Chapter 397

Lu Yanche used Mu Niange to deal with Xia Minmin, Lu Yanche didn't want to see Xia Minmin's face, said that on purpose, did that on purpose, wanted Xia Minmin to see Lu Yanche's sincerity, wanted Xia Minmin to know that no matter how hard Xia Minmin tried, It was impossible, if Xia Minmin would never appear in front of Lu Yanche again, Lu Yanche had no extra thoughts to deal with Xia Minmin.

A series of voices resounded, each of which Xia Minmin didn't want to hear, but had to continue listening patiently.

Xia Minmin was silent for a while, then slowly stood up from the ground. She stood opposite Mu Niange and Lu Yanche, she lowered her eyes and did not look at them. The scene of them standing together deeply hurt Xia Minmin's heart Heart, Xia Minmin is dripping blood, if the dripping blood reaches a certain level, Xia Minmin will die, does Lu Yanche know?Do you know...

"Didn't you say that the person you love the most is Mu Niange? Didn't you say that you didn't want Mu Niange to be hurt a little bit? Didn't you say that...Mu Niange is your heart, and you don't want anyone to hurt Mu Niange? ? Didn't you say... If I dare to hurt Mu Niange even a little bit, you will be rude to me?"

"Lu Yanche, are you a man?"

Xia Minmin stepped forward emotionally and grabbed Lu Yanche's collar, questioning Lu Yanche one by one. Lu Yanche was silent when Xia Minmin questioned him, and his indifferent appearance aroused Xia Minmin's anger even more. Xia Minmin retreated and landed on Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche Back again and again.

At the right time, Mu Niange let go of Lu Yanche's hand, stepped aside, and watched quietly.

Mu Niange didn't mean to intervene. This is Mu Niange's matter, not Mu Niange's matter. The matter between Lu Yanche and Xia Minmin needs to be resolved in time, otherwise, what kind of situation will it fall into? The end, Mu Niange really can't imagine.

"That's the kind of person I am. It's the first day you met me?" Lu Yanche responded to Xia Minmin with a cold face.

Xia Minmin's tears came out again. She always thought that Lu Yanche was an affectionate person, so affectionately made Xia Minmin like Lu Yanche so much that she couldn't help herself. However, in the end, Xia Minmin realized that everything was because Xia Minmin was too naive , Lu Yanche was not as perfect as he imagined.

He is not Xia Minmin's dream lover, he has advantages and disadvantages, and this defect is very hateful.

"You don't want to see me, you hate me, you can tell me directly, what's the matter with you using Mu Niange?"

Xia Minmin's dislike for Mu Niange and Mu Niange's hatred for Mu Niange are all due to Lu Yanche, and it is Lu Yanche who is destroying the friendship between Mu Niange and Xia Minmin. Although there is no friendship between them, if it weren't for Lu Yanche, Xia Minmin can't even watch Mu Niange, such an ugly duckling is not worth Xia Minmin's extra effort.

The truth of things is often so unexpected...

Lu Yanche used Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin could understand, after all, she did such a thing, but Lu Yanche used Mu Niange, Xia Minmin really couldn't understand, Lu Yanche seemed to be thinking so deeply about Mu Niange, and Mu Niange was fiddling with Lu Yanche accepted all the sub-high-profile gestures.

It was Xia Minmin's hallucination and Xia Minmin's ignorance that created the current situation.

Xia Minmin laughed twice, she let go of Lu Yanche's hand, and took two steps back, she looked very distraught, her dream was suddenly shattered, and was ruthlessly crushed by Lu Yanche.

"This is not the first time I have said in front of you, Xia Minmin, I hate you, please disappear in front of me, and don't appear in front of Mu Niange, but that time, did you listen to what I said? Did you Focus on yourself, everything is for yourself, what you think is right, what other people think is wrong..."

Lu Yanche sneered, disdain to argue with Xia Minmin, but if Lu Yanche didn't say anything, how could Xia Minmin know the mystery, the truth?

"Isn't that why you gave me hope and made me think that?" Xia Minmin grabbed her hair with both hands and yelled at Lu Yanche.

"You can even use Mu Niange, I can't think of it, what else can you not do, Mu Niange, I thought you became smarter, who would have thought, you are still so stupid, so stupid to let me I can't help but want to laugh at you, Lu Yanche gave you such a big crime and made you a shameless person in the compound, how can you deal with it so calmly, stand here, indifferent?"

"No... I don't believe it. You guys lied to me together. Lu Yanche didn't use Mu Niange, it was Mu Niange who used Lu Yanche. Mu Niange, tell me, are you right? wrong……"

Xia Minmin rushed towards Mu Niange, grabbed Mu Niange's hand and shook it vigorously, the more she asked frantically, the more indifferent Mu Niange looked, she shook off Xia Minmin's hand without leaving a trace, He sneered and said, "Did I plan it all by myself? Didn't you hear it clearly? Why, you can't accept this fact?"

This is what Xia Minmin said to Mu Niange. Now, Mu Niange is paying back to Xia Minmin, wanting to see... how Xia Minmin can respond.

Yes, Xia Minmin can't accept it...

Xia Minmin wanted to hear Mu Niange say with her own ears that everything was false, that Lu Yanche was deceiving herself, but unfortunately, everything was not as Xia Minmin thought.

"Xia Minmin, you think you love Lu Yanche very much, but you don't seem to know as much about Lu Yanche as you imagined." Mu Niange chuckled, seeing Xia Minmin like this, couldn't help but wanted to give Xia Minmin more A little hit.

"But I know Lu Yanche very well..."

"I had expected that Lu Yanche would do such a thing, so when you stood with Lu Yanche and talked about such a thing, I was not surprised at all. Following Lu Yanche's momentum, I took Lu Yanche If you say so, I become a shameless person in your mouth, so what if I am a shameless person? I don’t care at all, anyway, this is not the first time you have said that to me..."

"If you would say that about me, you can only say that you are superficial, superficial without any quality."

Mu Niange said lightly, he didn't seem to care at all, Xia Minmin really admired Mu Niange, it's not the same thing that Mu Niange said about such an important matter, it was Mu Niange's heart It doesn't matter if there is no benefit in the harm?
"You are shameless, I am not wrong about you!"

(End of this chapter)

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