Chapter 392

Mrs. Lu persuaded Mu Niange with kind words.

Mrs. Lu doesn't want what happened last time to happen again. Mu Niange obviously helped Lu Meiqi, making Lu Meiqi's condition more stable day by day. After listening to Xia Minmin's words, Mrs. Lu has a prejudice against Mu Niange...

Mrs. Lu admitted that she was not very rational when dealing with Lu Meiqi and Lu Yanche.

But seeing Lu Yanche and Lu Meiqi's attitude towards Mu Niange, Mrs. Lu began to change her attitude. Lu Yanche didn't say clearly in front of Mrs. Lu that he wanted to be with Mu Niange, so Lu Yanche must be angry with Mrs. Lu. I didn't tell Mrs. Lu because I was worried that Mrs. Lu would stop her and say some nasty things to Mu Niange.

Lu Yanche was the mastermind behind the scenes, Xia Minmin was the accomplice, Mu Niange was the victim, and in the end, the person who was accused was Mu Niange...

Mu Niange felt powerless, she wanted to respond to Mrs. Lu, but couldn't find the right words.

Could it be that Mu Niange should tell what Lu Yanche did in front of Xia Minmin?
Mu Niange was there to protect Lu Yanche. The problems that Lu Yanche didn't want to face, Mu Niange faced alone. It was Lu Yanche who changed Mu Niange and let Mu Niange play tricks, thinking about what to do, Only then can Xia Minmin be completely defeated.

When Xia Minmin heard Mrs. Lu criticizing Mu Niange's words, she secretly rejoiced in her heart. Looking at Mu Niange's silence, it was obvious that Mu Niange had nothing to say.

No matter how much Mu Niange argues, he can't argue with what Mrs. Lu heard...

Mu Niange knew that there was someone behind her, but cooperated with Xia Minmin to say such words. Xia Minmin really doubted whether Mu Niange had a brain problem. Unexpected harvest.

Xia Minmin walked to Madam Lu's side, and looked at Mu Niange side by side with Madam Lu, her face revealed a look of grievance: "Mu Niange, I didn't mean to say this in front of my aunt, I really can't bear it with you, what you did..."

At the end of Xia Minmin's speech, she did not continue. She turned her head to observe Mrs. Lu's expression, and found that Mrs. Lu did not stop Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin acted boldly, stretched out her hand to hold Mrs. Lu's arm and said, "Mu Niange, you If you really want to break up with Lu Yanche, and Lu Yanche asks you why, you must not say that it was my fault, let alone that it was your aunt who said that to you. You must know... Lu Yanche and his aunt have a very good relationship , you don't want to destroy the mother-child relationship between them, do you?"

Xia Minmin raised her eyebrows, looking at Mu Niange with a flash of complacency...

Mrs. Lu knew what kind of medicine Xia Minmin was selling in the gourd, and Mu Niange knew even more. Mu Niange looked at Xia Minmin calmly, without revealing any expression. disturbed.

Xia Minmin wanted to hold Mrs. Lu's hand even harder, but Mrs. Lu pulled her hand back calmly. She glanced at Xia Minmin and said mercilessly: "You don't know what kind of person Nian Ge is, but I do." No matter what she does, she will never say such things in front of Ah Che."

Xia Minmin was taken aback.

Mrs. Lu has one set in the front and the other in the back. What do you want to do?
Madam Lu's words sounded like she was defending Mu Niange, but in fact, it was a warning to Mu Niange...

Mu Niange suddenly felt that he was a clown, standing in the middle, letting Xia Minmin and Mrs. Lu attack, and when they finished attacking him and wanted to attack each other, Mu Niange became their tool again, and he wanted to change It was six years ago, and Mu Niange would have endured it without saying a word.

after all……

Mrs. Lu is Lu Yanche's mother, no matter what is wrong with Mrs. Lu, Mu Niange will endure and respect her.

But Mu Niange's respect, if he can't get the same respect from Mrs. Lu, what will Mu Niange have to endure in front of Mrs. Lu?
Mu Niange sneered: "The most disgusting thing is the hypocritical face..."

Mu Niange said such a sentence without beginning and end, Mrs. Lu and Xia Minmin were all taken aback, looking at Mu Niange with eyes full of surprise...

"The matter between me and Lu Yanche is only between me and Lu Yanche. Other people are not qualified to ask. Whether I have stepped in two boats is my business. The only person who should know clearly is Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche doesn't care if I do this, what's the use of you talking so much?"

"I give up on Lu Yanche, do you really think that Lu Yanche will give up on me?"

Mu Niange raised his eyebrows, curled his lips and asked sarcastically.

In a word, the choking Xia Minmin has nothing to say to Mrs. Lu. If Lu Yanche wanted to give up Mu Niange, he would have given up six years ago. Why wait until now...

Mrs. Lu has always thought that Mu Niange is a measured person, but now it seems that this is not the case. Her face darkened, and her eyes became sharper when she looked at Mu Niange: "Mu Niange, you know I don't know what you're talking about?"

"When you marry Lu Yanche, you don't marry Lu Yanche, but you marry into our Lu family..."

Mrs. Lu is reminding Mu Niange of a fact, a fact that Mu Niange wants to forget, but cannot forget. Marriage is not a matter of two people, but a matter of two families. In this regard, Mu Niange is better than Mrs. Lu To be clearer, the development between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche is not as fast as Xia Minmin and others imagined. It can be said that they are at an early stage.

"Auntie, you are right. Marriage is a matter between two families, but Lu Yanche and I have not come to that point now. If you disagree with me, the Mu family may not agree to landing Lu Yanche. So, Lu Yanche and I Whether or not we are together is still a matter between the two of us, I hope that Auntie will not listen to other people's words, mess up Lu Yanche and me, and affect our progress..."

Mu Niange didn't play around in the slightest, but said bluntly...

Mrs. Lu was very angry at Mu Niange's words. Why didn't she see that Mu Niange was so eloquent?

Xia Minmin secretly scolded Mu Niange for being an idiot in her heart, in front of Mrs. Lu, Mu Niange had to pretend no matter what?Pretending to be very affectionate with Lu Yanche, pretending that Xia Minmin is destroying the relationship between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche, Madam Lu will naturally accuse Xia Minmin and keep Xia Minmin away from Lu Yanche and Mu Niange, otherwise, it will be bad for Xia Minmin polite.

It's a pity that Mu Niange didn't do this, but Xia Minmin, with a flash of inspiration, took the lead in testing Mu Niange and asked Mu Niange to tell some bad things...

(End of this chapter)

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