Chapter 424

Lu Yanche never understood Xia Minmin's painstaking efforts, so... no matter what Xia Minmin said in front of Lu Yanche, it was all nonsense, useless nonsense to Lu Yanche.

"The relationship between you and Mu Niange was established with great difficulty. Could it be... the relationship between me and you was not established with great difficulty?" Lu Yanche's words hit Xia Minmin's sore spot, and her eyes twitched. It was so hot that I felt the urge to cry.

She thought of the scene when she saw Lu Yanche for the first time when she was a child...

The Xia family and the Lu family were not very close at first, but later... Madam Xia used various methods to get in touch with Madam Lu. Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou met when they were three years old It's hard for Xia Minmin to describe the exact mood of Lu Yanche.

It's not that she forgot, it's that she really can't remember, she was so young, she had a relationship with Lu Yanche when she was so young, and lived by Lu Yanche's side for a long time, it was difficult for Xia Minmin to divert her eyes from Lu Yanche's body .

Xia Minmin thought that she and Lu Yanche would continue like this until they died of old age.

It was Xia Minmin who was too naive and forgot that there is something in this world called accidents, accidents cannot be controlled, let alone prevented...

Dou Da tears flowed from the corners of Xia Minmin's eyes. Xia Minmin wiped them vigorously, not wanting to let Lu Yanche see her most vulnerable side, which she never wanted to show in front of Lu Yanche. She wanted to be without Lu Yanche's At that time, Lu Yanche knew how to love himself. Only in this way, Lu Yanche's feelings for her would become more and more true and deeper.

"Ache, look carefully, you will definitely find that I am no worse than Mu Niange, really, I am no worse than Mu Niange..."

Xia Minmin lowered her eyes and said in disappointment.

Mu Yuanling, Ji Jingchen, and Lu Yanche were not in the compound. The compound suddenly became much cleaner. Lu Meiqi was so happy during her school days that she forgot to come to play with Mu Niange. When everyone was away, no matter what Lu Meiqi said, she would always come to Mu Niange.

Mu Niange's mood seemed a little depressed, Lu Meiqi saw through Mu Niange's thoughts at a glance, wanted to ask Mu Niange for details, but worried that he had touched Mu Niange's bottom line...

"Sister Niange, why hasn't my brother asked you to go to Lu's during this time?" Yang Zhishuang gnawed on an apple and asked Mu Niange. Hearing this, Mu Niange's phone trembled slightly.

The fact that Lu Yanche wanted Mu Niange to go to the Lu family was known by everyone in the courtyard...

Once Lu Yanche didn't let Mu Niange go, everyone would know about it, and among them, the one who knew the most clearly was Lu Meiqi. Mu Niange looked at Lu Meiqi sideways, forced a smile, and said, "Your brother works so hard. I'm busy, I'll bother you for a long time, it won't affect you well."

What did Mu Niange say?
Lu Meiqi frowned, and retorted: "You have to study and work at the same time, and you are thousands of times busier than my brother. You didn't say anything, so why is it my brother's turn?"

Lu Meiqi was really puzzled, why did Mu Niange speak for Lu Yanche...

Lu Yanche was wrong, he should have been severely abused by Mu Niange.

After all, Lu Meiqi's thoughts are too simple, especially the world of feelings, which is not as simple as Lu Meiqi imagined. What Mu Niange kept in front of Lu Meiqi was that he did not go to the Lu family. In fact, Mu Niange went every day. How could Mu Niange say it in front of Lu Meiqi?

Mu Niange sat with Lu Meiqi for half an hour when Mu Niange's cell phone rang.

Mu Niange picked it up and saw it was an unfamiliar number, surprise flashed in her eyes.

Lu Meiqi asked subconsciously: "Sister Nian Ge, who is it?"

Mu Niange shook his head, stood up from the sofa, went to the side to pick up the phone, just as the phone was answered, there was a loud voice: "Mu Niange..."

Xia Youyou's voice came from the other end of the phone, and Mu Niange's expression changed. I don't mind Xia Youyou calling Mu Niange at this time. What do you want?

Mu Niange responded lightly, waiting for Xia Youyou's next words...

It wasn't Xia Youyou who wanted to do this, it was Xia Minmin who forced Xia Youyou. If Xia Youyou didn't do this, how could she teach Xia Minmin a lesson?
"You come to the reception, otherwise, you will regret it..."

Xia Youyou's tone was firm, and as soon as she finished speaking, she hung up the phone without waiting for Mu Niange's response. At the same time, Mu Niange's phone received a text message from Xia Youyou, which contained a series of addresses.

The reception that Xia Youyou was at was hosted by Lu Yanche...

Xia Youyou let Mu Niange go, if you don't let Mu Niange go, you will definitely regret it, then this matter must have something to do with Lu Yanche, what message does Xia Youyou want to send to Mu Niange?

Mu Niange frowned tightly, lost in thought.

When Mu Niange reacted, Lu Meiqi was already standing behind Mu Niange, she looked at Mu Niange's expression was not very good, and asked worriedly: "Sister Niange, are you okay?"

Mu Niange took Lu Meiqi's hand: "Meiqi, I have something to do, I have to go out, you go home first..."

The things that Mu Niange didn't tell Lu Meiqi were things that Lu Meiqi couldn't know. Lu Meiqi hesitated for a while, nodded, and left obediently. Mu Niange went upstairs to change his clothes, took a taxi and went to the reception.

Xia Youyou was waiting for Mu Niange at the door of the reception. When she saw Mu Niange appearing, Xia Youyou breathed a sigh of relief, a smile curled up on her lips...

She was really worried that Mu Niange would not be able to meet, after all... between her and Mu Niange, there is no mutual trust...

After Mu Niange got off the taxi, Xia Youyou immediately went up to meet him: "Mu Niange, you know in your heart why I came here for you."

Xia Youyou absolutely believed that Mu Niange knew about Xia Minmin's appearance one step earlier than Xia Youyou.

Mu Niange looked at Xia Youyou coldly, and didn't respond immediately to Xia Youyou. Xia Youyou was silent for a while and said, "Although I don't know what's going on between you and Xia Minmin and Lu Yanche, I can tell you for sure. Xia Minmin wants to attack Lu Yanche."

It wasn't the first day that Xia Minmin wanted to attack Lu Yanche. Could it be the first day that Xia Youyou knew?
"You tell me this, what do you want to express?"

What can Xia Youyou express?Mu Niange doesn't understand?
Xia Youyou couldn't help but wanted to laugh: "You can pretend in front of other people, but you can't pretend in front of me. Let me tell you, it's useless, I can see through you at a glance."

Look, how confident Xia Youyou said.

(End of this chapter)

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