Chapter 433

Mu Niange's bad mood instantly became half clear...

The corners of her lips raised, and she couldn't help laughing out loud. Yang Zhishuang looked at Mu Niange's appearance, and was curious about what kind of text messages Mu Niange received, so she snatched Mu Niange's mobile phone: "Let me see... ..."

When Yang Zhishuang watched the video of Xia Minmin being splashed with paint, she felt very happy for a moment: "Singing songs, Meiqi is getting better and better."

Yes, even Mu Niange can't compare to Lu Meiqi...

When Lu Meiqi encountered a problem, he knew to come forward to solve it. When Mu Niange encountered a problem, he hid here and didn't see anyone. Mu Niange felt that he had failed. It was obviously not Lu Meiqi's problem, but Lu Meiqi was so worried.

"I look at Meiqi differently..." Yang Zhishuang watched the video N times before giving up.

Xia Minmin couldn't imagine that anyone would do such a thing to her. The only object of doubt in her heart was Mu Niange. Xia Minmin asked for leave the next day and came to Mu Niange's academy to look for Mu Niange...

When Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang came out of the school gate, they saw Xia Minmin not far away. Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang fell silent while talking and laughing. She grabbed Yang Zhishuang's hand and stopped Yang Zhishuang's movements.

Yang Zhishuang broke free from Mu Niange in dissatisfaction, "What are you pulling me for?"

Yang Zhishuang didn't know what Mu Niange was pulling Yang Zhishuang to do?

It's just that I don't want Yang Zhishuang to do something stupid...

"Xia Minmin must have thought that the splashing of paint was done by someone when I came here. You said, if you want to go there, aren't you acknowledging this fact indirectly?"

Is Mu Niange afraid that Xia Minmin will know?

Yang Zhishuang frowned, she didn't understand Mu Niange anymore, it's impossible for Mu Niange to be afraid, did Mu Niange in front of her take the wrong medicine?
Mu Niange saw through Yang Zhishuang's thoughts at a glance, she chuckled lightly and said, "It wasn't something we did, why should we admit it? If Xia Minmin wants us to take the blame, do you think I will let Xia Minmin go?"

Of course, Mu Niange couldn't let Xia Minmin go easily...

What Xia Minmin did to Lu Yanche that day was deeply etched in Mu Niange's mind, and he might never forget it in his whole life.

Yang Zhishuang reluctantly agreed to Mu Niange, and stood there waiting for Mu Niange, but Mu Niange didn't intend to go up to greet Xia Minmin, she stood there, waiting for Xia Minmin to come, when Xia Minmin came up, Yang Zhishuang stared at Mu Niange in dissatisfaction. He glanced at the song and walked away.

"Mu Niange, are you very proud now..."

Xia Minmin stepped forward and directly complained to Mu Niange angrily. When Mu Niange heard this, he chuckled lightly and asked with a puzzled expression, "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand?"

"You want to play tricks in front of me? I know what kind of person you are, Mu Niange, I did something too much to you before, and now you want to take revenge on me and do the same thing to me ?”

Xia Minmin really thought that everyone in this world, like Xia Minmin, was hopelessly hopeless?

Now that Xia Minmin knows that she has done too much to Mu Niange, it is not too much for Mu Niange to do to Xia Minmin...

"I think you have persecution paranoia." Mu Niange snorted, and his smile instantly turned into a mockery.

Xia Minmin became angry from embarrassment, and raised her hand to slap Mu Niange. Mu Niange's eyes turned cold, and there was no one to be afraid of. If you are beaten down, you will be judged to what extent."

Mu Niange raised his finger and pointed, Xia Minmin thought again, in the recent period, the abnormalities in Lu's...

Xia Minmin firmly believes that all things are done by Mu Niange, and Mu Niange must pay the corresponding price for what she has done...

"You stand here without moving, and you want me to come over, because you want me to beat you, and make me a person who is scolded by everyone? Mu Niange, you are really leaving more and more. Why didn't I I found out that you can be ashamed to such an extent that you can't beat yourself, so you want to follow other people's hands."

"This world is inherently unfair. I just want to hit you at the hands of other people. What can you do to me?"

"If you're upset, you can do the same as me and learn my way? But... is there really such a person by your side? Do whatever you ask her to do? Xia Minmin, are you the naive person? Me, don't try to challenge my patience, I am really good to you."

Mu Niange faced Xia Minmin calmly...

In front of Xia Minmin, Mu Niange can put on any posture, but he can't put on a superior posture, such a Mu Niange makes Xia Minmin want to strangle him to death every minute.

Could it be that Mu Niange's new body gave her full confidence?
Xia Minmin sees all her shortcomings, only a blind person will treat Mu Niange as a treasure...

"In the final analysis, you are thinking about what happened that night..." Xia Minmin put her arms around her chest, suppressed the anger on her face, smiled lightly, and looked at Mu Niange with contempt.

"You've been with Lu Yanche for so long, do you know what kind of person Lu Yanche is? How could he get drunk casually? The reason why he got drunk... is actually because he wanted me to do that to him. In front of Lu Yanche, he never concealed his thoughts."

"So?" Mu Niange raised his eyebrows, and asked Xia Minmin back: "You want to show off to me now?"

"Do you know a truth? A pirated version will always be a pirated version. Don't pretend to be able to compare with the genuine one... In Lu Yanche's eyes, you are a pirated version, and I am a genuine one. No, or it should be said that you even have a pirated version. It can't even be called, what do you think you use to make Lu Yanche remember you? Treat you differently? Want to do something like that with you?"

Mu Niange's eyes scanned Xia Minmin back and forth.

Every word she said deeply hurt Xia Minmin's heart...

Why did Xia Minmin make a pirated version of Mu Niange?What's so great about Mu Niange?
Xia Minmin disdains to be someone like Mu Niange, and doesn't want to be Mu Niange, but there is one thing, Mu Niange is right, Lu Yanche likes Mu Niange, if Xia Minmin is a pirated version of Mu Niange, Lu Yanche's eyes, Maybe it will land on Xia Minmin's body, but Xia Minmin is not, she doesn't even have the last shred of hope.

It's really... ridiculous...

The ridiculous Xia Minmin didn't know how to refute Mu Niange.

(End of this chapter)

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