Chapter 426

"Open your fox eyes and see clearly, the person in front of you is my man..."

Xia Youyou was so handsome by Mu Niange, when did Mu Niange become so ruthless?

Xia Youyou decided to stand aside quietly, watching Mu Niange clean up Xia Minmin...

Ji Jingchen almost exclaimed, it was the first time he saw Mu Niange beating someone, and it was broadcast live, at this time, should Ji Jingchen go out?

If he went out, wouldn't Lu Yanche's plan be in vain?

But if Ji Jingchen doesn't go out, Mu Niange will definitely misunderstand Lu Yanche. This is a crime that Lu Yanche can't clear up by jumping into the Yellow River...

Ji Jingchen fell into distress, seeing Xia Minmin fell to the ground by Mu Niange's slap, she covered her cheeks, her clothes were disheveled, she looked up at Mu Niange, with a sneering smile on her lips : "You say Lu Yanche is your man? What proof do you have?"

"Mu Niange, I have written down this slap, I will definitely return it to you..."

Xia Minmin looked at Mu Niange's eyes and became cold.

Mu Niange calmly glanced at Lu Yanche who was lying on the bed, and then at Xia Minmin who warned her, she suddenly laughed, and the laughter resounded throughout the room...

Xia Minmin was baffled by Mu Niange's smile, she supported herself on the ground with one hand and stood up, who would have thought that Mu Niange's slap came again: "You don't want me to prove it to you, Lu Yanche Is it my man? Now, I will prove it to you..."

It was the best way for Mu Niange to beat Xia Minmin.

Xia Minmin was about to be stunned by Mu Niange, when did Mu Niange stop talking and start fighting instead?

Xia Minmin wanted to resist Mu Niange and fight back, but Mu Niange's movements were too fast and too violent. Xia Minmin was beaten by Mu Niange again and fell to the ground. She was about to go crazy, so she took something Throwing hard at Mu Niange, seeing this, Xia Youyou stepped forward and pulled Mu Niange away, avoiding Xia Minmin's attack.

When Xia Minmin saw Xia Youyou, she finally understood.

It was Xia Youyou who tipped off the news and let Mu Niange come here...

Xia Minmin looked at Xia Youyou's eyes, revealing hatred: "Xia Youyou, what I want to do is all my business, what right do you have to destroy me?"

Xia Minmin's words are so funny...

What Xia Minmin wants to do is Xia Minmin's business. Could it be that what Xia Youyou wants to do is not Xia Youyou's business?What qualifications does Xia Minmin have to dictate to Xia Youyou?

Xia Youyou had a cold face, and didn't go to see Xia Minmin. If they hadn't prepared in advance, Xia Youyou reported Xia Minmin's ID card and bought a room card for the front desk, now... Has Xia Minmin succeeded?

When Mu Niange and Xia Youyou came in, what was going on was an erotic scene.

Xia Youyou didn't need to imagine the explosive scene.

"Xia Minmin, be sober, it's not yours, it will never be yours..." Xia Youyou accused Xia Minmin, and pulled Mu Niange behind her. She glanced at Lu Yanche and motioned for Mu Niange to come forward.

How does Xia Youyou want Mu Niange to come forward?

Mu Niange is cold from head to toe...

When Xia Youyou told Mu Niange that Lu Yanche and Xia Minmin were going to the hotel, Mu Niange could imagine what would happen. Mu Niange froze at the door and forgot to respond for a moment. It was Xia Youyou who opened the door of the room, Mu Niange pushed in.

Seeing Xia Minmin oppressing Lu Yanche, Mu Niange felt betrayed...

Annoyed, they came rushing in, without even thinking about it, she stepped forward and slapped Xia Minmin's cheek fiercely. She knew better than Xia Minmin how strong Mu Niange's hand was. So far it hurts.

Mu Niange and Xia Minmin made such a big noise, Lu Yanche continued to lie on the bed and fell asleep as if he hadn't heard it.

What can Mu Niange say?
Did Lu Yanche really not know what was happening in front of him?

Mu Niange didn't dare to believe it completely, nor did she dare not believe it, she would be sad, she would be sad...

Lu Yanche is a person with strong willpower. When he is with Ji Jingchen and Mu Yuanling, he will relax and do selfless things. When he is with Xia Minmin, is Lu Yanche so free?

Mu Niange lifted it up in one breath, but couldn't go on.

Mu Niange rushed towards the bathroom, Xia Youyou was completely puzzled by Mu Niange's sudden actions, when Mu Niange came out of the bathroom with a bucket of water, Xia Youyou finally understood what Mu Niange was going to do up.

The matter between Lu Yanche and Mu Niange has nothing to do with Xia Youyou...

It's good for her to be a bystander. As for Xia Minmin wanting to intervene, that's Xia Minmin's business. Sure enough, as soon as Xia Minmin saw Mu Niange holding a bucket of water, she rushed forward and grabbed Mu Niange's hand sharply. Said: "Mu Niange, what are you going to do?"

Mu Niange sneered: "Can you control what I'm going to do? Didn't you say it swearingly that Xia Youyou is not qualified to take care of your affairs, then, in what capacity are you talking to me here?"

While talking, Mu Niange shook Xia Minmin away. Mu Niange's strength was surprisingly strong. Xia Minmin was thrown and fell again. Mu Niange looked at Xia Minmin's disheveled clothes. It was really unforgettable. Mu Niange Lifting the bucket, he poured the water in the bucket towards Xia Minmin fiercely.


The coolness came down, making Xia Minmin sit on the ground and maintain a movement, forgetting to respond.

Her clothes were soaked, and her underwear suddenly appeared. Ji Jingchen felt that his eyes were going to be blinded. He didn't expect that Mu Niange's fighter jet was so strong. He turned his eyes away, held up the camera in his hand, and continued to shoot. Lu Yanche on the bed, can really pretend, won't get up at this time?
"I see that you like wearing no clothes. You actually like it so much. Let me help you..."

Mu Niange threw the bucket in her hand to the ground with a bang. Seeing Xia Minmin's distressed appearance, she smiled sarcastically. Xia Minmin suffered, so doesn't Lu Yanche need to suffer?
It is impossible for Xia Minmin to accomplish such a thing alone. Mu Niange originally wanted to change his mind, but now it seems...

This idea cannot be changed. If you change it, Lu Yanche will make an inch of it. Mu Niange squatted down and picked up the bucket, and went to the bathroom to pour another bucket. Xia Youyou thought that Mu Niange was going to reward Xia Minmin. Who would have thought, Mu Niange walked to the bed and poured water from the bucket on Lu Yanche's body.

The water that Mu Niange poured on Xia Minmin was warm, but the water that Mu Nianche poured on Lu Yanche was completely cold...

Lu Yanche rubbed his body, the cold water really killed Lu Yanche.

(End of this chapter)

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