Chapter 374

The angrier Xia Minmin was, the happier Mu Niange was watching.

Xia Minmin suddenly thought of Mu Niange standing at the door of Lu's house, looking like he wanted to go in but didn't dare to go in...

The anger in Xia Minmin's heart dissipated in an instant, she curled her lips into a chuckle, and glanced at the closed door of Lu Jiadao: "Mu Niange, I am looking forward to being beaten by you and Lu Yanche, go in, go and call Lu Yanche out, I will I want to see what tricks you will use to deceive Lu Yanche this time."

Mu Niange used tricks to deceive Lu Yanche?
Mu Niange wanted to laugh twice...

Don't say that Mu Niange didn't intend to go in, just based on what Xia Minmin said, if Mu Niange wanted to go in, he couldn't go in, what qualifications did Xia Minmin have to order Mu Niange?
Contempt flashed in Mu Niange's eyes: "Xia Minmin, what are you, what qualifications do you have to order me to do things?"

Hearing this, Xia Minmin shrugged her shoulders disapprovingly and said, "Didn't you say that you wanted to go in and call Lu Yanche out to teach me a lesson? What, you dare to say...don't dare to do it? Or, you and Lu Yanche are at odds, and now, are you begging Lu Yanche's forgiveness?"

"Mu Niange, I have already said that you shameless bitch will be abandoned by Lu Yanche. Your retribution is coming. I will wait and see how you are abused by Lu Yanche and how you cry. shouted, begging for Lu Yanche's forgiveness."

While Xia Minmin was talking, imagining such a scene, a sinister look flashed across her face, as if she wanted to tear Mu Niange to pieces.

What Xia Minmin is thinking, no one knows better than Mu Niange...

Listening to Xia Minmin's words that she would ask Lu Yanche for forgiveness, and that Lu Yanche would abandon her, Mu Niange felt that it was so true. It seemed that such a thing could really happen...

Lu Yanche hadn't appeared in front of Mu Niange for a few days. Mu Niange seemed to be fine on the outside, but he was very concerned. He really wanted to call Lu Yanche to ask what was going on. If it wasn't for Mu Yuanling Last night, I said that to Mu Niange, which pushed Mu Niange, and Mu Niange would not come.

Xia Minmin was not the only one who could figure out when Lu Yanche went out, Mu Niange also secretly remembered it in his heart.


Today, nothing went according to Mu Niange's plan, Lu Yanche didn't come out, Xia Minmin appeared, Xia Minmin ridiculed Mu Niange, the relationship between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche had a problem, they did have a problem , but so what?

When encountering a problem, solving it in time doesn't mean it's okay?
Mu Niange closed his eyes, took a deep breath...

She thought back to the many things that happened after she was with Lu Yanche. In everything, Lu Yanche was accommodating Mu Niange. In the end, Mu Nian Ge Zuo!

Mu Niange made all the works that he didn't have time to do six years ago.

It's fine to be underestimated by anyone, but Mu Niange just doesn't want to be underestimated by Xia Minmin...

When Mu Niange opened his eyes and looked at Xia Minmin, the expression in his eyes was completely different from the one just now. Xia Minmin was stunned, and subconsciously took a small step back. Mu Niange was not easily irritated, Xia Minmin thought he had succeeded No, in fact, it was just helping Mu Niange.

Let Mu Niange recognize his heart more quickly.

"I remember six years ago, every time I saw you, I was very scared. I was afraid that you would snatch Lu Yanche away. I was afraid that after you snatched Lu Yanche away, you would come back and teach me a lesson. I will record all your beatings and scoldings. In my mind, I really want to resist, dare not dare, want to tell Lu Yanche, but also afraid that Lu Yanche won't believe me. The friendship between you is not comparable to me. I am a person who knows myself, but now... I don't Think so."

"You are around me all the time. People who don't know think you are secretly in love with me. The more I don't want to entangle with you, the more you want to entangle with me. You are afraid that Lu Yanche will be snatched away by me. You I don't have any self-confidence at all. Lu Yanche failed to forget me six years ago, and I realized that my charm is so great. In my heart, your price has dropped..."

"With me here, you won't have any foothold in front of Lu Yanche, so no matter what you say in front of me, I'll take it as if it's P. What are you capable of besides bragging?"

"I want you to keep your eyes open to see clearly how I walked into this courtyard, and how I was welcomed into Lu Yanche's room by Lu Yanche's house. When I get to Lu Yanche's room, I will wave to you. It's too late to cry."

Mu Niange smiled slightly, turned around, and waved at Xia Minmin...

Xia Minmin stood there stupidly, with what Mu Niange said echoed in her ears, then looked at Mu Niange, walked into the courtyard of Lu's house, rang the doorbell of Lu's house, and the person who came out to open the door was Lu Meiqi. Niange, I don't know how happy I was to bring Mu Niange in, but what about Xia Minmin?
When did she go to Lu's house and was treated so warmly by Lu Meiqi?
Xia Minmin realized that she once again helped Mu Niange and harmed herself. What kind of person is Mu Niange?She is the one who has learned from Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou's lessons. It is impossible for her to make the same mistake a second time.

Xia Minmin hates...

I hate my stupidity, I hate myself. When facing Mu Niange, I can't control myself very well. When did she switch places with Mu Niange? Standing at a low place, Xia Minmin looked up at Mu Niange, and Mu Niange lowered his head, looking down at Xia Minmin.

Lu Meiqi didn't see Lu Yanche looking for Mu Niange for a few days, and she didn't see Lu Yanche smiling for a few days, so she really wanted to ask, did Lu Yanche quarrel with Mu Niange?Afraid of touching Lu Yanche's pain, she shut up, kept silent, and endured it all the time. Mu Niange came forward, and Lu Meiqi couldn't wait to hold Mu Niange's hand and asked, "Sister Niange, are you talking to me?" Did you have a fight?"

Lu Meiqi was not used to calling sister-in-law Mu Niange, so she called sister Niange first.

Mu Niange looked at Lu Meiqi, shook his head, and said with a smile, "Why do you think so? Your brother is reluctant to quarrel with me..."

Similarly, Mu Niange was also reluctant to quarrel with Lu Yanche. This relationship was hard-won. Both Mu Niange and Lu Yanche knew it well in their hearts. The only people who didn't know it were stupid people like Xia Minmin.

"Alas..." Lu Meiqi sighed heavily, and she pointed to Lu Yanche's room on the second floor: "I feel that my brother is in a bad mood, and the only person who can make my brother in a bad mood is you, Sister Niange."

(End of this chapter)

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