Chapter 434

"Mu Niange, you only need to remember one thing...Lu Yanche is yours now, and may not be yours in the future!" Xia Minmin clenched her fists, saying unwillingly.

What she said was swearing, she didn't take Mu Niange seriously at all...

What Mu Niange said is correct, Xia Minmin really came to show off, but after staying by Lu Yanche's side for a while, Xia Minmin took herself so seriously...

Mu Niange didn't know what to say about Xia Minmin, so he could only respond with a smile.

Mu Niange's laughter hurt Xia Minmin's ears deeply, Xia Minmin wanted to cover Mu Niange's mouth, stop Mu Niange from laughing, what's so funny, as for making Mu Niange laugh like this: "shut up!"

Xia Minmin yelled at Mu Niange angrily.

Hearing this, Mu Niange raised his eyebrows, and said provocatively: "It's my freedom to laugh, can you control it?"

Xia Minmin can't care, can't care about anything...

Xia Minmin came to look for Mu Niange, obviously to seek abuse, she didn't come to settle accounts with Mu Niange, how could Mu Niange become so righteous now?
After doing that to Xia Minmin, she acted nonchalantly, just like back then...Xia Minmin treated Mu Niange the same way, Mu Niange's life and death, regardless of Xia Minmin's affairs, as long as Mu Niange doesn't appear in front of Lu Yanche, everything will be fine. OK.

"I forgot, you are not the Mu Niange of six years ago."

"You clearly know that I am not the Mu Niange of six years ago, yet you appear in front of me again and again to provoke me, wanting me to disappear by Lu Yanche's side, have you ever thought that such a situation is caused by you alone? Yes, if you didn't provoke me, I wouldn't fight back against you..."

With a cold face, Mu Niange spoke with emphasis.

Mu Niange doesn't think he can be more ruthless than Xia Minmin...

During the six years when Mu Niange was away, Xia Minmin and Xia Youyou could not be the only ones by Lu Yanche's side. The other girls who appeared must have been driven away by Xia Minmin. As for what method Xia Minmin used, only Xia Minmin thought clear……

It is impossible for Mu Niange to act rashly without making complete preparations.

Yes, what Mu Niange said is correct, the situation in front of him was caused by Xia Minmin...

She pushed herself into the abyss of calamity, created Mu Niange and Lu Yanche, she was the person next to Lu Yanche, and finally became a destructive third party, and now...even the people in the Lu Group treat her that way With Xia Minmin.

Xia Minmin receives strange gazes every day. It's not that Xia Minmin is insensitive, let alone unconscious. He just thinks that if he can stay by Lu Yanche's side, he can do whatever he wants...

Xia Minmin laughed softly, mocking herself: "Mu Niange, I shouldn't have come looking for you."

Looking at Xia Minmin's eyes, Mu Niange became surprised. Was Xia Minmin's attitude changing too quickly?
"I'm looking for you, but I can't change the facts in front of me..."

Mu Niange was silent, and Xia Minmin continued: "If you want to change the facts, you can only rely on my efforts. I just want to fight you, it won't work..."

"You are in a cold war with Lu Yanche right now? While you are in a cold war, tell me, should I do something?"

Xia Minmin smiled charmingly, with deep meaning in his eyes. Hearing this, Mu Niange's expression changed. For one thing, Mu Niange admired Xia Minmin very much. He knew that this road could not be followed, so he would choose another road.

She wanted to make it clear that Xia Minmin must be the one who suffered when arguing with Mu Niange about splashing paint!

Yang Zhishuang was in the back, and she really couldn't listen anymore. Why did she feel that Xia Minmin's IQ was dropping rapidly?

Mu Niange had a cold war with Lu Yanche, wouldn't he reconcile with Lu Yanche?Especially... when being provoked by Xia Minmin, Mu Niange will be more determined to do what he wants to do.

Yang Zhishuang felt that there was no need to waste time on this...

She walked forward, put one hand on Mu Niange's shoulder, and said to Xia Minmin with a smile: "The time for your conversation is over, you can get out."

Yang Zhishuang wants Xia Minmin to go, who is she?What are the qualifications?
Yang Zhishuang didn't give Xia Minmin a chance to refute at all, she pulled Mu Niange and turned around to leave, Xia Minmin shouted at the backs of Yang Zhishuang and Mu Niange: "Stop, I haven't finished talking yet!"

"Why do you want us here to listen to your nonsense? Didn't you just say that? Mu Niange and Lu Yanche are in a cold war. Now... let's go to Lu Yanche to make up. I'll see what you can do with us. Let's go." ...Recite the song, let her see how powerful you are."

Yang Zhishuang patted Mu Niange on the shoulder, giving Mu Niange encouragement.

Mu Niange was about to vomit blood after being slapped by Yang Zhishuang...

She glared at Yang Zhishuang, signaling to Yang Zhishuang that enough is enough, Yang Zhishuang gave Mu Niange a calm look, and when she left Xia Minmin's sight, Yang Zhishuang let Mu Niange go, Mu Niange said helplessly: "You What did you just say?"

"Let you go and make peace with Lu Yanche..."

Yang Zhishuang blinked, and said as a matter of course: "Didn't you see Xia Minmin's complacent eyes? She wants to take advantage of it..."

Is Yang Zhishuang here to be funny?
If Xia Minmin wants to take advantage of the situation, can she really take advantage of it?
Yang Zhishuang looked at Mu Niange's expression of disbelief, and was speechless, anything could happen, okay?How could Mu Niange stand here so confidently?
"If Xia Minmin could do something like that to Lu Yanche, he would definitely do something else. Lu Yanche must be in a bad mood when you have a cold war with Lu Yanche. Tell me... what will happen if Xia Minmin appears next to Lu Yanche at this time? ?”

"We are all on your side, even Lu Meiqi helps you like this, why don't you know how to cherish it?"

"There are some things that we can talk about later. Now, we need to punish Xia Minmin and let Xia Minmin know that there are some words and things that cannot be said or done casually!"

Yang Zhishuang's eyes turned cold, and cruelty flashed in her eyes...

Mu Niange was frightened by Yang Zhishuang's determination. On that day, Yang Zhishuang didn't give Mu Niange a chance to go back to the dormitory, and directly drove Mu Niange back to the compound.

in fact……

Mu Niange wanted to go back to the compound. She stayed overnight suddenly without saying a word. Mu Yuanling and Mrs. Mu would be worried. That day, Mu Niange swore in front of Mu Yuanling, now... ...It was such a situation, she didn't know how to explain it to Mu Yuanling.


Mu Niange sighed, and returned to the compound with mixed feelings.

When Mu Niange arrived at Mu's house, it was evening...

(End of this chapter)

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