Chapter 405

At this moment, Xia Youyou realized how ridiculous she was...

She is looking backwards, not forwards.

Mu Niange looked at Xia Youyou's eyes, and inadvertently landed on the bag next to Xia Youyou, Mu Niange raised his eyebrows, and said with a bit of teasing: "Xia Youyou, you are so polite, come to see Aunt Lu, Have you prepared so many good things?"

Mu Niange didn't even know what was inside, so he just said it was a good thing, was it for Xia Youyou's face, or for Mrs. Lu's face?
Lu Meiqi can't control who Mu Niange gives face to, but Lu Meiqi doesn't want to give Xia Youyou face at all. When Mu Niange's words just fell off, Lu Meiqi burst out laughing. She looked at Mu Niange, feeling Dahao said: "Miss Niange, you really like to joke, who are the people in Xia's family, shouldn't you and I know the best? Good things... I think they are some unnecessary things, so I brought them to us Yes, but our family does not lack this kind of thing, so I brought it here to shame people."

Lu Meiqi's courage was getting bigger and bigger. Mrs. Lu frowned as she listened to Lu Meiqi's words.

Although it is a good thing that Lu Meiqi has become more courageous, it seems that it is not very good to accuse Sang Huai like this. Mrs. Lu glared at Lu Meiqi, wanting Lu Meiqi to restrain herself. Lu Meiqi reluctantly rolled her eyes, and casually took the pillow beside her, in my arms.

Mu Niange rubbed the center of his brows, looked at Lu Meiqi with a bit of a headache, and came to Lu's house with Lu Meiqi, it was a complete accident, it was not at all Mu Niange's voluntary...

However, this was not voluntary. After seeing such a scene, it was a little rewarding. Mu Niange took out a document bag from the bag, handed it to Mrs. Lu and said, "Auntie, here are some materials, please take a look." .”


Mrs. Lu looked surprised, and didn't mind the meaning of Mu Niange's words. Speaking of the information, Lu Meiqi immediately became excited. She ran to sit beside Mrs. Lu, took Mrs. Lu's arm and said: "Mom, Take a quick look, this is the school information that Sister Nian Ge prepared for me."


Mrs. Lu's hand holding the document bag trembled slightly, she looked at Lu Meiqi in astonishment, and dared not answer: "Meiqi, do you want to go to school?"

Is it strange that Lu Meiqi wants to go to school?

Lu Meiqi responded to Mrs. Lu angrily and said, "Yes, yes, I finally want to go to school, are you scared by me?"

In fact, Lu Meiqi herself was also scared. Lu Meiqi originally wanted to play with Mu Niange and talk about Lu Yanche. Who would have thought that when Mu Niange saw Lu Meiqi, he directly handed the file bag to Lu Meiqi, and told Lu Meiqi the key points .

Lu Meiqi's heart is not without scars. Hearing the word "go to school", Lu Meiqi was really scared to death, but seeing Mu Niange say so firmly, not going to school will do Lu Meiqi no good at all, so Lu Meiqi reluctantly opened the file bag to read Look at the information inside.

Seeing the schools inside, Lu Meiqi said that it was impossible for her not to be moved...

But if Lu Meiqi's heart is moved, how will Lu Meiqi overcome this obstacle in her heart?She has social phobias, doesn't know how to deal with people, and is even more afraid that she will find out what happened before. Mu Niange saw through Lu Meiqi's mind at a glance. While explaining to Lu Meiqi, she was watching Lu Meiqi's reaction.

Lu Meiqi's longing was written all over her face.

Mu Niange poked Xia Minmin's head with a chuckle, thinking of her past self, and it was the same. At that time, if Yang Zhishuang hadn't helped Mu Niange, Mu Niange couldn't do it and become a normal person.

It's not that Lu Meiqi is not a normal person, it's just that Lu Meiqi needs time to test and hone...

"Meiqi, I know what you're thinking. The hurt I suffered at the beginning was far more serious than the hurt you suffered. Look at me, don't I just stand here and study until I'm about to graduate? We have our own differences. Road, what kind of person are you, what is your world like, do you want to stay at home all your life, never go anywhere, and be a person doing nothing?"

Mu Niange's few words pierced Lu Meiqi's heart, how could Lu Meiqi want to be a person with nothing to do?

Lu Meiqi once had a dream, but her dream was destroyed before it even started...

Now, with Mu Niange's help, Lu Meiqi thought, she can try it, if it doesn't work, she can make another plan, she is young, and youth is his greatest capital.

Xia Youyou was taken aback when she heard the word "go to school", then looked at Mu Niange with a calm and composed look on her face, it seemed that Mu Niange had already prepared for all of this, and she just waited for the right time to bring it out to let Lu Meiqi was happy, which made Mrs. Lu even more happy.

Compared with Xia Youyou's gift, letting Lu Meiqi go to study again will win Mrs. Lu's heart more.

Xia Youyou clenched her fists unconsciously. Sitting here, like an outsider, she only had to be told by Lu Meiqi and had no chance to refute.

"Although the few schools here are not the most famous, they are better than the famous ones. I have inquired about them. The education conditions there are very good in all aspects. The most important thing is that there will be no campus violence..."

Mu Niange looked at Mrs. Lu and explained seriously.

This is the first factor for Mu Niange when choosing a school. She can't get the best for herself and wants to prepare the best for Lu Meiqi. Lu Meiqi glanced at Mu Niange gratefully and said from the bottom of her heart: "I I knew that Sister Nian Ge was the best to me."

That's right, Lu Yanche is probably not as nice to Lu Meiqi as Mu Niange is, so, Xia Minmin, what does Xia Youyou want to compare with Mu Niange, there is no need to compare, because they lost from the beginning.

Xia Youyou lowered her eyes, and smiled slightly, that smile was full of self-mockery.

It's not that Mrs. Lu never thought about letting Lu Meiqi go to school, but Lu Meiqi has always been unwilling, so Mrs. Lu didn't force Lu Meiqi to go with Lu Meiqi's temper. Now, Lu Meiqi took the initiative to say that she would go, and Mrs. Lu was naturally happy. Coupled with Mu Niange's explanation, Mrs. Lu was even more delighted.

"Then Meiqi, which one do you want to go to?" Mrs. Lu directly passed the information to Lu Meiqi, and asked Lu Meiqi to choose...

"Sister Niange said that I am not alone in going to school. She said that I want you to help me choose. The things you choose for me will always be the best." Lu Meiqi leaned on Mrs. Lu's arm affectionately, acting like a baby with.

Mrs. Lu's heart was suddenly melted by Lu Meiqi. When did Lu Meiqi become so sensible?Mrs. Lu was very pleased to be sensible.

(End of this chapter)

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