Chapter 429

Lu Yanche threw Xia Minmin out, and Ji Jingchen came over. He hid in fear, especially when Lu Yanche, Mu Niange, and Xia Youyou left, he was afraid that he would be caught by Xia Minmin.

At that time, how will he explain to Xia Minmin?

"How is Niange going?" Ji Jingchen looked at Lu Yanche and asked, this was what Ji Jingchen was most concerned about. When he watched Mu Niange go out, his expression was not very good.

When did Ji Jingchen care so much about Mu Niange?

Lu Yanche glanced at Ji Jingchen with a sullen face, and said nothing. Ji Jingchen felt as if he had touched Lu Yanche's bottom line somewhere. He touched his nose and took out the camera disapprovingly: "This is something you took for me. .”

Lu Yanche took the camera in Ji Jingchen's hand, opened it, and it showed all the pictures from Xia Minmin bringing Lu Yanche into the room...

Xia Minmin at the door kept banging on the door. Ji Jingchen walked to the door and put her ear on it to listen. Hearing Xia Minmin calling Lu Yanche dear, she was really going to be disgusted by Xia Minmin.

Just when he was about to ask Lu Yanche what to do, Lu Yanche threw Xia Minmin's bag over.

Ji Jingchen looked at the bag in his hand, and then at Lu Yanche, did Lu Yanche want Ji Jingchen to return the bag to Xia Minmin?
Ji Jingchen sighed, if it wasn't because they had to leave, Ji Jingchen didn't want to return the bag to Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin's kind of people should try a little hard, otherwise, she wouldn't know how to have a long memory.

Just as Ji Jingchen was about to open the door of the room, he threw the bag out.

With a flash of inspiration, he opened Xia Minmin's bag, took out Xia Minmin's wallet, then quickly opened the door, and threw the bag out.

Xia Minmin got the bag, just like seeing a baby...

After she picked it up, she lowered her head and disappeared into the corridor. When Ji Jingchen turned his head again, Lu Yanche had already tidied himself up. He pulled Ji Jingchen away and walked out. Ji Jingchen followed closely behind and said, "Ah Che, are you ready?" How to do it?"

Ji Jingchen didn't know Lu Yanche's plan, and cooperated with Lu Yanche because Ji Jingchen believed in Lu Yanche...

What exactly Lu Yanche wanted to do, he didn't think about it, some of the things inside couldn't be exposed, he had to ensure the safety of Mu Niange: "This video needs to be processed first before it can be sent out..."

Of course Ji Jingchen knew that he had to deal with it first, but, after the treatment, when would it be more appropriate to send it out?

When Xia Minmin took her bag to the front desk, she realized that the wallet inside was missing...

She went back to the room with a livid face. When she got on the elevator, Lu Yanche and Ji Jingchen had just got off, and the time was staggered. Fortunately, when Ji Jingchen left, he didn't close the door of the room. Xia Minmin just went in and searched inside. own wallet.

When Xia Minmin found the wallet, he realized that the money in it was missing...

Lu Yanche treated Xia Minmin like this, is this really Lu Yanche's style?

Xia Minmin fell into deep thought. The irritability made Xia Minmin want to go crazy. After she tidied herself up, she returned home...

When Mu Niange returned to the compound, Mu Yuanling had already arrived home. Seeing Mu Niange coming out, Mu Yuanling was obviously a little surprised: "Where did you come back from?"

Mu Niange forced a smile, and called out to Mu Yuanling. Hearing Mu Yuanling's question, Mu Niange didn't know how to respond, so he made up a random reason, saying that he was going back to his room.

Mu Yuanling is not stupid, Mu Niange's emotions are all written on his face. When Mu Niange was about to go upstairs, Mu Yuanling grabbed Mu Niange's hand and said, "Niange, what's going on?"

Mu Yuanling nonchalantly asked what was going on...

Mu Niange wanted to answer, but she didn't know how to answer. She also wanted to know what was going on. She felt very tired and didn't want to discuss this topic for now: "Brother, did you see Xia Minmin at the reception?"

Mu Yuanling was taken aback, and nodded hesitantly...

"I have known about Xia Minmin's appearance for a long time. She is now in the Lu family and is Lu Yanche's secretary. I don't understand why Lu Yanche must keep Xia Minmin by his side..." Mu Niange smiled bitterly, revealing It was full of helplessness.

There were many times when Mu Niange didn't understand Lu Yanche, she guessed it little by little.

Although Lu Yanche told Mu Yuanling that Xia Minmin's appearance had nothing to do with him, Mu Yuanling still cared very much. At the reception, he always paid attention to Xia Minmin. Look away.

Mu Yuanling thought that Mu Niange was kept in the dark, but in fact, the person who was kept in the dark was Lu Yanche. Mu Niange explained so clearly that Mu Yuanling frowned: "This matter , why didn't you tell me?"

Can Mu Niange tell Mu Yuanling that he can change the magic horse?

If it can really change, Mu Niange would rather tell Mu Yuanling and let Mu Yuanling help him solve it, but no matter what...

Mu Yuanling has no right to meddle in Lu Yanche's affairs. What Lu Yanche wants to do is Lu Yanche's freedom and has nothing to do with Mu Yuanling.

"Brother, it's not that I don't want to tell me, I just don't want you to worry about me..."

Mu Niange lowered his eyes and spoke in a soft voice.

Regarding the relationship between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche, Mu Yuanling and Mrs. Mu really worried too much. If they were to continue to worry about it, it would seem that Mu Niange was too unfilial...

"If you want to say that, you're treating yourself as an outsider, not me as your elder brother, or my mother as your aunt, you know what I thought when I saw Xia Minmin appearing behind Lu Yanche? I'm worried that if you find out, you won't be able to bear it..."

"What Lu Yanche is thinking in his heart, we don't know at all..."

After all, Mu Yuanling didn't believe Lu Yanche, otherwise, he wouldn't have such suspicions about Lu Yanche.

"Yes, you don't know, even I don't know, what am I in this relationship?" Mu Niange nodded, and continued to follow Mu Yuanling's meaning. It was only then that Mu Niange realized that he had said something wrong.

How could she say such depressing words in front of Mu Yuanling? If this falls into Madam Mu's ears, Madam Mu doesn't know how to deal with Lu Yanche...

"Brother, don't worry, Lu Yanche and Xia Minmin have nothing to do." Mu Niange smiled at Mu Yuanling, wanting to comfort him.

Is Mu Yuanling the one who needs to be comforted?
Whether Mu Niange understands or not, what is Mu Yuanling thinking...

(End of this chapter)

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