Chapter 425

She saw through Mu Niange at a glance, so, what is Mu Niange thinking about now, does Xia Youyou know?

"What do you see through me? Why do you see through me to listen to you, come here?" Mu Niange smiled, and responded to Xia Youyou disapprovingly...

Xia Youyou looked at Mu Niange's face, without revealing the slightest worry. Does Mu Niange really don't understand, or is he pretending not to understand?

"Mu Niange, I asked you to come here. I didn't come here to go around in circles with you. What I want to tell you is that Xia Minmin brought the drunk Lu Yanche to the hotel. Tell me, what can happen to a lonely man and a widow together? ?”

Instead of making Xia Minmin proud, let Mu Niange appear and break the silence...

What Xia Youyou said next, Mu Niange didn't listen to a word. What echoed in her mind was the words Xia Youyou said. Xia Minmin and Lu Yanche entered the hotel together. A man and a widow, Xia Minmin wants It was easy to do anything to Lu Yanche.

Xia Youyou brought Mu Niange to the hotel where Xia Minmin and Lu Yanche were staying. When they reached the hotel entrance, Xia Youyou was not going to go in...

Mu Niange looked at Xia Youyou who had given up halfway, and said with a sarcasm, "You didn't want to see Xia Minmin succeed, so you let me come. Now... I'm here, do you think that with me alone, you can find Lu Yanche and you?" The room where Xia Minmin is?"

Xia Youyou didn't believe that Mu Niange had such an ability, and Xia Youyou might not be able to do it...

Xia Youyou couldn't bear Mu Niange's ridicule, so she went in with Mu Niange. After she and Mu Niange opened a room, she walked around the hotel casually, wanting to check layer by layer, afraid that waiting for the check It's too late to come out.

Xia Youyou told the front desk that Xia Minmin was her younger sister, and her sister's cell phone was out of battery. Xia Youyou couldn't find Xia Minmin, so she had to look for it by herself.

The front desk looked at Xia Youyou carefully, and helped Xia Youyou check the room where Xia Minmin was.

When Mu Niange and Xia Youyou stood at the door of the room where Xia Minmin and Lu Yanche were, they became nervous. They didn't know where the nervousness came from. In fact, Mu Niange really wanted to ask, but Lu Yanche was drunk. Why isn't the person next to Lu Yanche Ji Jingchen?But Xia Minmin?
Has Xia Minmin bought Ji Jingchen...

Thinking of this, Mu Niange laughed at himself...

Mu Niange started to lose confidence again, she has been like this since before, even Mu Niange herself looks down on herself.

Mu Niange and Xia Youyou looked at each other, and were about to knock on the door of the room, but a movement from inside stopped their movements...

Mu Niange and Xia Youyou put their heads on the door and listened.

How did Xia Minmin help Lu Yanche come to the hotel? Xia Minmin had no influence at all. Xia Minmin couldn't believe how smooth the process was. When Xia Minmin looked at Lu Yanche lying on the bed, a satisfied smile rose from the corner of her lips.

This is the scene that Xia Minmin has been dreaming about since before...

After so many years, Xia Minmin is finally going to realize her wrongdoing?
Why does Xia Minmin feel so unreal?
Sitting on the bed, Xia Minmin stared at Lu Yanche's sleeping face. It was obvious that Lu Yanche was restless and uncomfortable...

Xia Minmin went to the bathroom and came out with a pot of hot water, and helped Lu Yanche wipe his forehead. Xia Minmin's movements were very light, for fear of waking Lu Yanche up. For Xia Minmin, everything in front of her was a luxury, and she finally realized it. Don't want to be spoiled.


Xia Minmin opened her mouth, and softly called Lu Yanche's name.

After Xia Minmin finished wiping Lu Yanche's forehead, she lay down and fell asleep beside Lu Yanche.

She put one hand on Lu Yanche's chest and fell asleep on Lu Yanche's arm. She felt a sense of satisfaction all of a sudden. Xia Minmin thought, was she dreaming?
Lu Yanche is about to belong to him, not to Mu Niange anymore...

The more Xia Minmin thought about it, the more excited she became. She supported her body with her arms, stretched out her hand, and unbuttoned Lu Yanche. When she unbuttoned Lu Yanche's first button, she glanced at Lu Yanche. Lu Yanche didn't respond at all. Xia Minmin continued to work. Lu Yanche still didn't respond when it reached the second one, and Xia Minmin continued.

When it was the third one, Lu Yanche grabbed Xia Minmin's hand suddenly. Xia Minmin was startled by Lu Yanche's sudden action...

Her heart was beating, she was very nervous...

"Niange..." Lu Yanche muttered about Mu Niange's face, and Xia Minmin's expression immediately darkened upon hearing this.

Lu Yanche, who is sleeping, is still thinking about Mu Niange?
Ha ha……

Mu Niange is really good, Xia Minmin couldn't believe it...

Xia Minmin lost her mind, she didn't want to give Lu Yanche time to wake up, she frantically tore Lu Yanche's clothes, and then tore her own clothes...

Ji Jingchen felt aggrieved, what could Lu Yanche ask Ji Jingchen to do?To ask Ji Jingchen to secretly take pictures?
Lu Yanche didn't know why, he guessed Xia Minmin's actions right away. Thinking of Lu Yanche asking Ji Jingchen to wait here, Ji Jingchen wanted to laugh. If Xia Minmin found out, wouldn't she vomit blood in anger?
Lu Yanche really has no friendship with Xia Minmin at all, Xia Minmin can see clearly, right?
Xia Minmin became crazy, it's really not comparable to ordinary people...

Seeing that Xia Minmin wanted to develop further, Ji Jingchen became anxious, why didn't Lu Yanche wake up?

This is going to happen, it's not Lu Yanche's fault alone, Ji Jingchen is also responsible?

Just when Ji Jingchen was hesitating whether to go out, he heard a beeping sound from the door of the room. Then, the door was opened, and Mu Niange and Xia Youyou walked in together.

Their goal is very clear, at a glance, they saw the bed...

Xia Minmin bullied Lu Yanche, and Lu Yanche and Xia Minmin were disheveled.

Xia Minmin was frightened by Xia Youyou and Mu Niange. She oppressed Lu Yanche and looked at them. She forgot to react for a moment. When she realized it, Xia Minmin lay down on Lu Yanche's chest and said, "Sister, Niange, why are you here?" Appearing at this time? Didn’t you know that Ah Che and I were dealing with business?”

Xia Youyou became angry, she stepped forward and pointed at Xia Minmin and said, "Why are you so shameless?"

Xia Minmin is shameless?

Xia Youyou really thinks of Xia Minmin so much...

Xia Minmin was silent and didn't respond to Xia Youyou. She looked at Mu Niange, wanting to see Mu Niange's reaction. Who would have thought that Mu Niange stepped forward, grabbed Xia Minmin's hair, raised her hand, and slapped her hard... The fan hit Xia Minmin on the cheek.

(End of this chapter)

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