Chapter 420

Mu Niange didn't tell anyone about Xia Minmin's appearance in Lu's Group. Seeing Mu Niange running to Lu's Group every day, Yang Zhishuang was surprised...

Mu Niange's schedule is actually very tight, but it was because of Lu Yanche that Mu Niange took time out. Now...Mu Niange's performance is obviously unusual. Yang Zhishuang walked out of the dormitory in Mu Niange, ready to catch the bus Mu Niange stopped Mu Niange while she was in a hurry, she was a little surprised to be stopped by Yang Zhishuang, she looked at Yang Zhishuang with a puzzled face and asked, "Shuangshuang, what's wrong?"

"Where are you going?" Yang Zhishuang looked at Mu Niange up and down, and asked...

When Mu Niange heard this, an unnatural look flashed across her face, she lifted her backpack and said, "I'm going to the clinic..."

"Niange, do you really think I'm a three-year-old kid trying to deceive me? When will you go back to the clinic? I know better than you. I've been observing you for a while. When get out of class is over, you don't even say hello to me." People who don't know think that we two are quarreling, look at our relationship, does it seem like we will quarrel?"

Yang Zhishuang pushed Mu Niange's shoulder, disgusted with Mu Niange's behavior during this period.

Mu Niange felt helpless, it wasn't that Mu Niange wanted to do this, it was because she couldn't control herself, and she didn't know why, during Xia Minmin's absence, Mu Niange and Lu Yanche were together in a very stable, stable life Once you get used to it, one or two sudden changes will make Mu Niange feel very nervous.

Yang Zhishuang might not understand this feeling, and Mu Niange didn't know how to explain it to Yang Zhishuang...

"Shuangshuang, I really have to leave." Mu Niange avoided Yang Zhishuang's question, she struggled to break free from Yang Zhishuang's hand, and seeing that she was about to succeed, Yang Zhishuang grabbed Mu Niange again and said, "Niange, you What do you mean? I think you have something to hide from me. After you and Lu Yanche are together, we spend less and less time together. If I knew this, I shouldn't have helped Lu Yanche..."

Only when Lu Yanche suffers from lovesickness will he understand how much it takes to cherish what is lost when it comes back.

at the moment……

Did Lu Yanche cherish Mu Niange too much?
But why couldn't Yang Zhishuang feel it at all?
Yang Zhishuang frowned, lost in thought...

If Mu Niange wanted to tell Yang Zhishuang about Xia Minmin, Yang Zhishuang would definitely jump up, Mu Niange smiled coyly, and patiently explained: "The clinic is quite busy recently, so I have to work for a long time. See Lu Yanche's words for the first time, and ask Lu Yanche to settle the score?"

Yang Zhishuang likes the fact that Mu Niange shifted the responsibility to Lu Yanche.

Yang Zhishuang let go of Mu Niange, and nodded reluctantly. After watching Mu Niange leave, Yang Zhishuang took out her phone and sent Ji Jingchen a text message...

The content of the text message was very simple, Ji Jingchen was asked to go to the Lu Group to check on Lu Yanche's recent situation, Ji Jingchen was speechless, Mu Niange and Lu Yanche are fine now, why did Yang Zhishuang play such a trick again?

If Lu Yanche knew about this, he might have some opinion on Mu Niange, after all... Yang Zhishuang is Mu Niange's good friend.

Ji Jingchen said no, but his body was still very honest, he agreed, and there happened to be a reception at night, so he could go with Lu Yanche.

During the recent period, Mu Niange frequently appeared in the Lu Group. Although he didn't talk to Lu Yanche, but hanging around in front of Xia Minmin made Xia Minmin feel uncomfortable, which is not a bad thing...

Mu Niange intentionally asked Lu Yanche to pick Mu Niange up and send Mu Niange down.

Although it seems that Mu Niange is a bit unreasonable, otherwise, Mu Niange really can't feel at ease. The Lu Yanche in front of him is not Lu Yanche who is alone in Mu Niange. Someone is staring at Lu Yanche. Shouldn't Mu Niange pay more attention to it? ?
Lu Yanche complied with all of Mu Niange's requests, as long as Mu Niange is happy, everything is fine...

Lu Yanche sent Mu Niange downstairs, and when she returned to the office, Xia Minmin stood up and said to Lu Yanche, "Boss Lu, you have a reception tonight, don't forget..."

Lu Yanche cast a cold glance at Xia Minmin, and didn't even say a word to Xia Minmin.

Xia Minmin shrugged indifferently. After Lu Yanche walked into the office, Xia Minmin was touching up her makeup with cosmetics. Xia Minmin knew exactly what Mu Niange was thinking. If she were Xia Minmin, she would definitely do the same.

Lu Yanche didn't tell Mu Niange about the reception, which meant he gave Xia Minmin a chance. If Xia Minmin didn't make good use of this opportunity, wouldn't he be too sorry for Lu Yanche?

The more Xia Minmin thought about it, the more excited she became, and she couldn't help but smile...

Xia Minmin stood guard at the door of the office, waiting for Lu Yanche to come out, and guarded, but instead of Lu Yanche, Ji Jingchen came. Ji Jingchen hummed a ditty, walked towards the office door without looking at Xia Minmin, let him walk to the office door, Ji Jingchen Feeling something was wrong, he turned around and saw Xia Minmin, Ji Jingchen was stunned...

What the hell does this happen?Why did Xia Minmin appear here?

Xia Minmin never expected that Ji Jingchen would appear at this time. Xia Minmin's seamless plan had a loophole at this time. Her face was not good-looking, and she ignored Ji Jingchen's gaze, but how could Ji Jingchen ignore Xia Minmin?
He walked up to Xia Minmin, pointed at Xia Minmin and said, "Why are you here?"

"What do I care about you here?" Xia Minmin looked at Ji Jingchen with disdain and responded. Hearing this, Ji Jingchen laughed twice: "Xia Minmin, are you out of your mind? You don't care about my affairs here, who cares?" about?"

Ji Jingchen finally understood that Yang Zhishuang had discovered the anomaly but didn't know where it was, so she asked Ji Jingchen to look at it.

Fortunately, Ji Jingchen came, otherwise, they would all have been kept in the dark by Lu Yanche and Mu Niange, and Mu Niange was really, how could Lu Yanche be tolerated like this?Didn't Lu Yanche swear that Mu Niange is the only one who only loves Niange?So what happened to Xia Minmin?

Looking at Xia Minmin's outfit, is this the secretary here?

Ji Jingchen wanted to laugh, but he couldn't. Lu Yanche's level of humor made Ji Jingchen look at him differently...

"If you want to see Mr. Lu, you can go in. If you want to find fault with me, let me tell you, you don't have that qualification..." Xia Minmin is not afraid of Ji Jingchen, or it can be said that in Xia Minmin's eyes, Ji Jingchen is An object to be bullied.

(End of this chapter)

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