Chapter 395

Xia Minmin felt that Mu Niange was playing word games with herself, so why wasn't Xia Minmin playing word games with Mu Niange?

Mu Niange chuckled, shrugged his shoulders disapprovingly and said, "Xia Minmin, you know very well, where did you get all this news? Is it every one of us, no matter what we do, you Know everything clearly?"

Hearing this, Xia Minmin's face turned pale, and she fell into Mu Niange's trap again. Mu Niange always did this, silently making Xia Minmin jump into the pit, and Xia Minmin didn't know how to explain or how to respond pit……

Xia Minmin opened her mouth, wanting to explain something, but finally found that she was so powerless to explain.

The people in the compound, what happened to them, as long as Xia Minmin wants to know, Xia Minmin can know this, Mu Niange knows this better than anyone else, Mu Niange did not expose Xia Minmin in front of other people, It's not because she's afraid of Xia Minmin, but because she's waiting for an opportunity. This opportunity was given by Xia Minmin.

What can Mrs. Lu say?
Lu Yanche's position is so firm. Regarding Mu Niange's matter, Lu Yanche's position will always be by Mu Niange's side. It doesn't matter if he doesn't speak, as long as he stands, it is a kind of gesture for Mu Niange. support.

Mrs. Lu could understand Lu Yanche's feeling of loving someone, and hoped that her life would be better than her own.

Mrs. Lu had lingering fears, worrying that Mu Niange would be detrimental to Lu Yanche. After hearing the conversation between Xia Minmin and Mu Niange, Mrs. Lu couldn't help laughing. She was almost deceived by Xia Minmin. Lu Yanche is not an idiot, how could it be possible? Are you willing to give up your loved one to someone else?
Mu Niange's counterattack is an absolute counterattack...

Xia Minmin had nothing to say, she stared at Mu Niange so closely, she could easily know the slightest disturbance, and Mu Niange seemed to have learned about Xia Minmin's point, so he responded so calmly and fearlessly with.

"How do you know Mo Yunhao's existence? Do you know Mo Yunhao? What is your relationship with Mo Yunhao? What is the relationship... between you?" Lu Yanche let go of Mu Niange's arm, and he started walking , approaching Xia Minmin, every question Lu Yanche asked was something that Xia Minmin didn't want Lu Yanche to know.

Xia Minmin was frightened by Lu Yanche's aura...

She stepped back again and again, looking at the flash of fear in Lu Yanche's eyes, when she had no choice but to retreat, she suppressed the fear in her heart, and said in a trembling voice: "Mo Yunhao and I, It has nothing to do with it."

"It has nothing to do with it. You know so much about Mu Niange and Mo Yunhao?" Lu Yanche laughed. Of course, he couldn't believe Xia Minmin's words. Xia Minmin really thought Lu Yanche was looking at it like a fool.

"I've always cared so much about Mu Niange. You shouldn't be the clearest about this?" Xia Minmin found a breakthrough and ruthlessly counterattacked Lu Yanche.

Lu Yanche nodded, and said with a clear face: "You are right, you are very concerned about reciting songs, so... everyone in the compound is the object of your attention, you say, Apart from discovering the matter between Mu Niange and Mo Yunhao, what else did you discover?"

"For example, Meiqi has a very good relationship with Niange, and you want to get news about Niange from Meiqi..."

"For example, you want to cheat Xia Youyou's trust, use Xia Youyou to hurt Niange again, and for example, you want to threaten Ji Jingchen, ask Ji Jingchen to assist you, and drive Niange out of the university again hospital?"

"In the final analysis, you are too naive, Xia Minmin..."

Lu Yanche described Xia Minmin with words like naive, it was really giving Xia Minmin face, Xia Minmin thought it was a compliment, but in fact, he was mocking Xia Minmin...

What kind of words would be more unpleasant to say from Lu Yanche's mouth?

Everything about Xia Minmin is ugly, Xia Minmin's heart is bleeding, Lu Yanche and Mu Niange are clear about her various methods, she doesn't want to expose Xia Minmin, she is too lazy to care about Xia Minmin, who would have thought that Xia Minmin is so shameless , thinking that she did her best, as long as she worked a little harder, everything would follow Xia Minmin's wishes.

Xia Minmin was naive and delusional, this was not the first time, Xia Minmin was obsessed with it and never regretted it.

"Why don't you think about it, why did I say such things, and how could Nian Ge follow my words and admit that he is such an unbearable person?" Lu Yanche narrowed his eyes slightly, and there was a dangerous breath in them.

He thought of the way Mu Niange was enduring for himself, and his heart ached, he was very sad, very distressed...

"Lu Yanche, you are blind. I'll take you to see a doctor. Don't be fooled by Mu Niange anymore." Xia Minmin had an ominous premonition in her heart. She didn't want to hear Lu Yanche continue talking. She changed the subject and stretched out her hand to think About to pull Lu Yanche away, Lu Yanche shook off Xia Minmin's hand fiercely. Xia Minmin stumbled to the ground, her tears streaming down the corners of her eyes, she couldn't help sobbing, she became the most ridiculous person .

"Am I blind, I know in my heart, you are so powerful, why don't you investigate me?"

"Xia Minmin, I think... you dare not? You are afraid that the result of the investigation will not be what you imagined. You will be sad, you will be sad, and you will wish to tear yourself to pieces. You will think , why are you so useless yourself? You can't handle even a mere Lu Yanche?"

Lu Yanche is a devil, he is forcing Xia Minmin, not giving Xia Minmin a way out, Xia Minmin shakes his head vigorously, trying to shake off what Lu Yanche said, the matter is not what Lu Yanche said, Xia Minmin doesn't investigate Lu Yanche, it is Believe in Lu Yanche, all of this was not done voluntarily by Lu Yanche, but by Mu Niange who forced Lu Yanche.

Mu Niange is poison. Lu Yanche has been infected with poison and needs to quit. If he doesn't quit, Lu Yanche's life will be in danger...

"Every word you say is inseparable from Mu Niange. Mu Niange is in your heart, is it really so important? If it is really so important, you will let Mu Niange face me alone? I am about to Driven crazy by you, when I go crazy, you will never imagine what I will do..."

Xia Minmin yelled loudly. She grabbed her hair vigorously, trying to get rid of the uneasiness in her heart. She scratched for a long time, but couldn't get rid of a trace of uneasiness. Instead, what she grabbed was pain...

(End of this chapter)

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