, Lu Yanche said it in front of Xia Minmin first, I asked him to seduce Xia Minmin, he went, I was nothing more than Taking advantage of the trend, I pushed Lu Yanche to hurt Xia Minmin even more. If Lu Yanche can't even accept what I said, we really need to think clearly about whether we are together or not..."

Mu Niange's thoughts and actions are far more decisive than Mu Yuanling's.

There is no need for Mu Yuanling to remind...

Mu Niange has already said that, what is the meaning of Mu Yuanling's further words, what is the meaning?
Mu Yuanling stood up, patted Mu Niange's shoulder and said, "Brother made a big fuss, you and Ah Che handle it yourself, I will let Ji Jingchen keep his mouth shut and stop talking nonsense..."

Mu Niange nodded and watched Mu Yuanling leave.

Early the next morning, Mu Niange went to the door of Lu Yanche's house, and when Lu Yanche came out, Xia Minmin was greatly stimulated because of Mu Niange's relationship. These days, she has been at home and did not go out, waiting for her to go out At that time, I saw Mu Niange standing at the door of Lu's house again.

Xia Minmin saw through it at a glance, Mu Niange didn't intend to go in, Xia Minmin secretly guessed, maybe Lu Yanche and Mu Niange were at odds, right?

Did Mu Niange come to Lu Yanche to apologize?

Xia Minmin rolled her eyes, thinking carefully. After thinking for a long time, she couldn't come up with a good answer. When she was about to walk into Mu Niange, Mu Niange turned around and met Xia Minmin's gaze. Nian Ge looked cold, glanced at Xia Minmin, and said nothing.

Xia Minmin doesn't have such a good temper as Mu Niange, seeing her enemy, ignore it?

Ha ha……

"Mu Niange, I didn't expect you to have today..." Xia Minmin smiled coyly, and walked up in a happy mood. She curled her lips and mocked Mu Niange, her face full of complacency.

Mu Niange looked at Xia Minmin who was walking in front of her, and responded not to be outdone: "I guess, it was the slap last time, which didn't make you remember it long. Why, this came here to ask for a slap again?"

"Since it's asking for a beating, without Lu Yanche present, how can we go there? You wait here, soon, Lu Yanche and I will come out and slap you hard..."

Mu Niange sprinkled a handful of salt on Xia Minmin's wound. Xia Minmin's face darkened, and she became angry when she looked at Mu Niange's eyes. She persuaded herself for a few days, and finally persuaded herself to accept that Lu Yanche and Mu Niange were together. The fact that they are together, I accept that Lu Yanche has changed, he likes such a shameless bastard like Mu Niange, and when he is with Lu Yanche, he is with other men.

(End of this chapter)

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