Chapter 403

Only stupid people will give money to others for free. Moreover, this gift is 50. For an ordinary family, 50 is an astronomical figure...

On the fifth day after Mo Yunhao left, Xia Minmin disappeared in the compound. Even Xia Youyou didn't know where Xia Minmin went. God, half of the things in her room were swept away, and even the people were gone.

Xia Youyou told Mrs. Xia about this, who would have thought, Mrs. Xia nodded and said nothing more.

For a daughter who has no use value, Mrs. Xia will not take it seriously...

Mrs. Xia pulled Xia Youyou, sat on the sofa and said, "Yuyou, it might be a good thing that Minmin is gone. Didn't you compete with Ah Che together back then? If it wasn't for Minmin's use of improper means , it is impossible for you to be treated like that by Ah Che, now that the misunderstanding has been resolved, is the relationship between you and Ah Che better than before?"

Mrs. Xia's eyes were shining brightly, she couldn't do without Lu Yanche every word she said.

Xia Youyou's heart tightened, she knew what Mrs. Xia was paying attention to, but Xia Youyou and Lu Yanche were already impossible. Didn't Mrs. Xia realize this?

"Mom, you have eyes to see. In this compound, who doesn't know that Lu Yanche and Mu Niange are together? If I want to cling to Lu Yanche, it will only make Lu Yanche hate me again..." Xia Youyou looked sad And then, without the slightest concealment, he spoke his mind.

Mrs. Xia is right, the misunderstanding between Xia Youyou and Lu Yanche has been resolved, but the misunderstanding does not mean that Lu Yanche and Xia Youyou can develop together...

Right now, the most important thing for Xia Youyou is to stay away from Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin's departure is a mystery. Who knows what Xia Minmin is planning behind her back?

If Xia Youyou were to be innocently involved by Xia Minmin, wouldn't Xia Youyou be too wronged?

"Why does Ah Che hate you for no reason?" Mrs. Xia was very dissatisfied with what Xia Youyou said. Of course she knew that Lu Yanche was protecting Mu Niange and was with Mu Niange, but these days, Mu Niange and Mu Niange Didn't Lu Yanche have no contacts?

Everyone could see the emotional crisis between them. If Xia Youyou didn't step forward at this time, wouldn't it be a waste of opportunity?

"Where can the relationship between Mu Niange and Ah Che be strengthened? It's not up to them whether they can get together in the end. Compared to Xia Minmin, you have a slightly better image in Mrs. Lu's heart." Yes, these few days, you go to visit Lu's house, chat with Mrs. Lu, ask Mrs. Lu's preferences, and prescribe the right medicine!"

Mrs. Xia didn't give Xia Youyou room to refute. As soon as she finished speaking, she directly stuffed Xia Youyou with a bank card.

Xia Youyou held the bank card, looking confused...

Mrs. Xia is always like this. Without Xia Youyou's consent, she helps Xia Youyou arrange her life. She is not as strong as Xia Minmin, but this does not mean that Xia Youyou will always be at the mercy of Mrs. Xia.

Xia Youyou thought that in her heart, but she couldn't resist the reality.

On the third day after talking with Mrs. Xia, Xia Youyou took a bunch of gifts and went to Lu's house. At first, Xia Youyou didn't dare to ring the doorbell, but then she mustered up her courage and rang the doorbell. The person who came to open the door It was Lu Meiqi. When she saw Xia Youyou, she was taken aback for a moment, and then said without giving Xia Youyou a good face: "What are you doing here?"

Lu Meiqi's hostility towards Xia Youyou is quite serious...

Lu Meiqi looked down at what Xia Youyou was holding in her hand, curled her lips and said with a sarcasm: "Don't tell me, you are here to visit my mother?"

"Xia Youyou, I found that you two sisters are really funny. One sister left and another sister came. Will a cousin come after your sister leaves? The members of your Xia family are really impressive. disgusting."

Lu Meiqi doesn't give Xia Youyou any favors at all, no matter how ugly the words in her mouth can be, she can say as many ugly words as she can.

Xia Youyou's face turned pale at what Lu Meiqi said, she bit her lower lip tightly, and did not refute Lu Meiqi, if it were the past, Xia Youyou would definitely deal with Lu Meiqi severely, but now, not before, Xia Youyou What Yoyo needs to face is the current situation.

The corner of Xia Youyou's lips curled into a forced smile, "You're right, I'm here to visit your mother, but I don't have any other intentions..."

Holding something **** and saying that there is no other meaning?
Is Xia Youyou teasing Lu Meiqi?Lu Meiqi thought that the relationship between Lu Yanche and Mu Niange was very bad these days, she was too lazy to spend any time with Xia Youyou, and wanted to close the door, but Xia Youyou reached out to block Lu Meiqi's move, and Lu Meiqi closed the door with Xia Youyou's hand, Xia Youyou With a scream, everything in his hand fell to the ground.

The movement at the door alarmed Mrs. Lu who was sitting in the living room, and Mrs. Lu walked over with a surprised expression. Seeing Xia Youyou's embarrassed look, Mrs. Lu asked Lu Meiqi, "What's going on? "

Lu Meiqi rolled her eyes, she didn't want to squat down to help Xia Youyou get the things, but Mrs. Lu knelt down and helped Xia Youyou pick it up. Lu Meiqi wanted to stop Mrs. Lu, but she was given a look by Mrs. Lu. Stopping it, Lu Meiqi stood unwillingly behind Madam Lu, watching Madam Lu being polite to Xia Youyou.

"Yuyou, what's the matter with you?"

Xia Youyou smiled at Madam Lu and said, "Auntie, I'm fine, it's my mother, let me bring these things to you..."

While Xia Youyou was talking, she held up the bag in her hand, asking Mrs. Lu to take it. Of course, it was impossible for Mrs. Lu to take it. She looked at Xia Youyou with a puzzled expression on her face and said, "This is it?"

"Auntie, I know that Xia Minmin has done an irreparable mistake to Meiqi. I apologize. My mother also thinks that she is too reluctant to go. She wants to buy some things that Meiqi likes and give them to Meiqi to show our sincerity. ..."

Xia Youyou is not a person who will face elders. Hearing Mrs. Lu's question, Xia Youyou stammered in response. Just as she finished speaking, she was still thinking, did she say something wrong?

Mrs. Lu heard the words, but before she reacted, Lu Meiqi, who was standing behind Mrs. Lu, reacted first: "Apologies, to show sincerity? Xia Youyou, do you take my mother for a fool, or yourself? If you If you wanted to apologize, you would have come a long time ago, how could you get it now, I think you just want to please my mother and get close to my brother."

"Xia Youyou, why are you more shameless than Xia Minmin?"

(End of this chapter)

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