Chapter 391

In such a situation, how can you still say hello to Aunt Lu so casually?

"Lu... Aunt Lu..." Xia Minmin stuttered when she greeted Mrs. Lu. She looked at Mu Niange's back, and her eyes clearly flashed with anxiety.

Mrs. Lu is not a fool, she was cheated by Xia Minmin last time, so naturally she won't trust Xia Minmin anymore, and what Xia Minmin did to Lu Meiqi, Madam Lu doesn't want to see Xia Minmin even more, she even wished that Xia Minmin would never appear in front of her .

But no matter how much Mrs. Lu hates Xia Minmin, she can't doubt Xia Minmin's sincerity towards Lu Yanche...

Is what Xia Minmin said just now true?
Mu Niange was with Lu Yanche, did he want to take advantage of Lu Yanche's feelings?

Lu Yanche told Mrs. Lu that when he was with Mu Niange, although Mrs. Lu was not surprised at all, there was a shadow in her heart. Lu Yanche's injury to Mu Niange was not a matter of a day or two. Mrs. Lu's daughter, she will never allow Lu Yanche to approach Mu Niange again.

It turns out...

Mu Niange is not Mrs. Lu's daughter. Mrs. Lu can't stop Lu Yanche, let alone stop Mu Niange. Since she chooses to be together again, I hope Mu Niange and Lu Yanche can get along well and don't let anything happen again. It's over. During this time, Mrs. Lu seldom cared about Lu Yanche and Mu Niange's affairs. Who would have thought... When she heard the news, it would be like this.

Madam Lu looked at Mu Niange, with a flash of disappointment in her eyes.

"What Xia Minmin said is true? What's the conflict between you and Ah Che?" Mrs. Lu was silent for a while before asking Mu Niange.

She didn't speak harshly...

Instead, he was asking Mu Niange, what's going on...

To be honest, Mu Niange was not at all surprised that Mrs. Lu would ask such a question, she chuckled lightly, and responded politely: "Auntie, this is a personal grievance between Xia Minmin and I..."

In a word, the explanation is obvious.

This has nothing to do with Lu Yanche, I don't want Aunt Lu to think about bad things, and Mrs. Lu doesn't want to think about bad things, lest Lu Yanche get into trouble with herself again, but the matter is about Lu Yanche, Mrs. Lu It’s not okay if you don’t care about it.

Mrs. Lu nodded, thinking thoughtfully.

As soon as Xia Minmin saw Madam Lu like this, she immediately sensed that something was wrong. If she wanted to continue, wouldn't Madam Lu be bought by Mu Niange?Xia Minmin took a step forward, and quickly said, "Auntie, the matter is not what you imagined. This is not a personal grudge between Mu Niange and I, but something about us and Lu Yanche. Auntie, you have every right to know."

"Xia Minmin, why didn't I know that your mouth has become so big?" Mu Niange looked back at Xia Minmin, and said sarcastically.

"Mu Niange, are you guilty of being a thief? I'm telling the truth. You're worried that my aunt may hear my truth. Auntie will change your mind, right? Since you like Lu Yanche, if you are with Lu Yanche, you must Be single-minded, don't be half-hearted!"

Xia Minmin clenched her hands into fists and yelled at Mu Niange.

When Mu Niange heard the words, he continued to stand without the slightest emotion, maintaining his original posture...

Madam Lu went back and forth in the conversation between Mu Niange and Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin had Xia Minmin's statement, and Mu Niange had Mu Niange's statement. Who should Madam Lu believe, this really gave Madam Lu a little headache.

"Niange, you are with Ah Che, I have no objection, I hope you can be well, but if you are with Ah Che, if you are half-hearted, I think you should not be together..." Madam Lu looked serious As she spoke, there was no hint of joking in her words.

Mrs. Lu believed Xia Minmin's words...

Otherwise, how can you say that?
This was the result that Mu Niange expected. Mu Niange didn't feel the slightest surprise. She nodded and said, "I can't forget what happened six years ago. What Xia Minmin did to Meiqi, isn't Auntie Forget? I know what kind of person Xia Minmin is, but Auntie, you must also be clear, you can't be deceived by Xia Minmin just because of Xia Minmin's few words."

It's not that Mu Niange doesn't know how to use tricks, it's just that Mu Niange is too lazy to be disappointed...

This made Xia Minmin think that Mu Niange was a soft persimmon in front of Mrs. Lu.

"I know I was wrong when I treated Meiqi like that. Why did I do that? Mu Niange, you shouldn't be the clearest? It's all because of you... everything is your fault, what qualifications do you have? Accusing me in front of my aunt, you will only make me look down on you!"

Xia Minmin pointed at Mu Niange, her fingers were trembling, even her voice was trembling, she spoke very urgently, and she wanted to prove herself in front of Madam Lu.

"I said that when I saw my aunt coming over. Mu Niange, do you really think you can cover the sky with one hand? In this world, there is no impenetrable wall. As long as you do it, you will be exposed. I Tell you, don't be complacent..."

Xia Minmin can't be too weak in front of Mrs. Lu, otherwise, Mrs. Lu will be surprised. When she should be tough, Xia Minmin will still be tough on Mu Niange.

"I don't think I'm worse than you. Lu Yanche fell in love with you because he was confused by you. If Lu Yanche knows your true face, it's impossible for him to stay with you. If he likes you, what do you want me to do for Lu Yanche? It's all right, I beg you, speak soft words to you, you are indifferent, in front of Mrs. Lu, you refuse to obey, and want to wrong me, Mu Niange, you really make me look down on you..."

Xia Minmin spoke every word with reason.

Mrs. Lu was spinning back and forth on Mu Niange and Xia Minmin...

What Mu Niange said was right, she couldn't listen to Xia Minmin's one-sided words, but before Mu Niange found out Mrs. Lu, Mrs. Lu heard what Mu Niange said with her own ears. It seemed that she didn't care about Lu Yanche's feelings at all. In front of Xia Minmin, Mu Niange trampled on Lu Yanche without a bottom line. Did Lu Yanche know all of this?
Mrs. Lu was inevitably disappointed with Mu Niange.

She sighed: "Niange, don't deny it anymore. I heard the conversation you just had. From your attitude, I can't see that you care about Ah Che. If you want to use Ah Che If you deal with Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou's feelings, I advise you to stop earlier, I can't let my son do such a stupid thing."

(End of this chapter)

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