Chapter 414

At first, Lu Yanche's appearance caused a commotion in the academy.

When someone sees Mu Niange, they will even step forward and ask Mu Niange if the person who came to pick him up is Mu Niange's boyfriend?Mu Niange is really blessed to have such a boyfriend. Various versions spread in the academy, and Mu Niange became a celebrity all of a sudden.

What's even more funny is that someone came to ask Mu Niange the secret...

When Mu Niange heard the secret, Yang Zhishuang was the one who realized it first. She leaned into Mu Niange's ear and said softly, "That's right, you got the secret of Lu Yanche..."

Mu Niange couldn't laugh or cry, what secret did she need to take down Lu Yanche?

Thinking about it later, Mu Niange really has a secret. When she first saw Lu Yanche, she felt that Lu Yanche was as dazzling as the sun. She followed Lu Yanche and wanted to take another look at Lu Yanche. Later, Lu Yanche found out The first thought in Mu Niange's mind was to run away. If she didn't run away, Lu Yanche might not have noticed the existence of Mu Niange.

Mu Niange pondered for a while, then chuckled and said, "It mainly depends on fate..."

If there is no relationship, Mu Niange and Lu Yanche will not continue to develop after six years.

They each chose each other. God gave them such an opportunity. Shouldn't they cherish it better?
Mu Niange paid for Lu Yanche, Mu Yuanling saw it, but since Mu Niange said so, it was useless for Mu Yuanling to say anything else. He drank the chicken soup in the bowl and stroked Mu Niange His head said: "Thanks for your hard work..."

It was the first time for Mu Niange to come to Lu's Mansion, and he was unfamiliar with the surrounding environment.

Mu Niange held the recycle bag, finally found the elevator, and found that the elevator was a VIP elevator, and Mu Niange didn't have a card, so she couldn't sit there, so she went to the front desk, and asked the front desk to open the VIP elevator, and the receptionist heard Mu Niange's words, and made a puff Laughing, she looked Mu Niange up and down and said, "Miss, do you have an appointment?"

When Mu Niange was laughed at by the lady at the front desk, his smiling face sank slightly...

She took out her mobile phone and called Lu Yanche. When Lu Yanche received Mu Niange's call, he returned to the office just after the meeting, pressed the answer button and said, "Miss me?"

Ha ha……

Mu Niange thought that Lu Yanche was right, and wanted to kill Lu Yanche severely.

Mu Niange didn't understand any companies, so he naturally didn't know that a VIP card was needed to go up to the top floor. Lu Yanche didn't prepare for Mu Niange in advance, did he want to see Mu Niange joke?
"Guess where I am?" Mu Niange patiently teased Lu Yanche.

Hearing this, Lu Yanche raised his eyebrows. He walked to the desk and sat down. Mu Niange never talked to Lu Yanche in a joking tone. The moment this joke came out, Lu Yanche had an ominous premonition: "Near Song, what did I do wrong, please forgive me..."

Mu Niange couldn't help laughing because of Lu Yanche's pitiful tone. She glanced at the front desk lady behind her and said, "I'm downstairs in your company..."

Five minutes later, Lu Yanche came to the lobby to pick up Mu Niange. When the front desk lady saw Lu Yanche, she wanted to say hello to Lu Yanche, but Lu Yanche shot him with a cold light. He walked to Mu Niange's side and hugged Mu Niange Song's waist said: "Open your eyes and see clearly, this is my fiancee..."

The people present were dumbfounded.

When did Lu Yanche have a fiancée?

This is truly unprecedented...

Mu Niange's expression was so natural that she let Lu Yanche hug her. She smiled lightly, did not deny Lu Yanche's words, and followed Lu Yanche into the VIP elevator. As soon as the elevator door closed, Mu Niange stuffed the green bag in Lu Yanche's arms Here, Lu Yanche looked down and saw that there was a thermos bottle inside. His heart warmed up, and he kissed Mu Niange's cheek a little.

"Recite the song, you really love me more and more..."

Lu Yanche is such a stinky and shameless person, how could Mu Niange feel sorry for Lu Yanche?
Mu Niange put his arms around his chest, snorted coldly, and ignored it.

Lu Yanche stood beside Mu Niange with a flattering face, allowing Mu Niange to show his face.

After arriving in the office, after Lu Yanche closed the door, he turned around and hugged Mu Niange: "Niange, I like the surprise you gave me very much. In the future, can you give me such a surprise again?"

The appearance of Mu Niange was a surprise to Lu Yanche?
Mu Niange blinked, but did not respond to Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche buried his head on Mu Niange's neck, allowed himself to inhale Mu Niange's scent and said, "I haven't seen you for a day, I really miss you."

Mu Niange's face turned red, Lu Yanche was nibbling and kissing Mu Niange's neck, the numb feeling attacked Mu Niange, Mu Niange pulled Lu Yanche's hand away, turned to face Lu Yanche and said: "I made chicken soup for you, drink it quickly."

Lu Yanche glanced at the environmental bag, walked over reluctantly, took it out, opened it, and drank.

Mu Niange was sitting on the sofa, flipping through magazines. When Lu Yanche's secretary came in with coffee and saw Mu Niange, she was slightly surprised. She couldn't help but want to see Mu Niange more, Mu Niange Seemingly aware of the secretary's gaze, he raised his head and happened to meet him.

The secretary smiled awkwardly, and Mu Niange continued to flip through the magazine without taking it seriously...

Mu Niange didn't come to check the dormitory, but just wanted to see Lu Yanche, see Lu Yanche's working environment, and see what kind of person Lu Yanche is at work. Mu Niange wanted to understand Lu Yanche, and what he understood was the present Lu Yanche, not the Lu Yanche of six years ago, the Lu Yanche of six years ago is already in the past tense and does not exist anymore.

It was the first time for Lu Yanche to drink the soup made by Mu Niange himself, and he was so dissatisfied...

He intentionally made a lot of noise when he was closing the thermos, trying to attract Mu Niange's attention, Mu Niange saw through Lu Yanche's little tricks, and was too lazy to argue with Lu Yanche...

Mu Niange glanced at Lu Yanche, and said indifferently, "Why, do you want the boss to order another bowl?"

If possible, of course Lu Yanche thought about it...

However, Mu Niange is not the boss, but the boss's wife. If the boss's wife is asked to do things, Lu Yanche is not looking for death or something?
Lu Yanche laughed twice: "Don't dare."

"It's my duty to serve you, and it's my duty to ask you to serve me..."

"So you want me to slap you twice now?" Lu Yanche's figure enveloped Mu Niange, Mu Niange raised his hand to slap Lu Yanche, but Lu Yanche quickly grabbed Mu Niange's hand hands, he sat down on the sofa and looked at Mu Niange with a smile.

"You are reluctant to hit me, in order not to let you miss, I can only do this, hold you tightly..."

(End of this chapter)

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