Chapter 415

As Lu Yanche spoke, he grasped the strength of singer Mu Nian tightly.

When did Lu Yanche's face become so thick? Mu Niange turned away from looking at Lu Yanche. She wanted to break free from Lu Yanche, but she couldn't resist Lu Yanche's strength, so she could only let Lu Yanche do it...

Mu Niange was grabbed by Lu Yanche for a while, and couldn't help shouting: "You let go quickly."

This is Lu Yanche's office, not in the compound, nor in Lu Yanche's room, if someone broke in suddenly, Mu Niange was afraid that he would want to dig a hole and bury himself.

"Don't let go..." Lu Yanche shook his head and said firmly.

"Lu Yanche!" Mu Niange deliberately put on a straight face, and called out to Lu Yanche.

When Lu Yanche heard this, a look of grievance appeared on his face: "It's rare for you to come to see me, why don't you let me take a good look at you?"

Mu Niange's heart softened, he gave up breaking free from Lu Yanche, and let Lu Yanche grab his hand, Mu Niange glanced at the closed door and said, "What do you want me to do if someone comes in later?"

Mu Niange obviously didn't understand Lu Yanche's position in the company, who would dare to walk into Lu Yanche's office casually?Isn't that too long to live and want to be fired?

"It's impossible for someone to come in..."

Lu Yanche denied Mu Niange's words outright. He stretched out his long arms and hugged Mu Niange into his arms. Mu Niange was hugged tightly by Lu Yanche. She stared at the ceiling with a sweet breath in her heart. For the first time, Trying this feeling, hugging Lu Yanche on Lu Yanche's territory.

She felt Lu Yanche's presence, Lu Yanche felt her presence, they only had each other in their eyes, no one else...

The corner of Mu Niange's lips couldn't help but a slight smile, Lu Yanche pulled Mu Niange away from his arms, lowered his head and kissed Mu Niange's lips, Mu Niange closed his eyes lightly, gently Kiss Lu Yanche back...

Lu Yanche kissed Mu Niange's lips back and forth, Mu Niange opened his lips slightly, and the tip of Lu Yanche's tongue slipped into Mu Niange's mouth, entangled with the tip of Mu Niange's tongue.

The atmosphere became a little bit ambiguous...

Lu Yanche's hand wandered restlessly on Mu Niange's body. Mu Niange hummed lightly to show her resistance. She bit Lu Yanche's lower lip hard. Letting go, Mu Niange glared at Lu Yanche with a blushing face, panting, "What do you want... what do you want?"

What does Lu Yanche want to do?
Can't Mu Niange see it?
Lu Yanche was no better than Mu Niange, his calm face looked a bit ugly: "What do I want... Can't you see it?"

Mu Niange raised his hand and ruthlessly dropped on Lu Yanche's chest. This is Lu Yanche's office, where did he say such a bastard thing?

Mu Niange turned away from looking at Lu Yanche, and scolded angrily, "Rogue..."

"If I were a hooligan, I would only be a hooligan to you."

Mu Niange was choked by Lu Yanche. She didn't resist Lu Yanche, and even let Lu Yanche come. Mu Niange was half responsible, and Lu Yanche couldn't be blamed entirely.

Mu Niange stayed in Lu Yanche's office all afternoon, Lu Yanche was dealing with official business, Mu Niange sat on the side and read magazines, people who came in and out, looked at Mu Niange involuntarily, Mu Niange was used to them When he was in a good mood, he gave them a slight smile, and when he was in a bad mood, Mu Niange didn't even give them a look.

When Mu Niange was about to leave, Lu Yanche was obviously reluctant...

He held Mu Niange's hand and refused to let Mu Niange leave. Mu Niange rolled his eyes at Lu Yanche. If it wasn't Mu Niange who left, he would never see him again. When Lu Yanche came back from get off work In the compound, couldn't you see Mu Niange too?

Mu Niange broke free from Lu Yanche's hand, and Lu Yanche forcibly pulled Mu Niange out of the office. The secretaries at the office door watched Lu Yanche come out, and all stood up...

When they saw Mu Niange following Lu Yanche, they sat down wisely again.

Lu Yanche sent Mu Niange to the gate of Lu's Building. Before leaving, Lu Yanche kissed Mu Niange's head, reluctantly said: "I really hope you can come to see me every day..."

Mu Niange laughed twice, she wants to come every day, Lu Yanche is happy, Mu Niange wants to become a monkey in the zoo, and let people watch, but...seeing Lu Yanche's pitiful look, Mu Nian Ge reluctantly agreed: "If I have time, I will come to see you."

This is what Lu Yanche really wants to achieve.

He let go of Mu Niange's hand, and watched Mu Niange leave...

Mu Niange left without looking back, and without Lu Yanche seeing him, a smile rose on the corner of his lips.

Mu Niange promised Lu Yanche, and he will definitely do it. Mu Niange went to Lu's Building to look for Lu Yanche for three consecutive days. The lady at the front desk knew Mu Niange, and treated Mu Niange politely. Taking Mu Niange to the VIP elevator, he greeted Mu Niange again.

Facing their flattery, Mu Niange smiled indifferently and didn't take it to heart...

Mu Niange suddenly realized that this kind of life is very good, at least in Mu Niange's view, it is rich, when it is time to go to class, Mu Niange attends class, when it is time to go to the clinic, Mu Niange goes to the clinic, and in the rest of the time, A small part lived by themselves, and a large part lived with Lu Yanche.

Lu Yanche's stomach was made tricky by Mu Niange, and after drinking Mu Niange's soup, he said, "I really hope I can drink this kind of soup tomorrow..."

Mu Niange raised his eyebrows, and said meaningfully: "Could it be that Auntie's craftsmanship can't satisfy you?"

Lu Yanche rubbed his nose, smiled coquettishly, and stopped talking. Mu Niange smiled maliciously and said, "I have kept what you said in my mind. If my aunt hears this, tell me, she will How to deal with you?"

"It's impossible for you to watch from the sidelines when my mother cleans me up. When the time comes, won't it be fine if I take you with me?"

What Lu Yanche thought was really beautiful...

Mu Niange was too lazy to break away from Lu Yanche, she snorted coldly, stepped on her high heels and left Lu Yanche's office, when Mu Niange walked towards the entrance of Lu's Building, Mu Niange seemed to see a familiar figure, when Mu Niange When he wanted to look back carefully, that figure had already disappeared before Mu Niange's eyes.

Mu Niange frowned, lost in thought.

Could it be... Mu Niange made a mistake?

Facts have proved that Mu Niange is not mistaken, the guess in her heart is correct and correct.

During the time Xia Minmin disappeared in the compound, she was perfecting herself.

(End of this chapter)

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