Chapter 406

Mrs. Lu did not decide on Lu Meiqi's school so quickly. She had to discuss it with Lu Meiqi's father and Lu Yanche first. Seeing Lu Meiqi hugging Mrs. Lu's arm and acting like a spoiled child, Mu Niange was inexplicably envious. Chanting the song involuntarily lowered his head, not looking.

Mu Niange's small actions fell into Xia Youyou's eyes, and the person who can understand Mu Niange's feelings best is Xia Youyou.

Mu Niange and Xia Youyou came out of the Lu family together. Originally, Lu Meiqi wanted to return the things Xia Youyou brought to Xia Youyou. She didn't care about Xia Youyou's things, but when Lu Meiqi wanted to throw them to Xia Youyou When he was stopped by Mu Niange, Mu Niange looked at Xia Youyou and said calmly: "They did do something that I'm sorry for you, and they should apologize..."

As for whether to accept it or not, that is Lu Meiqi's business, and has nothing to do with Xia Youyou.

Xia Youyou wanted to laugh, but couldn't...

Mu Niange's methods are getting more and more sophisticated. Mu Niange walked behind Xia Youyou. She didn't want to say hello to Xia Youyou, and walked straight towards Mu's house. Xia Youyou couldn't help but shouted. Looking at Mu Niange, he stared at Mu Niange's back and said, "What are you trying to do by doing this?"

When Mu Niange wants to give for Lu Yanche, he can give everything. When Mu Niange doesn't want to give, no one can force Mu Niange...

This made Xia Youyou feel very admirable. She also wanted to be like Mu Niange, free and easy, to do things according to her own temperament, but Xia Youyou, from the beginning, was a person without freedom. What did she say? , would be rejected, so... why did Xia Youyou waste time with such an expression?

Before Mu Niange could finish Xia Youyou's words, he had already turned to look at Xia Youyou...

Xia Youyou asked, what is Mu Niange drawing, and Mu Niange also wants to ask, what is Xia Youyou drawing?Xia Minmin disappeared in the compound, Mrs. Xia put all her energy on Xia Youyou, thinking that Xia Youyou could get everything she wanted by working hard?
It's just a fool's dream...

Mu Niange was too lazy to argue with Xia Youyou, she raised her eyebrows and asked, "Then what are you trying to do?"

Mu Niange's rhetorical question made Xia Youyou unable to answer, her face turned pale, and Mu Niange's eyes were vaguely questioning, interrogating Xia Youyou, what do you want to go to Lu's house with a gift?

Although Xia Youyou was not willing, but Xia Youyou did that. Facing Mu Niange, Xia Youyou would inevitably feel guilty...

Xia Youyou's silence caused Mu Niange to chuckle: "Do you have to be so nervous? You ask me what I'm drawing, and I ask you what I'm drawing. Isn't it normal to reciprocate courtesy?"

Xia Youyou's expression was startled, and the way she looked at Mu Niange changed slightly. It turned out that... Xia Youyou's question was a reciprocity in Mu Niange's eyes.

Xia Youyou took a step forward, and said with a firm expression: "Then if I do something to Lu Yanche, how do you plan to reciprocate with me?"

As Xia Youyou was talking, the topic came to Lu Yanche again. Mu Niange knew that Xia Youyou could not be so simple. From Lu Meiqi's attitude, Mu Niange could tell that this was not the first time Xia Youyou went to Lu's house. The last time I went there, I caught up with Lu Meiqi at home. Lu Meiqi was not the Lu Meiqi six years ago, so his attitude towards Xia Youyou was naturally different from before.

Coupled with the fact that Mrs. Lu is by Lu Meiqi's side, Lu Meiqi is even more daring...

Mu Niange is completely understandable for Lu Meiqi's reaction to Xia Youyou. On the one hand, Xia Youyou is from the Xia family. On the other hand, Xia Youyou once bullied Mu Niange. Song, Lu Meiqi's distress, Mu Niange took it to heart, prepared those for Lu Meiqi, and only wanted Lu Meiqi to be good.

"First, I don't know what you want to do to Lu Yanche. Second, Lu Yanche may not agree to what you want to do to Lu Yanche. I can tell me when you do it to Lu Yanche smoothly. , when the time comes, I will tell you how I want to treat you in return."

Mu Niange pondered for a while, watching Xia Youyou answer seriously...

Mu Niange's response was not ambiguous at all. Mu Niange once again refreshed her image in Xia Youyou's heart. It seemed that Mu Niange had changed again, making Xia Youyou unable to figure it out, and making Xia Youyou want to I know what Mu Niange is thinking.

Mu Niange drove Xia Minmin away from the compound, shouldn't she take the opportunity to cultivate a good relationship with Lu Yanche, and then smoothly grab Lu Yanche's heart?Don't let the accident happen again?

"Mu Niange, do you think that Xia Minmin is not in the compound anymore, and Lu Yanche is yours, so you take it lightly?" Xia Youyou didn't want to argue with Mu Niange on unnecessary issues, no matter what the result of the argument was Well, the situation between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche will not change.

If Xia Youyou has the energy to think about such things, why not think about it seriously... What should I do in the future?

It is impossible for her to be under Madam Xia's control all her life and help Madam Xia with her work...

"That eye of yours sees that I'm taking it lightly?" Mu Niange suppressed the smile on her lips, her deep eyes sank slightly, and a word changed the atmosphere.

Mu Niange's attitude changed so quickly that Xia Youyou couldn't react for a while. She stared at Mu Niange in a daze. For a while, she forgot how to respond...

"You want to take advantage of it? Do you think it's possible?"

There was a hint of sarcasm in Mu Niange's words...

Hearing this, Xia Youyou's pale face instantly became ugly. Mu Niange looked at Xia Youyou with a superior attitude. In Mu Niange's eyes, when did Xia Youyou become an inferior person?

"Mu Niange, I think you are very proud now, so I want to remind you a few words, the higher you fly, the harder you fall, you better not forget your duty..." Xia Youyou's face was cold Reminds Mu Niange.

What is Mu Niange's duty?Mu Niange never knew that she needed Xia Youyou to explain to Mu Niange...

Mu Niange put his arms around his chest, and suddenly became interested and said, "I don't know where I am, but if you see my position clearly, you can tell me what kind of posture I should use to face Lu Yan Che, what kind of posture should I use to face you?"

"Don't say, Xia Minmin is gone, I will take it lightly and don't take Lu Yanche to heart. Even if Xia Minmin is in this compound, I can't change it. I am like this..."

(End of this chapter)

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