Chapter 384

Whatever Mo Yunhao did, he had to unconditionally cooperate with and help Mo Yunhao. Yang Zhishuang wanted to ask Mu Niange why, but seeing Mu Niange's seriousness, she held back her curiosity Afterwards, Yang Zhishuang couldn't bear it anymore, so she asked Mu Niange.

Mu Niange told Yang Zhishuang after the matter was over, and Yang Zhishuang became angry all of a sudden, wanting to fight with Xia Minmin, the same as before...

Mu Niange stopped Yang Zhishuang and asked Yang Zhishuang not to get involved in this matter as much as possible. Yang Zhishuang was angry at the same time, and at the same time, Yang Zhishuang took Mu Niange's matter as her own, but Mu Niange didn't want to Yang Zhishuang could understand Yang Zhishuang being involved.

Mu Niange was doing it for Yang Zhishuang's good, Yang Zhishuang sighed, and heard Mu Niange say that she trusted Mo Yunhao, knowing what Mo Yunhao did, she would not let Mu Niange down...

Yang Zhishuang focused on Mo Yunhao, wanting to see flaws in Mo Yunhao's body, Mo Yunhao noticed Yang Zhishuang's gaze, chuckled and said, "What are you looking at?"

"I'm made Niange trust you so much." Yang Zhishuang blurted out without even thinking about it. As soon as the words fell, she covered her mouth with an embarrassed look on her face: "Senior, I didn't other meanings."

It is really Mu Niange that Yang Zhishuang can't let go of, Yang Zhishuang has such thoughts, after all... Yang Zhishuang only knows that Mo Yunhao and Xia Minmin know each other, but doesn't know the truth.

Mo Yunhao was taken aback by Yang Zhishuang's words. After he realized it, he stood up straight and let Yang Zhishuang see it more clearly and carefully: "Then did you see clearly? How can I deserve Mu Niange's trust? Mu Niange What kind of courage did you use to trust me?"

Yang Zhishuang watched for a long time, but couldn't see anything...

She was also embarrassed to tell Mo Yunhao the truth, so she could only chuckle twice: "Senior, I was joking with you, don't take it seriously, Niange trusts you, I trust you too, trust you... definitely not Let us down."

Yes, Mo Yunhao will not disappoint Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang.

The second day after Xia Minmin looked for Mo Yunhao, Xia Minmin transferred money to Mo Yunhao's bank card. Xia Minmin didn't tell Mo Yunhao about the specific amount, and asked Mo Yunhao to go to the bank to check it himself.

Mo Yunhao replied Xia Minmin's text message, saying yes, he will go to see it.

Xia Minmin put away her mobile phone. Looking at the streets full of people, she felt her mood getting better and better. Soon, Mu Niange will completely disappear from Lu Yanche's side. Soon, she can be in Lu Yanche's place again. Turning around, blooming with its own light.

Xia Minmin was on the way back to the compound, humming a ditty, just walked to the gate of the compound, and ran into Mu Niange, when Mu Niange saw Xia Minmin, a meaningful smile rose from the corner of his lips, Xia Minmin was attracted by Mu Nian Song's smile was very unpleasant, she frowned, and wanted to speak, but just as the words came to her lips, she swallowed them back abruptly.

What is Xia Minmin still fussing about with Mu Niange now?
Mu Niange's retribution is coming later, Xia Minmin shouldn't spend time on such boring things...

Xia Minmin acted as if she hadn't seen Mu Niange, and wanted to walk past Mu Niange. The moment Xia Minmin walked up to Mu Niange, Mu Niange's cherry lips parted and said, "Your mood, looks great……"

Of course, there is nothing more pleasant than Mu Niange's misery.

"Whether I'm in a good mood or not, it's none of your business? Mu Niange, when did you pay so much attention to my affairs?" Xia Minmin looked at Mu Niange from the side, it was rare that she didn't give Mu Niange a bad face all of a sudden, Look coldly.

Does Mu Niange want to slap her in the face?
In the past...he kept saying that he didn't want to get entangled with Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin clung to Mu Niange, and Mu Niange avoided Xia Minmin step by step. Now, Xia Minmin doesn't want to pay attention to Mu Niange, and Mu Niange has become unaccustomed to it. Are you uncomfortable?

"Your business is my business, how can I not care about you?" Mu Niange smiled softly, and she spoke to Xia Minmin in a friendly tone.

Xia Minmin wanted it, but couldn't laugh anymore...

What did Mu Niange say?

Her matter is Mu Niange's matter. Is this world turned upside down?

"Mu Niange, just tell me what you want to do." Xia Minmin turned to face Mu Niange, folded her arms around her chest, and said bluntly.

Mu Niange shrugged, looked Xia Minmin up and down and said, "What can I do to you? Didn't you always do what to me? Why... I asked you like this, and it made you feel scared?"

An adjective like fear in my heart, thanks to Mu Niange's words, I don't even think about it. In the past, who was bullied by Xia Minmin time and time again, and the bullying was terribly painful. In the end, only by leaving can he be freed and released?
"Mu Niange, you are deliberately trying to find fault."

Xia Minmin took a deep breath, holding back the anger she wanted to vent. If she erupted at this moment, wouldn't she have hit the target of Mu Niange?This may be Mu Niange's concealment. Mu Niange invited Lu Yanche. When Lu Yanche came out, Xia Minmin happened to be angry with Mu Niange. Lu Yanche pointed all the blame at Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin would not be able to wash away even if she jumped into the Yellow River. up.

"Am I finding fault? You have eyes, don't you know how to see? Could it be...are you blind?"

Xia Minmin: "..."

Xia Minmin told herself over and over in her heart that if she was serious, she would lose.

But not seriously, looking at Mu Niange's smug face, Xia Minmin can't calm down her emotions, Mu Niange wants to be smug, let Mu Niange be smug for a few more days, and later... she won't be smug.

Xia Minmin didn't respond to Mu Niange, but bumped into Mu Niange's shoulder and walked away. Mu Niange took a step back and looked back at Xia Minmin's back. When Xia Minmin's figure completely disappeared in front of Mu Niange, Mu Niange was very slow. Slowly withdrew his gaze, and a cold smile rose from the corner of his lips.

Xia Minmin gave Mo Yunhao enough time to inquire, but Mo Yunhao did not take the initiative to contact Xia Minmin. It can be said that Mo Yunhao put this matter to the back of his head. Xia Minmin waited day after day, and on the third day, Xia Minmin Unable to take it anymore, he took the initiative to call Mo Yunhao.

Mo Yunhao looked at the display on the screen of the phone, but he didn't answer...

The phone rang again and again, Mo Yunhao was watching from beginning to end, not moving.

Xia Minmin couldn't get in touch with Mo Yunhao, so she could only take the initiative to look for Mo Yunhao. Xia Minmin had never been a person who could endure things, but whenever something went wrong, she wanted to solve it immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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