Chapter 404

"Xia Minmin is not in the compound now, do you think this is your world, you can do whatever you want? Let me tell you, don't wishful thinking, my brother belongs to Sister Niange, in this life, and in the next life , if you want to lose face, don't embarrass yourself here."

Lu Meiqi first said that Xia Youyou was shameless than Xia Minmin, and then persuaded Xia Youyou to leave. There were conflicts before and after, but how could Lu Meiqi control so much?
Lu Meiqi has said what should be said and what should not be said, and the rest depends on how Xia Youyou chooses...

What Lu Meiqi said was a bit harsh, but she was not wrong. Madam Lu wanted to accuse Lu Meiqi, but she was afraid that she would not be able to. Moreover, she did not want to criticize. Letting Xia Youyou go is naturally a good thing. Madam Lu also wanted to If Lu Yanche wants to be nice to Mu Niange, if Lu Yanche comes back and sees Xia Youyou at home, he might lose his temper with Mrs. Lu.

Lu Yanche has a big temper, but he didn't really show it in front of everyone...

"Yuyou, take these things back, Meiqi doesn't lack anything." Mrs. Lu smiled and pushed back the bag Xia Youyou was holding. This was the result Xia Youyou expected, but what Lu Meiqi said , it still made Xia Youyou feel uncomfortable.

Why is she so shameless?
Why didn't she know that Lu Yanche belonged to Mu Niange, she didn't want to get a foot in the middle, but Xia Youyou didn't belong to her, she couldn't do whatever she wanted, Mrs. Xia wanted Xia Minmin all the time, Xia Youyou Qiqi married into a rich family, did she ever think about how much her daughter weighs?

Xia Youyou smiled awkwardly, she nodded, turned around and left...

The first attempt failed, Madam Xia scolded Xia Youyou for going back. Seeing what Xia Youyou bought, Madam Xia hated it to death, saying that she didn't want the things, and Xia Youyou would take them after Madam Xia went to buy them. go.

Could it be that Xia Youyou didn't understand clearly?Mrs. Xia didn't understand?
Xia Youyou watched Mrs. Xia leave, her hands clenched into fists...

Xia Youyou went to Lu's house again, and chose the day when Lu Meiqi was not around. Xia Youyou didn't know where Lu Meiqi went, but she observed Lu Meiqi's whereabouts. When Mrs. Lu saw Xia Youyou coming with something again, She was too embarrassed to reject Xia Youyou, so she made Xia Youyou stand at the door.

After Madam Lu let Xia Youyou in, she poured Xia Youyou a glass of water and asked Xia Youyou to sit down.

Xia Youyou didn't say any polite words, and directly handed the bag to Madam Lu and said, "Auntie, we are really sorry for causing Meiqi's harm, my mother asked me to bring it, if you don't accept it If so, it's really hard for me to explain to my mother..."

When Xia Youyou said this, embarrassment appeared on her face.

What kind of person is Mrs. Xia? In fact, Mrs. Lu knows very well, but she has never revealed it. Thinking of Mrs. Xia's attitude towards Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou, Xia Youyou has suffered a lot of grievances. Mrs. Lu softened her heart and accepted Xia Youyou "You should be clear, Meiqi doesn't like you like this..."

The implication is that Mrs. Lu does not want to see the next time.

Xia Youyou nodded, of course she knew the meaning of Madam Lu's words, but just because Xia Youyou agreed, it didn't mean that Madam Xia would agree, Xia Youyou didn't know how to explain to Madam Xia...

Xia Youyou was sitting on the sofa, very restrained. She lowered her eyes and did not look at Mrs. Lu. Just as Xia Youyou was thinking about getting up to say goodbye, the door of Lu's house was opened. Lu Meiqi smiled and pulled Mu Niange Walking in with his hand, seeing Xia Youyou sitting on the sofa, the smile on the corners of his lips retracted.

She looked at Mrs. Lu and accused, "Mom, why is she here? Didn't say that, I don't care about their things!"

As soon as Lu Meiqi finished speaking, she realized that something was wrong. Mu Niange didn't know the cause and effect. Didn't she make Mu Niange clear by saying that?Lu Meiqi looked at Mu Niange, opened her mouth to explain, Mu Niange nodded at Mrs. Lu, and politely called: "Auntie."

Madam Lu didn't know what method Lu Meiqi used to trick Mu Niange here. What she knew was that this was the first time Mu Niange came here on his own initiative during the period of the cold war between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche.

Mrs. Lu felt ashamed of Mu Niange, she got up from the sofa, and called Mu Niange to come in: "Meiqi, what's the matter, we'll talk about it later..."

Lu Meiqi wanted to wait until later, but she slipped her mouth if she didn't say anything, so if she said later, wouldn't she be hiding something from Mu Niange?This hurt Mu Niange quite a lot. Of course, Lu Meiqi would not do what Mrs. Lu said. Lu Meiqi shook her head, grabbed Mu Niange's hand and walked in. She looked at Xia Youyou and said in disgust He said: "I told you very clearly when you came last time, I don't think you are more shameless than Xia Minmin, but you have no face at all..."

Lu Meiqi can treat Xia Youyou with bad words as Mrs. Lu's, because Xia Youyou knows very well that she asked for it.

But Lu Meiqi couldn't say such things to Xia Youyou in front of Mu Niange. Xia Youyou's only pride was that she gave up on Lu Yanche when Xia Minmin was entangled with Lu Yanche, and helped Mu Niange and Lu Yanche.

Xia Youyou's face turned ugly, and just as she was about to refute Lu Meiqi, she saw Mu Niange holding Lu Meiqi's hand, and said with a bit of accusation: "Meiqi, you can't say that, my aunt let her into this house, They are the guests of the Lu family, so treat them with courtesy!"

Lu Meiqi opened her eyes wide, and was a little dumbfounded by Mu Niange's accusation, but since it was what Mu Niange said, Lu Meiqi naturally wanted to listen, Lu Meiqi nodded reluctantly, she went to the sofa and sat down, and simply ignored it. up.

Mrs. Lu was obviously a little surprised that Mu Niange would say this...

Mu Niange looked at Xia Youyou, and signaled Xia Youyou to sit down with her eyes, and then she sat opposite Xia Youyou, staring at Xia Youyou with big eyes.

Xia Youyou really can't understand Mu Niange, nor can she see clearly what kind of person Mu Niange is. If Xia Minmin saw Xia Youyou appearing here, she would definitely drag Xia Youyou out and beat Xia Youyou hard Clean up.

However, falling into Mu Niange's place means treating each other politely. With Mu Niange, Lu Meiqi has settled down a lot. It seems that Lu Meiqi really attaches great importance to Mu Niange...

Thinking of this, Xia Youyou's heart sank slightly. It's not that she wasn't envious or jealous. In the past, Xia Youyou tried every means to please Lu Meiqi, but she didn't. When Xia Minmin was also frustrated, Xia Youyou felt a little balanced.

(End of this chapter)

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