Chapter 428

Lu Yanche nodded without denying it. Mu Niange really wanted to break Lu Yanche's head and see what was inside...

So what if Ji Jingchen is there to help?

Xia Minmin will find out about Lu Yanche's plan sooner or later. At that time, Xia Minmin claims that he and Lu Yanche are in a boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. What can Lu Yanche do?If Lu Yanche wanted to refute, who would it be written as?

Where has Mu Niange been placed by Lu Yanche again...

"Lu Yanche..." Mu Niange took a deep breath, and said in a calm voice, "You have thought about the present, but not the future. If you want to stop Xia Minmin's next move, either you wake up or Ji Jingchen comes out. Then, you two Didn't Xia Minmin know the purpose of this?"

"Have you figured out how to end it? Let's not talk about this issue now, let's talk about your room with Xia Minmin..."

When did Lu Yanche have sex with Xia Minmin?Lu Yanche couldn't wash himself off even after jumping into the Yellow River.

"Recite the song, I don't, I'm not having a room with Xia Minmin, I have a purpose..."

"Yes, you have a purpose, that's right. Then you have a room with Xia Minmin, you still have reason? Then what am I? I saw my boyfriend having a room with my rival in love with my own eyes, and then severely punishing you, I They're all shrews, okay?"

"I can't imagine how you thought of me when you did these things. You think I will understand you, right?"

"Lu Yanche, why should I understand you? I understand you, so who will understand me? I am also uncomfortable, and I am in pain. Seeing that neither of you have seen it, you think I am strong, I am strong, I am Do you deserve to be hurt?"

Mu Niange accused Lu Yanche and yelled loudly.

Mu Niange stepped back, distanced herself from Lu Yanche...

Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange who was out of control, and his heart throbbed. Mu Niange was right, it was because Lu Yanche lacked consideration, and things couldn't go as smoothly as Lu Yanche imagined...

One or two accidents are inevitable.

Lu Yanche couldn't refute Mu Niange's words, he chose to remain silent...

But when something happened to Mu Niange, things were no longer what Mu Niange imagined. The video Ji Jingchen shot could really put Xia Minmin into a desperate situation...

"Niange, just this time, I won't do this again." Lu Yanche reached out to touch Mu Niange, but Mu Niange avoided it with a calm expression. Lu Yanche's guarantee is nothing to Mu Niange use?

Mu Niange looked at Lu Yanche, the disappointment in his eyes became stronger and more obvious.

"You don't know where you are wrong. You are like this every time. When you want me to forgive you, you give in to me. When I forgive you, what do you think?"

Lu Yanche didn't want anything, really didn't want anything...

Mu Niange didn't have the chance to talk to Lu Yanche, so he turned and left. Lu Yanche stood there, staring blankly at the back of Mu Niange's leaving. When Mu Niange disappeared before his eyes, Lu Yanche turned and walked into the hotel.

As soon as he turned around, he bumped into Xia Youyou. Facing Lu Yanche, Xia Youyou felt inexplicably guilty. After all, Xia Youyou told Mu Niange about this...

Xia Youyou stood where she was, thinking what Lu Yanche would do to her. Who would have thought, Lu Yanche glanced at Xia Youyou, and left without saying anything. Looking at Lu Yanche's back, Xia Youyou secretly breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that Lu Yanche did not He cared, but how did Lu Yanche not care about such a thing.

When Lu Yanche returned to the room, Xia Minmin was still in the room. She called the room service and took her clothes to be cleaned. She was wearing a bathrobe and stood by the window, looking at the scenery outside the window.

Hearing the movement behind her, Xia Minmin glanced back and asked softly: "How is it? Have you caught up with your singing?"

After Xia Minmin thought about it carefully, she was worth the two slaps.

Look, isn't there a break between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche?
Seeing Mu Niange's heartbroken look, Xia Minmin was in a good mood, and really wanted to laugh...

Gu Yanshen couldn't imagine how Xia Minmin's face was cultivated. When things got to this point, when Lu Yanche came back, Xia Minmin shouldn't have left, right?

She was there, with the attitude of a hostess, and she wanted to show it to Lu Yanche?
Lu Yanche's stomach was churning, and he was so sick that he wanted to vomit. He looked at Xia Minmin's back with cold eyes and said, "You can go now."

"Ache, you want me to go?" Xia Minmin looked back at Lu Yanche, and said in a tone of disbelief.

"Should we continue with what we just did?" Xia Minmin raised her steps, slowly thinking that Lu Yanche was approaching, her hands were placed on the strap of the bathrobe, she wanted to untie the strap, but Lu Yanche raised his hand, A slap on Xia Minmin's cheek: "See if Nian Ge's two slaps didn't wake you up..."

If he is not sober, Lu Yanche doesn't mind helping Xia Minmin.

It's not the first time Xia Minmin was beaten by Lu Yanche. Every time he was beaten by Lu Yanche, he had a different experience: "You say, if I dress like this, with this virtue, and rush out and say that you raped me, will anyone believe me?"

Does Xia Minmin want to fight Lu Yanche to the death?
Lu Yanche didn't care at all, he made room for Xia Minmin on one side of his body: "If you want to get out, get out quickly..."

In this way, Lu Yanche is not afraid at all.

The smile on Xia Minmin's lips gradually subsided, she covered her aching face, her face was full of hatred: "We cooperated so well, how could you break everything because of Mu Niange's appearance?" gone."

"Xia Minmin, I don't think you're awake at all..."

Lu Yanche's disgust for Xia Minmin was written all over his face.

Seeing Xia Minmin wearing a bathrobe, and thinking of Mu Niange's expression when he left, Lu Yanche stepped forward and grabbed Xia Minmin's hand, dragged Xia Minmin to the door, and threw Xia Minmin out mercilessly No, it doesn't matter what clothes Xia Minmin is wearing.

When the door was closed with a bang, Xia Minmin was taken aback. She stood at the door and couldn't react for a while...

She kept banging on the door, knocking: "Lu Yanche, open the door for me!"

All Xia Minmin's things were inside, and Lu Yanche drove Xia Minmin out just like that, what should Xia Minmin do?
The sound of Xia Minmin's slapping attracted other people's attention. Someone opened the door to look. Xia Minmin was so ashamed that she wanted to dig a hole and bury herself.

Compared to Mu Niange, Lu Yanche is going to be ruthless...

Xia Minmin's sound of knocking on the door gradually became weaker. She took a deep breath and said, "Honey, you should return my bag to me anyway."

(End of this chapter)

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