Chapter 416

Lu Yanche hated Xia Minmin who appeared in the compound, so Xia Minmin appeared in front of Lu Yanche in a different way, a way that Lu Yanche couldn't resist, she wanted to see, what else could Lu Yanche say?

The only person who can stand beside Lu Yanche is Xia Minmin...

Xia Minmin looked at Mu Niange's leaving back, a smug smile rose from the corner of her lips.

The supervisor called out Xia Minmin's name. Xia Minmin entered and conducted a series of interviews. Xia Minmin's interview was undoubtedly passed.

This is not the first time she has come to Lu's Building. People in Lu's know the relationship between Xia Minmin and Lu Yanche, but they don't know what happened between them. When they saw Xia Minmin coming for an interview, the senior management of the company were very surprised , the attitude towards Xia Minmin was polite.

Xia Minmin smiled and said kindly: "Hi senior supervisor, I am Xia Minmin who is here to interview the president's secretary..."

Interview with Lu Yanche's secretary?

Hearing this, the high-level executives looked at each other. They smiled and asked Xia Minmin a few questions, and asked Xia Minmin to go back and wait for the notification. People, be polite and polite, so that Xia Minmin can go to work tomorrow.

Xia Minmin's eyes flashed a hint of meaning when he heard the words: "I want to report to Lu's next week, is there any problem?"

Xia Minmin wants to postpone the time, who dares to have a problem?

Xia Minmin's approach this time was deliberate. If she failed, she would never appear in front of Lu Yanche and Mu Niange again. She was her last chance for herself and also for Lu Yanche.

Mu Niange frequently appeared in the Lu family, and the employees in the Lu family had a lot of comments on this future proprietress...

From all aspects of Mu Niange, Mu Niange is undoubtedly excellent, but no one knows what Mu Niange does, and Lu Yanche's attitude towards Mu Niange is so important that those of the Lu family who disdain Mu Niange Those who recited the song did not dare to be rude to Mu Niange.

"You said... in the future, the proprietress will show up in the office every three days. Could it be that she came to check on the bed?"

As soon as Zha's words came out, the employees burst into laughter...

"What kind of person is Mr. Lu? This needs to be checked? After all, it's just that the future proprietress doesn't have the confidence to show it off..."

"Who knows the truth of the matter? It is said that the proprietress will not have confidence in the future, but Mr. Lu does not attach great importance to her. I watched Mr. Lu pick her up to the top floor and send her down. I work in Lu's After so many years, I have never seen that woman treated like this."

"By the way, I remember Xia's sister Hua, who often appeared in Lu's before, and then disappeared without a sound. Could it be that the future proprietress is playing some tricks?"

A burst of discussion sounded into Xia Minmin's ears. After Xia Minmin waited for them to leave, she pushed open the door of the bathroom and walked out. She looked at herself in the mirror, holding makeup and waiting for it Alright, Xia Minmin turned on the faucet and washed her hands. Seeing the water splashing from the faucet, a strange emotion flashed in her heart.

She and Xia Youyou have completely become exes, while Mu Niange... is the incumbent that Lu Yanche values ​​most.

Then... the incumbent may also become the ex, Mu Niange, just wait and see!
The corners of Xia Minmin's lips curled up, and she smiled coldly...

Lu Yanche's secretary has always been chosen by himself. He wants to avoid unnecessary troubles. Lu Yanche will never want that kind of secretary with two hearts...

This time, because of Mu Niange's arrival, Lu Yanche handed over the matter of selecting a secretary to the HR department. Things got so busy that Lu Yanche forgot that there was such a thing. When Xia Minmin walked into Lu Yanche with a cup of coffee, In his office, Lu Yanche was looking down at the documents.

Xia Minmin stared straight at Lu Yanche. After the coffee was placed on the table, she didn't have the slightest intention of leaving...

Lu Yanche frowned, and was about to ask if there was anything else, Xia Minmin's soft voice rang in Lu Yanche's ears: "Brother Che..."

A sentence of Brother Che made Lu Yanche's hand holding the pen tremble slightly. He looked up, and when he saw Xia Minmin, his face became gloomy and cold: "Why are you here?"

Lu Yanche was not in a hurry to let Xia Minmin go, and he didn't feel much surprise in his heart. After all... Xia Minmin's methods are so good, it is just a common thing to appear in Lu Yanche's office. Fortunately, it is not Mu The time period when Niange came, otherwise, how would Lu Yanche explain this to Mu Niange to make it clear?

"Brother Che, are you not surprised that I'm here? It really disappoints me..." Xia Minmin chuckled and said cheerfully.

The conversation between her and Lu Yanche was like reminiscing about old friends who haven't seen each other for many years...

Lu Yanche's time was not wasted for Xia Minmin, nor did he want to waste it on Xia Minmin. His gloomy face darkened slightly and he said: "If you want to talk nonsense, can get out."

"I have never said a single word of nonsense to you. Why do you not want to believe me when I tell the truth? Lu Yanche, is it really okay for you to deceive yourself like this?" Xia Minmin's eyes turned cold, His attitude towards Lu Yanche changed instantly.

She folded her arms around her chest and looked at Lu Yanche's face with displeasure.

"During the time I was away, the relationship between you and Mu Niange developed very quickly? In the blink of an eye, Mu Niange has become Lu's proprietress, and virtue of Mu Niange's means, and How could you not get your aunt's approval? Lu chose the most wrong path after all."

Such a result was expected by Xia Minmin, but why, my heart hurts...

But this heartache, Xia Minmin will never show it in front of Lu Yanche, she doesn't want Lu Yanche to look down on her, and she doesn't want Lu Yanche to look at her as a joke.

When Mu Niange appears, Lu Yanche can still share Xia Minmin's jokes with Mu Niange, is Xia Minmin a clown?

Let Lu Yanche and Mu Niange watch jokes?

"The path I choose has always been my business. It has nothing to do with you. You are always around me, wanting me to take the path you prepared..." Lu Yanche retorted Xia Minmin coldly , did not give Xia Minmin the slightest sympathy.

Lu Yanche was right...

Xia Minmin had been helping Lu Yanche prepare the road. Lu Yanche walked halfway, then turned around and came back.

How could Xia Minmin allow such a thing?

(End of this chapter)

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