Chapter 435

Mu Yuanling and Mrs. Mu were about to have dinner. Looking at the scene in front of them, Mu Niange was slightly taken aback, and then called out: "Auntie, brother..."

"Niange, you finally know you're back?" Mrs. Mu stood up from the chair, she walked towards Mu Niange, and said with a bit of reproach: "Your brother said you went to live in school, I said what's going on, Don't even tell me, your brother said he didn't know the situation, now that you're back, tell me, what's going on?"

Madam Mu couldn't wait to hold Mu Niange's hand, Mu Niange was a little embarrassed by Madam Mu's question...

Mu Niange didn't know how to explain this to Mrs. Mu.

Mu Niange was silent. Seeing Mu Niange's silence, Mrs. Mu frowned and said, "Your brother said that Xia Minmin worked in Ah Che's company. Is it true?"

Is there any truth to what Mu Yuanling said?
Mrs. Mu believed it, but she wanted to confirm it with Mu Niange. Mu Niange nodded without denying it: "It's true, Xia Minmin works as Lu Yanche's secretary in Lu Yanche's company..."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Mu sneered: "This Xia Minmin has more means than her mother."

Mu Niange blinked and didn't know how to respond. In this way, Mrs. Mu could completely understand that Mu Niange suddenly went back to live in school. Mrs. Mu patted the back of Mu Niange's hand and said with a distressed expression: "Don't worry. , with your aunt here, no one can bully you."

Mu Niange smiled and nodded, and the next day, Mrs. Mu took Mu Niange to Lu's house...

Mu Niange didn't know beforehand that Mrs. Mu and Mrs. Lu had an appointment. When Mu Niange and Mrs. Mu arrived, Lu Yanche and Lu Meiqi were sitting on the sofa. When seeing Mu Niange, Lu Yanche immediately stood up from the sofa up.

When Lu Meiqi saw Mu Niange, she was very excited...

Mu Niange was puzzled by the situation in front of her. She looked sideways at Madam Mu and wanted to ask Madam Mu what was going on. Madam Mu smiled and pulled Mu Niange to the sofa and sat down.

Mu Niange politely called Mrs. Lu, and Mrs. Lu looked at Mu Niange with a smile: "Niange, I haven't seen you here for a while, busy with work and study?"

Mu Niange nodded and said, "Well, there are a lot of things to do in the clinic recently."

Lu Meiqi glanced at Lu Yanche, intending to keep it a secret for Lu Yanche, not to expose Lu Yanche, which would embarrass Mu Niange, and the lie would be exposed in front of Madam Lu...

"Ah Che, you are really serious, Nian Ge is so busy with work and study, don't let Nian Ge run to the company all day."

Mrs. Lu slapped Lu Yanche, and frowned accusingly.

Mrs. Mu smiled twice and said: "Nian Ge should go to the company. Isn't this to let Nian Ge familiarize himself with the company's environment earlier?"

"That's true..." Mrs. Lu nodded in agreement.

Mu Niange never knew that the relationship between Mrs. Mu and Mrs. Lu was so good, the two of them were chatting there, and Mu Niange, Lu Yanche, and Lu Meiqi sat next to each other, speechless for a while.

As if aware of the silence between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche, Madam Mu gave Madam Lu a look, Madam Lu pushed Lu Yanche and said, "Ache, take Niange out for a walk..."

What Lu Yanche couldn't ask for, he got up and extended his hand to Mu Niange. In front of everyone, Mu Niange didn't give Lu Yanche his hand, and felt a little sorry. She took a look at Lu Yanche and stretched out her hand. Lu Yanche breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

It's true that Mu Niange was angry with Lu Yanche, but in front of Mrs. Mu and Mrs. Lu, she gave Lu Yanche enough face and didn't bring the matter to the surface...

After walking out of the gate of Lu's house, Mu Niange shook off Lu Yanche's hand, and they went their separate ways.

The expected result made Lu Yanche feel helpless. He walked beside Mu Niange, looked sideways at Mu Niange from time to time, felt Lu Yanche's burning eyes, and Mu Niange wished to gouge Lu Yanche's eyes out. If you continue to look at it like this, Lu Yanche will lose Mu Niange's temper.

Mu Niange stopped, turned to face Lu Yanche, she remembered what Yang Zhishuang said...

The more Xia Minmin didn't want to see things, the more Mu Niange wanted to show Xia Minmin, to let Xia Minmin know that Mu Niange was not as simple as it seemed on the surface, and she knew how to be cruel.

Mu Niange bit her lip, her cherry lips raised lightly and said, "Do you know where I went wrong?"

Mu Niange's question made Lu Yanche stunned for a moment, Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange, a little afraid to answer: "Are you talking to me?"

Mu Niange was speechless, besides Lu Yanche, is there anyone else here?
Mu Niange rolled his eyes, and said angrily, "You don't want to answer, so you pretend you didn't hear it?"

Isn't Lu Yanche stupid?Playing such a trick with Mu Niange doesn't mean killing yourself?

Lu Yanche grabbed Mu Niange's hand, shook his head vigorously and said, "No, Niange..."

"I didn't expect that you would ask me such a thing..."

Mu Niange asked Lu Yanche if he knew he was wrong?It means that Mu Niange is giving in to Lu Yanche. She gave Lu Yanche a chance. It depends on whether Lu Yanche understands how to cherish it. If Lu Yanche doesn't understand how to cherish it, I'm afraid there will be no such opportunity in the future.

"You didn't expect that, it doesn't mean I don't know how to ask, I asked now, do you know how to answer me?" Mu Niange took a deep breath to calm down...

She looked at Lu Yanche's eyes, which were clear and bright.

Lu Yanche nodded heavily, and said with sincerity: "Mu Niange, I know I was wrong, I shouldn't do such a thing, even if I want to do such a thing, I have to tell you in advance, so that you have the bottom line , came to support me, it was my selfishness that hurt you, regarding this, I would like to solemnly apologize to you, I hope you can forgive me..."

Lu Yanche's voice was loud and resounded all around.

Mu Niange took Lu Yanche's hand, and motioned for Lu Yanche to lower his voice: "Do you want to be ashamed?"

"I'm shameless, I want you to forgive me, and I can do whatever you want..."

Lu Yanche shook his head, and said it as a matter of course, nothing is more important than being forgiven by Mu Niange, Lu Yanche clearly did it on purpose, although there was no one in the courtyard, Lu Yanche might be heard when he yelled like this, The cold war between Mu Niange and Lu Yanche, is it possible that everyone in the compound should know about it?
Mu Niange shook off Lu Yanche's hand, turned around and left...

Lu Yanche was surprised, confused by Mu Niange, he caught up with Mu Niange and said, "Where did I make a mistake? Niange, tell me, I will correct it..."

Lu Yanche was wrong everywhere, and there was no need to correct it.

Mu Niange pretended not to hear.

(End of this chapter)

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