Chapter 421

From the past, Ji Jingchen has stood in this position.

Otherwise, how could Ji Jingchen listen to Xia Minmin and say such things to Mu Niange?
Ji Jingchen felt that he was going crazy, Xia Minmin was so upright and didn't take Ji Jingchen seriously at all, could it be... Lu Yanche's capital for Xia Minmin?

Ji Jingchen didn't waste time on Xia Minmin anymore, he turned around and walked to the office door, he pushed the door open without even knocking, Ji Jingchen's sudden action alarmed Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche thought it was Xia Minmin, and just wanted to yell out.

When seeing Ji Jingchen, Lu Yanche swallowed the scrolling words abruptly.

Ji Jingchen's complexion is no better than Lu Yanche's. What is there to see, Lu Yanche is not going to let himself go to death, right?
Ji Jingchen walked up to Lu Yanche, slapped Lu Yanche's desk, and asked, "Lu Yanche, what's going on..."

What Ji Jingchen was referring to, Lu Yanche knew in his heart, this matter cannot be explained clearly to Ji Jingchen in a few words, Lu Yanche thought of Mu Niange's reaction when he explained to Mu Niange, just think about it, he has nothing to do with Ji Jingchen easy to say.

"What you see is what you see..."

Lu Yanche's indifferent attitude made Ji Jingchen want to go up and grab Lu Yanche and beat him up. What does it mean to be what Ji Jingchen sees, and what does Mu Niange see?
Why didn't Lu Yanche know to think about Mu Niange, Mu Niange worked so hard to maintain the relationship between her and Lu Yanche, Lu Yanche didn't see it, Ji Jingchen saw it...

"Ache, when you were with Nian Ge, didn't you think clearly? What do you want now? Is it fun to step on two boats with one foot?"

Ji Jingchen was too lazy to argue with Lu Yanche, anyway... no matter what Ji Jingchen said, Lu Yanche had his reasons, the only thing he could do was to help Lu Yanche see the facts before him, so that Lu Yanche would not fall into a hopeless situation.

What Ji Jingchen didn't understand was, why did Mu Niange tolerate Lu Yanche when he knew about it?
Is there any hidden truth in this?
Lu Yanche looked at Ji Jingchen without saying a word. Ji Jingchen's words obviously touched Lu Yanche's bottom line, and the atmosphere in the office dropped instantly...&
Lu Yanche was silent, how would Ji Jingchen continue this topic?
Thinking of tonight's reception, Mu Yuanling will also be there, wait a minute, how will Lu Yanche explain to Mu Yuanling?

Mu Yuanling is not Ji Jingchen, he is not so easy to fool, he is Mu Niange's elder brother, if Mu Niange gets hurt even a little, he will go crazy...

"Ache, you explained it clearly to me, don't let everyone misunderstand you." Ji Jingchen sighed, and finally gave in.

Lu Yanche laughed loudly: "In your eyes, didn't I become that kind of person? Now... what do you want me to explain? Anyway, no matter how I explain it, you won't believe it."

How could Lu Yanche talk like that, Ji Jingchen was very sad, wasn't he?

"You really..." Ji Jingchen didn't know what to say. The current situation is very bad. If it is not handled properly, it will become serious.

"I see Xia Minmin sitting at the door, wearing a secretary's hat? Ah Che, don't tell me that Xia Minmin is really your secretary..."

How does Ji Jingchen accept this, how does he accept it?
Dramatic development...

Lu Yanche's silence is equivalent to acquiescing, yes, otherwise, how dare Xia Minmin speak to Ji Jingchen in that tone?
I don't worry about what Ji Jingchen will do to Xia Minmin at all...

Xia Minmin is still a proud queen, and doesn't take Ji Jingchen seriously. Thinking of this, Ji Jingchen is full of anger. Compared to Xia Minmin, Mu Niange is really a thousand times better, ten thousand times better...

"Xia Minmin came in through an interview." Lu Yanche said to Ji Jingchen at the right time.

Hearing this, Ji Jingchen was a little surprised. Thinking about it, it was impossible for Lu Yanche to put Xia Minmin by his side so blatantly. This is the Lu family, Lu Yanche's territory. If Lu Yanche didn't want Xia Minmin, he could let Xia Minmin go at any time. He kept it. With Xia Minmin by her side, what exactly do you want to do?
"I really don't understand you anymore..." Ji Jingchen felt that he was an outsider and could not participate in the affairs of those in the game.

Yes, even Mu Niange couldn't understand Lu Yanche, how could Ji Jingchen understand?
Ji Jingchen looked towards the door, and said indignantly, "It turns out that Xia Minmin was calling attention to this..."

Leaving doesn't mean disappearing, it's for better appearing in front of Lu Yanche, Xia Minmin has put in so much effort, it's really unbelievable, unbelievable...

Ji Jingchen sighed and said, "I've been keeping things a secret, and I haven't told anyone about it. Now that I've discovered it, I'm afraid I can't keep it a secret."

The only person Lu Yanche wanted to hide was Mu Niange, since Mu Niange knew about it, then there was nothing to hide, Lu Yanche said kindly, indicating that he knew: "If you want to say something, you can say it. "

In Lu Yanche's eyes, did Ji Jingchen have such a big mouth?
Ji Jingchen was so frankly wronged...

Ji Jingchen laughed twice, he decided to let go and see how Lu Yanche solved this matter...

Lu Yanche's participation in the reception has nothing to do with Xia Minmin, but Xia Minmin just clung to Lu Yanche so relentlessly, when Lu Yanche and Ji Jingchen got on the bus, he stopped a taxi from inside and got in.

In addition to being Lu Yanche's secret room, Xia Minmin is also the daughter of the Xia family. It is a simple and easy matter for Xia Minmin to enter the reception.

If Mu Niange didn't like such occasions, Mu Yuanling would have brought Mu Niange out. When Mu Yuanling saw Xia Minmin walking in behind Lu Yanche, the smile on his lips was completely there is none left.

When Ji Jingchen saw Mu Yuanling's changed expression, he secretly thought it was bad.

He pretended not to see Mu Yuanling's eyes, and ran to the side to hide. Lu Yanche met Mu Yuanling's gaze without the slightest fear. He walked up to Mu Yuanling and greeted Mu Yuanling.

How could Mu Yuanling be in the mood to say hello to Lu Yanche?

What did Lu Yanche do by himself, he didn't know?
Mu Yuanling curled his lips and smiled sarcastically, "Boss Lu is really in a good mood..."

What is Lu Yanche interested in?
Lu Yanche followed Mu Yuanling's gaze and saw Xia Minmin greeting the people at the reception, Lu Yanche instantly understood: "I'm not with her..."

Lu Yanche said they weren't together, did they really not?

(End of this chapter)

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