Chapter 413

"Niange, you can't do this..." Yang Zhishuang shook her head, with a look of admiration for Niange who didn't understand men: "Between you and Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche loves you a little bit more, and he cooperates with your time. It's longer, you can't let Lu Yanche cooperate with you like this all the time, can you?"

Hearing this, Mu Niange frowned, when did Yang Zhishuang stand by Lu Yanche's side and help Lu Yanche speak?

Thinking of what Ji Jingchen said in Mu Niange's ear, Mu Niange suspected that Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen were in collusion: "Did you discuss it with Ji Jingchen?"

Mentioning Ji Jingchen, Yang Zhishuang's face flashed a trace of unnaturalness, she touched her nose, interrupted Mu Niange's thoughts and said, "Do you care if Ji Jingchen and I are in collusion? Anyway, the two of us did this, it's both For the good of you and Lu Yanche..."

Think about it, it's really not easy for Mu Niange and Lu Yanche to have what they are today.

"Yes, yes, Lu Yanche and I should really thank you." Mu Niange nodded repeatedly, not daring to go against Yang Zhishuang's will.

Yang Zhishuang looked at Mu Niange's little girl, she really wanted to slap Mu Niange twice, every time she was perfunctory, every time something happened...

Yang Zhishuang walked with her arms around Mu Niange's neck: "I'm really not joking with you. Sometimes, you have to be considerate of Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche knows that you won't take the initiative to find him easily, so he shows up on time every day. Waiting for you in the compound, have you ever thought that Lu Yanche is very busy with work? He also needs a rest time? "

Mu Niange was stunned when he heard Yang Zhishuang's question...

This point, Mu Niange did not think of it. To be precise, after Mu Niange returned to the compound, Lu Yanche often appeared beside Mu Niange silently. There was no set time period. Lu Yanche would appear when Mu Niange didn't need it, and even more so when Mu Niange didn't need it, and every time, there must be something wrong.

"Actually..." Mu Niange bit his lower lip, looking at Yang Zhishuang who hesitated to speak.

"What kind of work Lu Yanche is doing, I don't know..."

About Lu Yanche, what Mu Niange knows is only six years ago, Lu Yanche around six years ago, Mu Niange knows nothing, she is desperately moving forward, she doesn't want to look back, if she is not forced to Time, she will not stop.

Yang Zhishuang was not surprised by the expected answer, she patted Mu Niange on the shoulder and said, "Sometimes, we have to learn to lower ourselves..."

Blindly ask for, don't give, and only realize that what you lost is so important to you when you lose it.

"I heard from Ji Jingchen that Lu Yanche is very busy during his time in the company, do you want to take advantage of this time to perform well?" Yang Zhishuang said with a smirk.

Mu Niange looked confused...

Lu Yanche is busy, what's the matter with Mu Niange?

What does she need to do well in front of Lu Yanche?
Facts have proved that if Mu Niange didn't understand, he would definitely be taught by Yang Zhishuang. At night, when he met Lu Yanche, Mu Niange could clearly see that Lu Yanche was exhausted. Even his smile was a bit far-fetched.

It was the first time for Mu Niange to watch Lu Yanche so seriously. Many small details that he hadn't noticed before were discovered all at once...

Mu Niange rushed forward, hugged Lu Yanche fiercely, and said, "Hurry up and go back to rest, good night."

Mu Niange didn't know that her hug was more lethal to Lu Yanche, and the fatigue from the whole day disappeared in an instant, Lu Yanche smiled, hugged Mu Niange back, and hummed softly: "Good night. "

In the past six years of living alone, Mu Niange has already practiced his cooking skills very well...

Seeing Mu Niange busy in the kitchen, Mu Yuanling teased, "Niange, what are you doing? Do you want to honor me and my mother?"

Mu Niange raised her eyes and glanced at Mu Yuanling, knowing that Mu Yuanling was teasing herself, she responded very seriously: "Brother, you and auntie want to eat my cooking, you can eat it anytime , but for some people, it is rare to eat it once, and my brother has the heart to snatch it from him?"

Mu Niange said so, Mu Yuanling wanted to snatch it, but he was too embarrassed to snatch it...

The development between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche can be said to have progressed by leaps and bounds. Whenever Mu Niange had time, he would go to Lu's house for dinner. Lu Yanche came to visit with gifts from time to time. Madam Mu's attitude towards Lu Yanche also improved significantly.

"I saw you changing for Lu Yanche..." Mu Yuanling stood at the door of the kitchen, looking at Mu Niange with his hands folded on his chest...

The Mu Niange of a few months ago is incomparable with the Mu Niange of a few months later. The aura emanating from Mu Niange is no longer melancholy, but reveals a hint of girlish feelings. At Mu Niange's age, he should have such feelings.

"I am changing every day, not just for Lu Yanche alone."

What Mu Yuanling said, Mu Niange couldn't justify, but what Mu Yuanling said was not entirely correct, Mu Niange belonged to her, she couldn't change just for one person, or in other words, Mu Niange felt You only change when you need to change...

"What kind of truth are you talking about? My brother doesn't understand at all..." Mu Yuanling picked out his ears, looking incomprehensible.

Mu Niange took a bowl, spooned a bowl of chicken soup, walked up to Mu Yuanling, handed the bowl and chopsticks to Mu Yuanling and said, "You are my brother, how could you not understand me?"

"Shuangshuang told me that the relationship is a matter between two people. If I just let Lu Yanche give, I will lose Lu Yanche..." Mu Niange frowned slightly, and said solemnly.

Mu Yuanling took the bowls and chopsticks from the singer Mu Niange, and when he heard Mu Niange's words, he gave Mu Niange a blank look and said, "I see that Yang Zhishuang has been getting very close to Ji Jingchen recently, didn't Ji Jingchen keep threatening Want to help Ah Che? Did Ah Che say something in front of him, and he did that?"

So, isn't Mu Niange the only one who thinks that Yang Zhishuang and Ji Jingchen are allied?
"I was told by Shuangshuang that it made sense..." Mu Niange retorted to Mu Yuanling: "I thought about it carefully, and it was Lu Yanche who had been paying for me, and my sacrifice for him gradually It was compared by her."

It seems that when Xia Minmin is not in the compound, Lu Yanche does everything smoothly...

The first thing I do every morning when I wake up is to deliver breakfast to Mu Niange, to take Mu Niange to school, and to pick up Mu Niange after school, a bouquet of flowers every day is essential.

(End of this chapter)

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