Chapter 402

"Senior, you have not only taken care of me, but also cared about me. I am very grateful to you, but I don't know how to express my gratitude. This time... about your mother, I am even more grateful to you Telling me gives me a chance to help you. As for Xia Minmin, you really don't need to worry about me. I can handle it well. I know that because of me, you fell out with Xia Minmin..."

"If you don't tell me what you did to Xia Minmin, I know it in my heart. You are more worried about me than me. What you have to worry about is yourself..."

The tone of Mu Niange's speech became aggravated subconsciously. Thinking of what Xia Minmin asked Mo Yunhao to do, Xia Minmin would very likely let other people do it to Mo Yunhao once. At that time, what would Mo Yunhao do? Ability to resist?

"Niange, sometimes I think you are stupid, and sometimes I think you are smart. Now it seems that everything is my illusion. You are stupid, and you will always be so stupid..." Mo Yunhao heard Mu Niange's words , laughed silently, the smile was full of helplessness, who is like Mu Niange, who always thinks of other people first when thinking about things, and ignores it by himself, and finally realizes, oh ...It turns out that I didn't take good care of myself, it was my fault.

Is Mu Niange stupid?

If she wasn't stupid, how could she go through these things?

However, it was through these things that Mu Niange grew up...

"According to what the senior said, you are also a fool. You said, you treat Xia Minmin like that for me, don't you worry that Xia Minmin will retaliate against you?" Mu Niange said pretending to be relaxed, while talking, She looked at Mo Yunhao accusingly.

Mo Yunhao understood.

The purpose of Mu Niange's coming here is for this, to worry about Mo Yunhao...

Mo Yunhao's heart was full of inexplicable emotions, and he really wanted to hug Mu Niange into his arms, thank Mu Niange well, and tell Mu Niange what he really thought in his heart. In fact, he didn't have Mu Niange What he saw was so good, but he was willing to put his own image to the end in front of Mu Niange, and become a perfect person in Mu Niange's mind.

"I'm not worried. If Xia Minmin wants to deal with me, I know that you will be the first to rush out to protect me..."

Although what Mo Yunhao said is a bit embarrassing, what he said is the truth. No one is more related to Mo Yunhao's safety than Mu Niange. Mo Yunhao sighed and suddenly felt that he was useless. If he was more useful , Mu Niange wouldn't be like this.

"You don't want me to be distracted to protect you, do you? Take the money Xia Minmin gave you and take your aunt away."

This is the only thing Mu Niange can do for Mo Yunhao, and it is also the best choice for Mo Yunhao...

In the end, Mo Yunhao did not reject Mu Niange's arrangement. Mu Niange had already helped Mo Yunhao find a hospital, and when Mo Yunhao agreed, he could leave immediately. On the day Mo Yunhao left, Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang went to see Mo Yunhao off together, seeing the car Mo Yunhao was sitting in disappeared in front of her eyes, Yang Zhishuang looked sideways at Mu Niange, and said with a bit of reluctance: "It's not easy to meet the senior, and I'm not I know when I have to wait until I can see the senior again..."

Mo Yunhao was like a gust of wind, blowing and disappearing.

Mu Niange stared at the direction where the car disappeared, and didn't respond to Yang Zhishuang. Yang Zhishuang saw that something was wrong with Mu Niange, so she didn't continue talking...

They walked for a short distance, Yang Zhishuang couldn't take it anymore, she pulled Mu Niange to a stop and said, "Niange, last time, you asked me to cooperate with the senior, you said the senior would take care of Xia Minmin well , As a result, the senior was taken away?"

In fact, Yang Zhishuang knew that Mo Yunhao took Mo Yunhao's mother to see a doctor.

But no matter what, Mu Niange kept something hidden from Yang Zhishuang...

"Senior is different from you and me..." Mu Niange said with her cherry lips lightly, her voice was like a gust of wind, very light.

Of course Yang Zhishuang knew that Mo Yunhao was different from her and Mu Niange, could men and women be the same?
Seeing Mu Niange like this, Yang Zhishuang thought of the preoccupied Mu Niange in City B again, that was Yang Zhishuang's least favorite Mu Niange, she always wanted to change Mu Niange, looked at Mu Niange With a little change, Yang Zhishuang would be extremely satisfied.

"You are just worried that the senior will be punished by Xia Minmin, but Xia Minmin, didn't you dare to speak because of you? How could she attack the senior?"

Yang Zhishuang sighed, unable to bear to tell the truth, Yang Zhishuang noticed Xia Minmin's silence, at least, during this time, Yang Zhishuang did not see Xia Minmin making trouble.

Whether Xia Minmin is making trouble is not something that Yang Zhishuang can see, it needs to be felt by Mu Niange himself.

"If Xia Minmin didn't make trouble, how could I find a good hospital and ask the senior to take his mother with him to see a doctor?" Mu Niange was worried about Yang Zhishuang's IQ, and what Mu Niange said made sense , Yang Zhishuang really couldn't understand these complicated things if he wanted to.

"The last time you asked me to cooperate with the senior, I didn't ask you the reason. I believed you. Why, you have learned to hide something from me now?"

Yang Zhishuang pouted, folded her arms around her chest, and said with a bit of dissatisfaction...

Mu Niange took Yang Zhishuang's hand flatteringly, shook it affectionately twice and said, "Why am I willing to hide something from you? I'm worried that you will lose your temper because of your short temper."

Yang Zhishuang is short-tempered, she is worried about Mu Niange...

Does Mu Niange know?
Yang Zhishuang glanced at Mu Niange, and kept her original action indifferently. Mu Niange sighed, and asked Yang Zhishuang to briefly explain the cause and effect of the matter. Mu Niange naturally ignored Mrs. Lu's part. Ge didn't want Mrs. Lu to leave a bad impression on Yang Zhishuang.

Yang Zhishuang is someone who cares about herself, she knows, is she far away from Mu Yuanling?

In the end, Mu Niange cared about Lu Yanche, and had scruples about Lu Yanche...

"Hehe, this Xia Minmin really thinks that money can turn ghosts around..." Yang Zhishuang sneered, mocking Xia Minmin with disdain, but she had no money, and she absolutely couldn't: "She was born better, so what right does she have to be insulted like this?" people."

"She insulted people, but there is a price to be paid for insulting people. Look, isn't her money given to the senior for free? The senior found a bargain. We should thank Xia Minmin for acting in such a play..."

Mu Niange's words made sense again, Yang Zhishuang raised her head and laughed wildly three times: "You are right, Xia Minmin is a stupid person!"

(End of this chapter)

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