Chapter 396

The pain made her awake, extremely awake.

Hearing Xia Minmin's threat, Lu Yanche was completely annoyed. He knelt down and pinched Xia Minmin's chin. He looked at Xia Minmin with cold eyes and said viciously: "What did you just say, tell me again? Are you crazy? What I did was beyond your expectation, so... can you imagine what I would do when I went crazy?"

Xia Minmin is not the only one who can threaten people, Lu Yanche is also very scary when he threatens others.

It's a pity that Xia Minmin never took Lu Yanche's threats seriously. She felt that Lu Yanche was joking with her. After all, where is the friendship between Lu Yanche and Xia Minmin? Lu Yanche will be shaken if that incident is brought up for discussion.

"You're going crazy, aren't you hating Mu Niange?" Xia Minmin was in pain from being pinched by Lu Yanche. She frowned and didn't make a muffled sound. She laughed lightly and mocked Lu Yanche: "Mu Nianche Song is gone, who is indiscriminately blaming Mu Niange for all the mistakes? If I didn't see you sad and tell you the truth, maybe you wouldn't have gone with Mu Niange This step, blame me, blame me for being too soft-hearted, I can't see you getting hurt a little bit, but Lu Yanche, why don't you think about it for me? You don't actually want to see me get hurt, do you? It's can't help it, yes, You have no choice, it was Mu Niange who instigated you in your ears, and you became like this."

Xia Minmin once again challenged Lu Yanche's bottom line.

Lu Yanche once confessed in front of Mu Niange that he hated Mu Niange, but after he learned the truth, he realized that he was guilty of Mu Niange, and now... Xia Minmin came out to speak about the past, Mu Niange How could it be possible not to feel heartache when chanting a song?
Lu Yanche didn't think about Mu Niange from the perspective of Mu Niange, why did Mu Niange leave, what was the reason for Mu Niange to leave, what kind of mood did Mu Niange have when he left, Lu Yanche It was easy to find Mu Niange, but Lu Yanche didn't do it.

In the end, when Xia Minmin told those things, Lu Yanche didn't look for Mu Niange, but vented all his yearning and guilt for Mu Niange on Xia Youyou. Lu Yanche was afraid, he was afraid that he would find it Mu Niange, seeing Mu Niange's appearance, had no choice but to move forward.

Can he really protect Mu Niange well?He was also worried that he would bring the same harm to Mu Niange, and then... would Mu Niange really wait to see Lu Yanche like he did before?
A series of questions echoed in Lu Yanche's mind. If there is no answer, the best choice is to back down. Lu Yanche did back down. I'm sorry, Mu Niange. Lu Yanche is cowardly, and Xia Minmin can see his cowardice clearly.

"shut up!"

Lu Yanche had a sullen face, shouting, Xia Minmin smiled again, she looked at Mu Niange behind Lu Yanche, and continued: "What? Am I not telling the truth? Since Mu Niange chose to be with you, I have to accept everything about you, if you have to hide even these things from Mu Niange, I believe that you will not have good results..."

"Whether we have a good result or not is not up to you." Mu Niange responded with a cold face, her cherry lips parted slightly.

It seems that Xia Minmin's words did not move Mu Niange...

Mu Niange's reaction inevitably made Xia Minmin a little surprised. In a blink of an eye, Mu Niange, like Xia Minmin, is not a generous person, how could he accept such a thing?

"Well, you're right. I'm not in charge of whether you have a good result. Can't you hear it? I'm helping you, helping your love..." Xia Minmin's eyes were red, and tears flowed again flowed out.

Why is it not the love between Xia Minmin and Lu Yanche, but the love between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche? What qualifications does Mu Niange have to have this love...

"Don't you want to know why Lu Yanche tolerated me and stepped on two boats?" Mu Niange picked up his footsteps and slowly approached Xia Minmin. She stopped beside Lu Yanche. After glancing at Lu Yanche, she turned her gaze to Xia Minmin's body. She raised her eyebrows, full of questioning elements. Xia Minmin wanted to know that Mu Niange would definitely not hide anything.

Xia Minmin is crazy to want to know the truth.

She stared at Mu Niange with wide eyes, without saying a word...

Xia Minmin's silence, from Mu Niange's point of view, was acquiescing. Mu Niange nodded thoughtfully and said, "I think, I will come out to tell you this answer, better than Lu Yanche can tell you." What makes you feel better is that I'm not a saint, it's impossible for me to be kind to you after what you did to me..."

"Actually, everything was planned by Lu Yanche."

Mu Niange's eyes narrowed slightly, and a smile appeared on the corners of his lips. Mu Niange's mood seemed to be that he didn't say anything, and even explained to Xia Minmin that he had such patience...

She slowly squatted down and looked at Xia Minmin. It was not a bad feeling to be condescending, but Mu Niange inevitably felt a little unlucky looking at Xia Minmin's mournful face.

"I don't want to hear any nonsense from you. Every time I see you, I feel disgusted. I even think that if you disappear from my eyes, then my world will be very quiet and comfortable. I The relationship with Nian Ge will get better day by day, I not only use you, but also Nian Ge."

"What is the matter of stepping on two boats while chanting a song? I made it up, and the chanting came with me..."

Lu Yanche was the first to talk to Xia Minmin in front of Mu Niange. His hand was still pinching Xia Minmin's chin. Mu Niange could vaguely see the mark where Xia Minmin's chin was pinched. Mu Niange reached out and grabbed Xia Minmin's chin. Taking Lu Yanche's hand, Lu Yanche was taken aback by Mu Niange's grasp, he turned his head to look at Mu Niange, Mu Niange smiled at Lu Yanche and said, "I don't like you touching other girls besides me... "

Lu Yanche's heart trembled, and he subconsciously let go of Xia Minmin's chin.

Mu Niange pulled Lu Yanche up, and they stood side by side, looking down at Xia Minmin together. Xia Minmin lowered his eyes so that they couldn't see Xia Minmin's expression clearly. Lu Yanche's words echoed in Xia Minmin's mind , messy, rumbling...

How things should not be, how did they become like this?
(End of this chapter)

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