Chapter 385

When Xia Minmin came to the hospital, it was eight o'clock in the evening. She didn't know where Mo Yunhao was, so she could only search corner by corner. Yunhao dialed Mo Yunhao's phone again, this time, he was picked up after ringing once.

Xia Minmin shook her head and asked directly, "Where are you?"

Mo Yunhao chuckled and asked back: "Where do you think I will be?"

"I'm not here to play tricks on you. Come out at the entrance of the hospital right away..." After Xia Minmin finished speaking, she hung up the phone without giving Mo Yunhao a chance to refute. She walked quickly with a calm face, waiting When he walked to the hospital gate, Mo Yunhao was already waiting there, and Xia Minmin's anger suddenly flared up.

She felt that she was being played by Mo Yunhao...

All of this was controlled by Mo Yunhao. He knew that when Xia Minmin came back, he knew that Xia Minmin would let him wait at the gate of the hospital. He asked Xia Minmin to search around before he appeared in front of Xia Minmin. , listening to Xia Minmin's nonsense.

"Mo Yunhao!" Xia Minmin stepped forward and grabbed Mo Yunhao's shoulder, making Mo Yunhao face her.

Mo Yunhao cooperated quite well with Xia Minmin, and when Xia Minmin was dragging him, he fell to the side: "Xia Minmin, I haven't seen you for a few days, you have become even rougher."

Mo Yunhao kindly said?Haven't seen you for a few days?
Xia Minmin didn't want to meet Mo Yunhao at all, if it wasn't for Lu Yanche, if it wasn't for Mu Niange, Mo Yunhao wouldn't be in Xia Minmin's eyes at all...

"I'm not here to talk nonsense with you, nor to listen to your rhetoric. You have received the money I transferred to you, why don't you send me a text message back and tell me your plan. Next, what will you do? Do it, how can you tie Mu Niange by your side."

Xia Minmin calmed down her emotions, and told Xia Minmin rationally that she should not spoil her major affairs because of a momentary impulse.

Xia Minmin will not act first this time...

The previous lessons are reminding Xia Minmin that if she continues to be stupid, she will become hopeless.

"Why did I reply to your text messages, and why did I tell you my plan? Xia Minmin, you treat me like a beggar, and you want to send me away for just a few dollars?" Mo Yunhao sneered, mercilessly Countering Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin looked at Mo Yunhao in astonishment when he heard Mo Yunhao's words.

This is not what was planned...

Mo Yunhao was not like this before, he was a person who would do things right away as soon as he got the money.

"Mo Yunhao, don't push yourself any further. The money I gave you is enough for you to heal your mother, didn't I say that? As long as you tie Mu Niange by your side, what are you afraid of?" Xia Minmin patiently Temperament explained to Mo Yunhao that if Mo Yunhao couldn't make sense here, she had no choice but to drive Mu Niange away from Lu Yanche's side, embarrassing Mu Niange.

"I was thinking, you were invited by the monkey to be funny..."

"You're right, based on my relationship with Mu Niange, do I want anything? But you forgot what kind of relationship you have with Mu Niange, if I tell Mu Niange about you , do you think Mu Niange will let you go? Mu Niange gave the money unconditionally, the money you gave me, in my opinion, is just pocket money, not enough to mention..."

Mo Yunhao is crazy.

How dare he say that 50 is pocket money for Mo Yunhao?
"It's not what you said. I'll weigh the relationship between Lu Yanche and me. What's the matter? I'm starting to dislike him less now?" Xia Minmin wanted to turn against Mo Yunhao at any time.

However, not the timing...

Xia Minmin gave Mo Yunhao 50, is it going to be cheap for Xia Minmin?

Xia Minmin looked down at the ground, she took a deep breath, and continued: "Mo Yunhao, don't be a fool, just tell me how much money you want, it will not be good for you and me if it continues like this..."

"When the relationship between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche stabilizes, you will be nothing in Mu Niange's eyes. Now, you can be regarded as...a spare tire."

Xia Minmin curled her lips and smiled sarcastically, if she didn't hit Mo Yunhao, Mo Yunhao would not be able to recognize her identity.

Mo Yunhao raised his eyebrows, and listened with gusto: "Thank you very much, you know that you helped me see my position, but... when did I promise you, I will do what you want after taking your money?" To do things, to tie Mu Niange by your side?"

Mo Yunhao spoke every word, deliberately very slowly.

Xia Minmin's eyes widened, and she heard unbelievable words again...

What does Mo Yunhao mean by this?Are you telling Xia Minmin that Xia Minmin has been singing a one-man show all this time?
The more Xia Minmin thought about it, the more angry she became, she raised her hand, wanting to slap Mo Yunhao, but Mo Yunhao grabbed Xia Minmin's hand, and ruthlessly shook off Xia Minmin's hand, Xia Minmin fell to the seat On the ground, Mo Yunhao squatted down, looked at Xia Minmin, and said with a condescending air: "Sometimes, really...don't take yourself too seriously."

"The end of taking yourself too seriously is like this..."

Mo Yunhao didn't explain, nor did he make it clear, but Xia Minmin knew in her heart that her 50 was given to Mo Yunhao for nothing. Mo Yunhao would not help Xia Minmin, let alone follow Xia Minmin's wishes .

Where did Xia Minmin's IQ go, to believe in Mo Yunhao?
"Mo Yunhao, did Mu Niange threaten you? You can say it, maybe, I can help you, but if you want to take my 50 and don't help me, you know what the consequences will be." Is it? I must bear it, you can't bear it. "

Xia Minmin looked up at Mo Yunhao. In Xia Minmin's eyes, Mo Yunhao was a pitiful person.

A person who was used up by Xia Minmin and then used by Mu Niange...

When will Mo Yunhao be free from the clutches of Mu Niange and Xia Minmin?Xia Minmin thought, in this lifetime, it will be impossible...

"What can Mu Niange threaten me? Xia Minmin, you can't see clearly when things have reached such a point? From the beginning to the end, I have no intention of helping you. Everything is your wishful thinking. The money was given to me, and I took it with peace of mind, what can you do with me? Do you want me to return the money to you? You are really funny, can you take back the water that was spilled? "

"I'll take back the splashed water. It depends on the person. You are a commoner and want to fight with me? Are you really... mentally prepared?"

Xia Minmin asked Mo Yunhao again, she asked herself, she gave Mo Yunhao enough opportunities.

(End of this chapter)

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