Chapter 375

So, it's not that Lu Meiqi wants to blame Mu Niange, but all the evidence is telling Lu Meiqi that this matter has nothing to do with Mu Niange...

Mu Niange was really helpless.

In Lu Meiqi's eyes, Mu Niange is the only person who can make Lu Yanche happy, but why doesn't Mu Niange feel that he has such an important position in Lu Yanche's heart, and can affect Lu Yanche's emotions?
Mu Niange was silent and did not respond to Lu Meiqi. Lu Meiqi thought that Mu Niange was angry, so she quickly waved her hand and said, "Sister Niange, I have no other intentions, really... I just want you and brother good."

What Lu Meiqi is looking forward to is the day when Mu Niange and Lu Yanche get married.

Only by getting married can Lu Meiqi truly feel that Lu Yanche and Mu Niange are finally together, but getting married depends on Lu Yanche's hard work. Seeing Lu Yanche's cowardly behavior, Lu Meiqi doesn't know what to say .

Lu Meiqi leaned into Mu Niange's ear and whispered: "Sister Niange, my brother was drunk last night, brother Jing Chen brought him back, tell me...why do these men like to drink so much? He smells like alcohol, it smells so bad, I guess he won't be able to go to work today, my mother went out early in the morning because of something, you know, I don't know how to take care of others, luckily you are here, sister Niange, Otherwise, I don't know what to do."

At the end of Lu Meiqi's speech, she was a little excited.

Mu Niange: "..."

She really didn't know that she had such a function that she could take care of Lu Yanche?
Mu Niange sighed, said a few words to Lu Meiqi casually, went to the kitchen to get honey water, and walked to the room on the second floor. The door of Lu Yanche's room was unlocked, and Mu Niange opened it and went in directly. Once in, Mu Niange Ge smelled an unpleasant smell of alcohol. Mu Niange frowned, and slowly approached Lu Yanche. She first put the honey water on the table, and then went to pull the curtains open , the sunlight came in, making the room a lot brighter.

Mu Niange thought of Xia Minmin who was standing downstairs again. She changed her position and looked at the place where she and Xia Minmin were standing just now. Xia Minmin didn't know if she was stupid, but she still stood there. Xia Minmin waved, turned and left.

Lu Yanche was in a deep sleep, and he didn't hear the sound of Mu Niange coming in. He turned over and continued to fall asleep.

Mu Niange sat by the bed, quietly staring at Lu Yanche's sleeping face, such a peaceful and stable side, once appeared in Mu Niange's memory, and later... when the news came, Mu Niange forgot , I only know that when I think about it again, Mu Niange feels very nostalgic.

Now... such a scene appeared again, and Mu Niange's heart was filled with inexplicable emotions.

Ji Jingchen is not a caring person, he sent Lu Yanche back to I's house, put him on the bed and finished the work, didn't even help Lu Yanche take off his shoes, Mu Niange got up and went to the back, helped Lu Yanche take off his shoes, and then wanted to help Lu Yanche take off Clothes, Mu Niange pulled Lu Yanche's zipper, unbuttoned Lu Yanche, when Mu Niange wanted to turn Lu Yanche over to take out the clothes, Lu Yanche grabbed Mu Niange's hand.

Mu Niange was taken aback, startled by Lu Yanche's actions.

Looking at Lu Yanche again, he slowly opened his tightly closed eyes. He just woke up and was a little uncertain. He blinked and said hoarsely, "Recite a song?"

Mu Niange pulled away Lu Yanche's hand and continued to help Lu Yanche take off his clothes. She hummed lightly and replied to Lu Yanche, "It's me."

Is there anything more beautiful than Mu Niange saying that I came?

Lu Yanche sat up slowly, suffering from a headache. He frowned, looking very uncomfortable. Mu Niange gave Lu Yanche an angry look. She stood up and walked towards the table. Lu Yanche's eyes fell on Mu Nianche's eyes. Looking at Mu Niange's actions on Niange's body, he thought that Mu Niange was going to leave, so he opened his mouth. What Lu Yanche wanted to do, he didn't say it in the end.

Mu Niange came to Lu Yanche with honey water: "Drink it up."

Lu Yanche took it over without the slightest hesitation, and drank it. He thought that what Mu Niange gave was water, but he didn't expect it to be honey water. He looked into Mu Niange's eyes, and his eyes deepened slightly, with inexplicable emotions rippling in his heart.

The atmosphere between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche seemed a bit awkward...

Mu Niange stood by the bed, Lu Yanche sat on the bed, Lu Yanche looked at the messy room, recalling what happened last night, he secretly scolded Ji Jingchen in his heart, telling him to bring such a messy side to Mu Nian sing.

Lu Yanche got off the bed, walked to the clothes, took the clothes, and said to Mu Niange, "I'll go wash it."

Mu Niange didn't speak. After Lu Yanche walked into the bathroom, he looked at Lu Yanche's room...

It's not the first time Mu Niange came here, every time he was in a hurry, and then left. I remember that the first time I came, Mu Niange sat there very restrained and motionless. At that time, Lu Yanche laughed at Mu Niange. Recite the song, do you want to praise it like this?Treat this as your own home.

In Mu's house, Mu Niange didn't even consider it his own home, let alone Lu Yanche's house, Lu Yanche's room?

Lu Yanche said that because he didn't really understand Mu Niange's inner world. Think about it... Lu Yanche can't be blamed for this, it was Mu Niange who closed himself up, Lu Yanche cared enough about him, and valued himself enough.

Mu Niange thought about it, and couldn't help flipping through Lu Yanche's things in Lu Yanche's room...

When Lu Yanche came out, what he saw was this scene. Mu Niange was sitting on a chair, reading a book in his hand. He was not restrained at all, it was natural, just like at home, Lu Yanche's heart, It's like being hit hard by someone...

Isn't this exactly what Lu Yanche expected and wanted to see?
Unexpectedly, it will come true one day, and it is under the circumstances that neither Mu Niange nor Lu Yanche expected at all.

Mu Niange knew that Lu Yanche had come out, but he didn't want to see Lu Yanche. Thinking that Lu Yanche hadn't contacted Mu Niange these days, Mu Niange was angry. If Mu Niange hadn't come here on his own initiative, he wouldn't have known about Mu Niange. When will I have contact with Lu Yanche again...

It's not that Mu Niange has never seen couples who are together but seldom contact them, they are like strangers, and finally broke up.

If Mu Niange had such thoughts at the beginning, he would not be with Lu Yanche. Does Lu Yanche understand what connection is?

Mu Niange sighed secretly, she was flipping through the book, but her mind was not on the book at all...

(End of this chapter)

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