Chapter 430

Mu Yuanling sighed, touched Wen Nuan's head: "I see, you go to sleep."

Mu Niange nodded, and Mu Yuanling watched Mu Niange go upstairs. The moment Mu Niange closed the door of the room, he sat down slowly on the ground. He didn't even know what she was doing. The sadness in my heart is increasing little by little.

Ji Jingchen, Mu Yuanling found out about Mu Niange, and Lu Meiqi knew that sooner or later...

When she heard that Mu Niange went out suddenly to find Lu Yanche, Lu Meiqi was so angry that she wished she could come out to find Xia Minmin and punish Xia Minmin severely.

Leaving was Xia Minmin's own choice. Now that Xia Minmin appeared again, what exactly did she want?

No one could understand what Xia Minmin was thinking, so they could only guess secretly. Lu Meiqi snorted, she didn't care about guessing Xia Minmin, she just wanted Xia Minmin to get out of her world and never show up again...

"Brother!" Lu Meiqi kicked open the door of Lu Yanche's room. Lu Yanche was wearing his clothes.

The appearance of Lu Meiqi was expected by Lu Yanche, he didn't say anything...

Didn't Lu Yanche feel that there was something that needed to be explained to Lu Meiqi?

Lu Meiqi sat angrily on Lu Yanche's bed, glaring at Lu Yanche fiercely, when Lu Yanche was about to go out, Lu Meiqi followed her and said, "I want to go to work with you..."

Lu Yanche frowned: "You have to go to school."

For school or something, Lu Meiqi can ask for leave. Right now, there is an important matter that needs to be resolved by Lu Meiqi.

"I don't care, I want to go to work with you anyway..."

"Mei Qi, stop making trouble."

"I'm making trouble in your eyes by doing this? Why don't you think about it, I'm helping you? What do you say you did to Sister Niange? Do you want Sister Niange to go out to find you in the middle of the night? No... I I was wrong, what happened between you and Xia Minmin?"

Lu Meiqi grasped a little truth, and could speak confidently in front of Lu Yanche.

Lu Yanche got a headache from Lu Meiqi's words, he rubbed his eyebrows and said, "Who told you this?"

Lu Yanche absolutely didn't believe it, it was Mu Niange who said that the only possibility was Ji Jingchen?

Lu Meiqi rolled her eyes, thinking that Lu Yanche was guilty: "It doesn't matter who told me, what matters is that you really did such a thing..."

"Brother, let me tell you that you are such an old person, why don't you know how to measure it? Do you want to wait until you lose Miss Nian Ge before you know how to regret it?" Lu Meiqi said to Lu Yanche earnestly.

Lu Yanche was very upset by what Lu Meiqi said.

Lu Meiqi and Mu Niange are so close, if Lu Meiqi wants to casually say a word in front of Mu Niange, wouldn't Lu Yanche be going to die?
Lu Yanche wanted to cover Lu Meiqi's mouth and tell Lu Meiqi to stop talking, but Lu Meiqi's look of not being good at letting go made Lu Yanche feel helpless: "I see, I will take you to the company together."

Letting Lu Meiqi go is not necessarily a bad thing, at least, it can make Lu Meiqi suppress Xia Minmin.

When Xia Minmin arrived at the company, Lu Yanche hadn't come yet. Xia Minmin remembered yesterday's account in his heart...

Because of Mu Niange's and Lu Yanche's slap marks, Xia Minmin had to put on a strong disguise. When Lu Yanche and Lu Meiqi appeared, Xia Minmin stepped forward subconsciously, wanting to say hello to Lu Yanche.

Before Xia Minmin could say anything, Lu Meiqi stood in front of Lu Yanche, looked at Xia Minmin contemptuously and said, "I heard that you left the compound, I thought it was true, but who knows, it turned out that you were playing a foolish trick ..."

Now Lu Meiqi is not afraid of Xia Minmin at all.

Talking with her chin raised in front of Xia Minmin, without even kicking her breath...

In the past, how dare Lu Meiqi?
Even if Lu Meiqi did too much to Xia Minmin, Lu Meiqi didn't even dare to say a word, Xia Minmin smiled sheepishly, looked at Lu Meiqi in feigned surprise and said, "Meiqi, why are you here?"

Xia Minmin answered irrelevantly, and wanted to change the topic of Lu Meiqi, Lu Meiqi sneered and said, "I haven't seen you for a while, not only have you become ugly, but you have even lost your hearing?"

The smile on the corners of Xia Minmin's lips subsided. Xia Minmin wanted to put on an air in front of Lu Yanche, but Lu Meiqi totally refused to give Xia Minmin such a chance, and didn't give Xia Minmin any face...

What can Xia Minmin say?
Does she have to bear it all the time and be angry with Lu Meiqi?
Xia Minmin looked at Lu Yanche, who stood indifferently: "Mr. Lu, I have already placed the morning schedule on your desk..."

Lu Meiqi was ignored by Xia Minmin before. It was Lu Meiqi who was afraid of Xia Minmin, and Xia Minmin dared to do that. Now, Lu Meiqi is not afraid of Xia Minmin. What right does Xia Minmin have to ignore Lu Meiqi like this?
Moreover, in front of Lu Yanche, isn't she worried that Lu Yanche will help Lu Meiqi stand out?

"Brother, I suggest you have someone take a look again, this woman has such a bad heart, she will kill you..." Lu Meiqi tugged at Lu Yanche's arm and said loudly.

Xia Minmin killed Lu Yanche?
Which eye did Lu Meiqi see?
"Miss Lu, please don't be here and hinder our work..." Xia Minmin took a deep breath and said to Lu Meiqi confidently.

Lu Meiqi thinks Xia Minmin is very funny...

The Lu Group belongs to the Lu family, and it also belongs to Lu Meiqi. Lu Meiqi wants to turn the Lu family upside down, and doesn't care about Xia Minmin's affairs. Xia Minmin has no right to speak.

"Before you become an employee, please learn to be a human being!"

"Whether I will be a man or not is my business, what does it have to do with you?"

"You don't know, you work in our family's group? Now, as the eldest lady, I will fire you, you can go away!"

Lu Meiqi leaned over, picked up the documents on Xia Minmin's desk and dropped them on the ground...

Xia Minmin looked at Lu Meiqi's actions without expression. Hearing what Lu Meiqi said, Xia Minmin thought Lu Meiqi was ridiculous, but Lu Meiqi was right.

This is the Lu Group, and it is Lu Meiqi's site...

"Miss Lu, even though you are the daughter of the Lu Group, you can't fire me indiscriminately like this. I came in through an interview, not through connections. If you want to fire me, you have to give me a reasonable reason." reason……"

Xia Minmin looked at Lu Meiqi and said neither humble nor overbearing.

Hearing this, Lu Meiqi burst out laughing and said, "Xia Minmin, were you invited by a monkey to be funny? I want you to go, what reason do I need? You didn't come in through connections, how could I believe it? Everyone in the Lu Group knows that you live in the same compound as us, and you are the daughter of the Xia family!"

(End of this chapter)

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