Chapter 393

"Mu Niange, what do you mean by that?" Xia Minmin kept a straight face, fighting for Mrs. Lu...

"It seems that the fact that you are stepping on two boats is a fact. Otherwise, how could you have never thought about marrying Lu Yanche? It is precisely because you have no intentions for Lu Yanche that you can casually say such things to your aunt. "Xia Minmin looked at Mu Niange viciously, as if Mu Niange had said something heinous, which made Xia Minmin wish to punish Mu Niange severely.

Isn't what Xia Minmin is best at doing is sowing discord?

"You are someone that Lu Yanche doesn't like and doesn't want to see. What right do you have to say such things in front of me?" Mu Niange responded to Xia Minmin calmly, not taking Xia Minmin seriously at all.

Xia Minmin's face turned angry, she said you, and stepped forward to attack Mu Niange...

Mu Niange stood where she was, facing Xia Minmin without the slightest fear. When Xia Minmin's hand was about to be stretched out, Mu Niange felt her waist tighten, and she was hugged tightly by Lu Yanche. The familiar smell made her feel Mu Niange felt very secure, but this kind of security was not what Mu Niange wanted.

evade, attack...

A choice between thoughts.

Mu Niange chose to attack, and Lu Yanche's appearance undoubtedly brought Mu Niange to escape. Mu Niange was in Lu Yanche's arms, with a bitter smile on her lips. She didn't look up at Lu Yanche, and simply buried her head In Lu Yanche's arms, he didn't look at anyone.

Lu Yanche's appearance was beyond Xia Minmin's and Mrs. Lu's expectations...

Mrs. Lu called out to Lu Yanche, then looked at Mu Niange in Lu Yanche's arms, she frowned and said, "Ache, please explain to me, what's going on?"

Mrs. Lu questioned Lu Yanche. This was what Xia Minmin was looking forward to. Her expression changed, and a light flashed in her eyes.

The appearance of Lu Yanche was really an accident. He and Mu Niange parted ways and kept thinking about the matter with Mu Niange. Thinking of Mu Niange, Lu Yanche's heart would ache. For Lu Yanche, Mu Niange, I have endured a lot, and I have taken on a lot...

Does Lu Yanche want Mu Niange to continue to bear the burden?
The answer in Lu Yanche's mind was undoubtedly not wanting.

But thinking about it in a blink of an eye, I thought of the grievances between Mu Niange and Xia Minmin. Although it was caused by Lu Yanche, after all, Lu Yanche is an outsider and can't get involved...

Mu Niange didn't want Lu Yanche to make a move, Lu Yanche could understand, but Lu Yanche really could only watch helplessly, indifferent?

Lu Yanche is not ordinary incompetence, but special incompetence. He is always unable to handle the surrounding affairs well, especially everything related to Mu Niange.

"Lu Yanche, in front of my aunt, explain the matter clearly. Do you really want to go against my aunt's wishes for Mu Niange, who is on two boats? You don't want me to be nice to you, so I don't have to be nice to you. , but Auntie's kindness to you is not something you can have if you want it, and you can't have it if you don't want it..."

Xia Minmin holds on to Mrs. Lu's backing. As long as Xia Minmin makes good use of this opportunity, Mu Niange's image in Mrs. Lu's eyes will plummet. Not much better than Xia Minmin.

Only in this way can Xia Minmin feel more balanced...

The more Xia Minmin thought about it, the more proud she became, and even her mood improved a bit.

When Mrs. Lu heard Xia Minmin's questioning of Lu Yanche, her originally frowning eyebrows became even more intense. She glanced at Xia Minmin with a cold face, and said without emotion: "This is our family's business, and it has nothing to do with you. Nothing, you can go..."

When Xia Minmin heard this, the smile on the corner of her lips froze.

What does Mrs. Lu mean by this?
After making good use of Xia Minmin, I want to kick Xia Minmin away, no need?

"Auntie, I..." Xia Minmin opened her mouth, wanting to say something, Madam Lu looked away, not even looking at Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin's heart suddenly fell to the bottom, the contrast between before and after, Xia Minmin couldn't help it I want to laugh, but no matter how much I laugh, I can't laugh.

Mo Yunhao is right...

Her self-righteousness needs to be restrained a little, otherwise, it will only be herself who will be harmed in the end...

Xia Minmin nodded, with a look of understanding, but her footsteps did not move. She folded her arms around her chest and stared at Mu Niange who was leaning on Lu Yanche's arms. Her jealousy spread and rose to the A situation that Xia Minmin wanted to endure, but couldn't bear: "Auntie is right, Lu Yanche's matter is your family matter, but Mu Niange's matter is not your family matter, but mine..."

"I like Lu Yanche. It's not a matter of a day or two. She won't say anything about taking Lu Yanche away, let alone cherish Lu Yanche. If I can't get justice from Xia Minmin, I'm not willing..."

Xia Minmin clenched her hands into fists, not reconciled, she said it through gritted teeth.

Lu Yanche had a cold face, and he didn't listen to Xia Minmin's words at all. What Lu Yanche cared about was Mu Niange's feelings. Before Lu Yanche came over, what did Xia Minmin and Mrs. Lu say to Mu Niange?
The back view of Xia Minmin standing with Madam Lu looks like she is bullying Mu Niange...

"Mom, didn't I tell you that I will handle my affairs myself, and you... want to meddle in my affairs?" Lu Yanche didn't answer Mrs. Lu's question, but questioned Mrs. Lu instead.

Mrs. Lu was taken aback by Lu Yanche's questioning.

Then, her face darkened, and she shouted to Lu Yanche, "What's your attitude now? I'm your mother, don't I have the right to take care of your affairs? Lu Yanche, open your eyes and see clearly, the person you like is What a man!"

What kind of person is Mu Niange? Even Mu Niange himself can't see clearly. Mrs. Lu has seen Mu Niange clearly now, and wants to tell Lu Yanche?
Mu Niange couldn't help but wanted to laugh, and it wasn't a suitable occasion to laugh now, so she simply held back and poked her head out of Lu Yanche's arms, standing beside Lu Yanche, letting Lu Yanche embrace him I, looking at each other like this, looked a little weird, obviously it was Lu Yanche's mother, but she was standing by Xia Minmin's side...

Xia Minmin and Mrs. Lu have the same nostrils. What Mrs. Lu said, how Xia Minmin listened, it is really... a well-behaved puppy.

"Mom, you haven't learned your lesson from what happened last time? Who is Xia Minmin? Can you easily believe her words? During the past period of time, she has been thinking of pleasing Meiqi every day. What happened in the end?"

(End of this chapter)

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