Chapter 432

After Lu Meiqi said these words, she never came to the Lu Group again...

Without Lu Meiqi by Lu Yanche's side, Xia Minmin did things much more conveniently. She used the reason of sending documents to Lu Yanche to stay in the office. Her eyes fell directly on Lu Yanche, trying to attract Lu Yanche's attention.

Feeling Xia Minmin's scorching eyes, Lu Yanche twitched his lips and said with a sneer, "If you want to panic, you can get out of the Lu family..."

Xia Minmin was awakened by Lu Yanche's voice, she smiled slightly, shrugged her shoulders, and said disapprovingly, "I'm busy with work, how can you see it, Mr. Lu?"

Xia Minmin was busy, how did she get Lu Yanche down...

Coincidentally, someone knocked on the door, Xia Minmin withdrew her gaze, and stepped aside. The person who came in subconsciously glanced at Xia Minmin with that weird look. Xia Minmin felt uncomfortable being looked at, and she walked out of Lu Yanche's office , sitting at the desk.

The man came out quickly, and before leaving, he did not forget to say hello to Xia Minmin: "Secretary Xia, President Lu looks very busy..."

Hearing this, Xia Minmin responded lightly, "Yes."

"I see that you often go to Mr. Lu's office..."

Xia Minmin hummed again without the slightest hesitation, hehe, the charge was confirmed, the man left, and the Lu family exploded again.

Mu Niange is the right and proper proprietress, Xia Minmin is a counterfeit who wants to be promoted, and all kinds of nasty words are scolded...

Xia Minmin left work in a good mood. When she got on the elevator, she met other employees. Xia Minmin stood in the corner and obviously felt a strange look in her eyes. Xia Minmin was surprised and looked at them. They immediately looked away , when nothing happened...

When Xia Minmin got off the elevator, the people in the elevator were talking about Xia Minmin behind Xia Minmin's back.

This kind of thing lasted for three days, Xia Minmin couldn't take it anymore, and wanted to find someone to ask what was going on, but who would have thought that those people would look at Xia Minmin as if they were watching the plague.

Xia Minmin was so angry that she almost dropped the bag in her hand to the ground.

She recalled what happened in the past few days. On that day, Lu Meiqi's attitude towards Xia Minmin began to change, and then, appeared and disappeared for several days in a row...

If Lu Meiqi wants to worry, she will keep worrying forever, and it is impossible to give up halfway, unless Lu Meiqi thinks of a good way to deal with Xia Minmin. Sure enough, Xia Minmin, who has been with Mu Niange for a long time, cannot be underestimated...

Xia Minmin has a very good self-cultivation, she can't ruin her plan because of such a trivial matter.

One day, when Xia Minmin came home, paint was splashed on her. In fact, the person who splashed Xia Minmin's paint was found by Lu Meiqi. Lu Meiqi was so happy watching nearby, she recorded this scene and made it into a video Sent to Mu Niange for viewing.

Mu Niange didn't go back to the compound for a full two weeks...

She lived in the school, sometimes went to the clinic, and would rest in the office of the clinic. There was a cold war between her and Lu Yanche. It wasn't that Lu Yanche wanted to have a cold war with Mu Niange, it was Mu Niange's unilateral cold war.

When Mu Niange returned to the compound, Lu Yanche had plenty of time to look for Mu Niange, but Mu Niange was not as good as Lu Yanche wanted, and she wanted Lu Yanche to know clearly that it was nothing, it was negotiable with Mu Niange, Mu Niange Niange has her own temper, what kind of temper is she, Mu Niange thought, Lu Yanche really didn't learn it well.

Yang Zhishuang agrees with Mu Niange's approach...

When Ji Jingchen told Yang Zhishuang about Xia Minmin, Yang Zhishuang wished she could immediately rush to the Lu Group and tear Xia Minmin into pieces.

After calming down, Yang Zhishuang realized that she was impulsive, and she began to understand the reason why Mu Niange didn't tell her about this matter... She was worried that her impulsiveness would ruin Mu Niange's affairs.

Yang Zhishuang sighed, looking at Mu Niange with helpless eyes.

Yang Zhishuang didn't want this either, but she couldn't control it and couldn't help it. Yang Zhishuang didn't blame Mu Niange, but looked at Mu Niange with distress and said, "How are you going to deal with this matter?"

The same tone as Lu Meiqi, but... the person talking is not the same person.

What can Mu Niange do?
Whatever she did was superfluous, useless, and useless. Didn't Lu Yanche have his plan?Mu Niange thought, Lu Yanche can handle it well, right?

"I'm staying in the dormitory now, and I feel good..." Mu Niange glanced at Yang Zhishuang, and chuckled lightly. She didn't answer Yang Zhishuang's question directly, but broke the conversation with Yang Zhishuang.

Mu Niange said that he felt very good staying in the dormitory, meaning that not being in the compound, without the presence of Lu Yanche and Xia Minmin made Mu Niange feel relaxed?

Yang Zhishuang rubbed the center of her brows with a headache, has Mu Niange reached the point of giving up on herself?

"Recite the song, it's not that I said you, the truth of your own choice, you have to bear what the road brings to you...Didn't I say it at the beginning? If you want to forgive Lu Yanche, you have to think carefully about whether you want to forgive Lu Yanche ..."

"I think you haven't thought it through at all. Now is not the time to regret it."

How could Mu Niange not know, now is not the time to regret it?

In fact, Mu Niange didn't want to regret it, she just didn't understand, she didn't understand, what should she do...

Avoiding Lu Yanche's matter and Xia Minmin's matter, Mu Niange really lived clearly. This feeling of depression is the same as what Xia Minmin brought to Mu Niange back then. Could it be that things have to evolve again?
Mu Niange will always be the one to be knocked down?

Mu Niange is really frustrated...

A self-deprecating smile curled up on Mu Niange's lips.

"I won't regret it later, it's not my business anymore..." Just as Mu Niange finished speaking, the phone rang, and Mu Niange took it out to see that it was a text message from Lu Meiqi and Mu Niange. Shown above is a video.

Mu Niange was surprised. He clicked on the video and saw Xia Minmin being splashed with anger. A series of screams came out of the video. After the video was played, Mu Niange saw Lu Meiqi's additional words: "Sister Niange , don’t give up easily, I know it’s hard to take the first step, but since we choose to go out, we must keep going, I will always support you by your side, just like you support me, those who bully you , the bad guys who hurt you, I will help you and get rid of them one by one."

To be honest, Mu Niange never expected that Lu Meiqi would do this for herself...

(End of this chapter)

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