Chapter 376

Lu Yanche didn't want to disturb this tranquility. He looked at Mu Niange for a long while, then walked to the dressing table with no expression on his face, took out the hair dryer and dried his hair. The noise of the hair dryer resounded throughout the room. He looked in Lu Yanche's direction, Lu Yanche's back was facing Mu Niange, so he couldn't see Mu Niange's eyes.

Mu Niange suddenly didn't understand, what exactly did he want to do here?

Could it be that in order to watch Lu Yanche get up, take care of Lu Yanche, and tell Lu Yanche not to drink so much next time?
When Lu Yanche was in a bad mood, there was a place to vent. When Mu Niange was in a bad mood, where could he vent?
Mu Niange's anger suddenly came up, she put the book in her hand on the table, got up and walked towards the door, she didn't even look at Lu Yanche, and didn't want to say a word to Lu Yanche, if Lu Yanche really didn't want to If Mu Niange were to leave, he would try to persuade him to stay.

Mu Niange was in a hurry, and Lu Yanche couldn't react for a while...

When Mu Niange reached the door, Lu Yanche realized what was going on. He put down the hair dryer, quickly chased after him, grabbed Mu Niange's wrist and said, "Niange, where are you going?"

"Wherever I want to go is my freedom..." Mu Niange withdrew her hand without any trace, she looked at Lu Yanche with a cold face, her eyes were faintly showing anger.

Look at Mu Niange's tone of voice, obviously angry.

Lu Yanche took Mu Niange's hand again, pulled Mu Niange into her arms, and hugged Mu Niange's waist tightly, not giving Mu Niange the slightest room to move: "Nian Ge, I have something to tell you, don't go so fast, okay?"

"Why should I listen to you? What identity are you using to say such things to me?" Mu Niange stared at Lu Yanche, struggling to break free again and again.

When Lu Yanche heard Mu Niange's words, he chuckled lightly. He scratched Mu Niange's nose and said in a good mood: "I'm your boyfriend, do you think you want to listen to me?"

"Lu Yanche, do you still know that you are my boyfriend?"

Lu Yanche didn't say that his boyfriend was okay, but when he mentioned his boyfriend, Mu Niange became angry. His boyfriend ignored him, disappeared, went drinking with his brother, and accused himself in front of his brother The next day, I had to run to my boyfriend's house to take care of him. You said, what's going on?

"Niange, you are wrong to say that, I have always been your boyfriend, and I have never changed..."

Lu Yanche focused on Mu Niange, and said seriously.

Mu Niange was moved by Lu Yanche's words, she turned away from looking at Lu Yanche and said, "According to what you say, my future husband must not be you..."

Mu Niange was obviously angry with Lu Yanche, and Lu Yanche hoped that Mu Niange would be angry with him. Seeing Mu Niange's angry appearance, Lu Yanche's mood that had been clouded for a few days suddenly became clear. He let go of Mu Niange, Holding Mu Niange's hand, he walked to the bed, Lu Yanche pushed Mu Niange to sit on the bed, he squatted down, and looked at Mu Niange.

Lu Yanche stretched out his hand, wanting to touch Mu Niange's cheek, but Mu Niange turned his head and avoided it calmly.

Mu Niange couldn't continue with Lu Yanche as if nothing had happened...

Lu Yanche knew where he was wrong, and also knew what Mu Niange was arguing with him. Lu Yanche sighed and suddenly felt that he was an asshole. Why was he angry and what was he doing?
Mu Niange treats himself like that, doesn't he deserve it?
He used to treat Mu Niange in the same way. Lu Yanche deeply felt the hurt that Mu Niange had suffered. It was really good that he could feel it with Mu Niange. Lu Yanche had nothing to criticize.

"Recite the song, whether it is a boyfriend or a husband, it must be me. I know that I have been a jerk these days. I didn't go to you and ignored you. I realized my mistake. You Can you forgive me and give me a chance?"

Lu Yanche's attitude of admitting his mistakes was very sincere. He stared at Mu Niange closely, trying to see the flaws on Mu Niange's face...

However, Mu Niange hid it so well that Lu Yanche couldn't find any breakthrough. He waited quietly, waiting for Mu Niange to respond to him. After waiting for a long time, he couldn't wait for Mu Niange's response. Mu Niange came Looking for yourself, doesn't it mean that you are taking the initiative to give in?

What is Lu Yanche dissatisfied with?

If he hadn't gone up to hold Mu Niange back just now, wouldn't Mu Niange never appear in front of Lu Yanche in the future?In Mu Niange's heart, Lu Yanche has completely become a thing of the past. How did Lu Yanche accept this? How did he accept it?
The panic in his heart made Lu Yanche feel very uneasy...

He held Mu Niange's hand slightly tighter, wanting to give himself a sense of security.

This matter was not Lu Yanche's fault alone, Mu Niange was also at fault, although Mu Niange knew it well, but he didn't know how to tell Lu Yanche that she turned her head away, could it be that she should turn it back?Mu Niange sighed in his heart, she was always so worthless.

Obviously decided on one thing and wanted to do it that way, when he saw something that made Mu Niange soften his heart and change his attention, Mu Niange began to waver.

"Lu Yanche, it was an impulse to be with you again at first, but later, this impulse turned into a real desire to be with you. I want us to be good and live our lives. We are obviously in love Yes, but they have to torture each other, to a certain extent, you can't take it anymore, I can't take it anymore, and then we... what will happen?"

"You know, we have a long road ahead, and it's not easy to walk smoothly. Didn't you provoke Xia Minmin's matter? When did I say in front of you that I want Using you to deal with Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin is no longer my opponent, and I don't bother to have any contact with him, but it is because of you that I have to contact Xia Minmin, every time I see you together with Xia Minmin, you Do you know what I was thinking? I remembered what happened six years ago. I thought, as long as you stand together, there is no place for me. Why do I insist on being with you? Regardless of my brother Regardless of my aunt's disapproval, we are not suitable, right? As early as six years ago, you and I should have recognized this fact. When we got to the origin, nothing changed.”

(End of this chapter)

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