Chapter 436

Lu Yanche kept talking in Mu Niange's ear, Mu Niange really had no choice but to reluctantly agree to Lu Yanche: "You know you are wrong, I can give you a chance..."

Lu Yanche blinked, and put on a cute posture in front of Mu Niange, Mu Niange was frightened, is Lu Yanche acting like a baby with Mu Niange now?
Mu Niange pushed Lu Yanche's face away with his hand, and said in disgust, "Lu Yanche, please can you be normal..."

Is Lu Yanche very abnormal now?

Lu Yanche frowned, thinking of what Lu Meiqi said to himself: "You can't always be like this. If you want to be like this, I'm Miss Niange and I'll run away. You have to lower your posture appropriately and act cute in front of Sister Niange, please. Sister Niange must forgive you, you are the one who is at fault, not Sister Niange, do you want to wait for Sister Niange to calm down before you go to Sister Niange to forgive you?"

Lu Yanche didn't want to...

After much deliberation, I decided to try Lu Meiqi's method...

As a result, Lu Yanche was disgusted by Mu Niange.

Lu Yanche is about to cry, okay?
"Mei Qi said so, you can forgive me sooner." Lu Yanche rubbed the center of his brows, and said helplessly.

Mu Niange was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and Lu Meiqi burst out laughing: "Do you believe everything she says?"

"I believe Meiqi's words [-]%, she knows you so well..."

Mu Niange laughed twice. The relationship between Mu Niange and Lu Meiqi is good. Because of this, Lu Meiqi came to cheat Lu Yanche for Mu Niange: "What did Meiqi do to Xia Minmin? Do you know ?”

Lu Yanche nodded and said, "I know, I told Meiqi to do this..."

Mu Niange was a little surprised, how could Lu Yanche do such a thing?Aren't those things all tricks between women?
"Xia Minmin can use those boring methods to deal with you, and I can also use boring methods to deal with Xia Minmin..." Lu Yanche shrugged and said with a blank face.

What did Lu Yanche want to prove to Mu Niange?
Mu Niange looked at Lu Yanche and was speechless for a while...

In fact, Lu Yanche also has Lu Yanche's difficulties, and Mu Niange can't just blame Lu Yanche blindly.

Mu Niange lowered his eyes and remained silent. Looking at Mu Niange's silence, Lu Yanche felt uncomfortable. He didn't know what Mu Niange was thinking, but he really wanted to know what Mu Niange thought: "Niange, are you not Like me doing this?"

Lu Yanche looked at Mu Niange, cautiously probing.

Mu Niange may like it or not...

Mainly, it depends on Mu Niange's mood. At this moment, Mu Niange likes it. She sighed and said helplessly: "You and Meiqi are really, it's becoming more and more difficult for me to see through..."

However, it was precisely because of Lu Yanche and Lu Meiqi's changes that Mu Niange saw hope.

When Mu Niange and Lu Yanche returned to Lu's house, Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Mu were chatting enthusiastically. When Lu Meiqi saw Mu Niange, she rushed up and knocked Lu Yanche away. She smiled maliciously and harbored Mu Nian singing hands.

Mu Niange's heart was numb by Lu Meiqi, and he didn't know what was going on.

"Meiqi, what's wrong with you?"

"Sister Niange, I have some good news for you..."

Mu Niange blinked, waiting for Lu Meiqi's next words: "Are you going to be my sister-in-law soon?"


When did Mu Niange agree to marry Lu Yanche?Did Lu Meiqi make a mistake?
Just as Mu Niange was about to ask Lu Meiqi, Mrs. Lu looked at Mu Niange and said, "Niange, I have discussed with your aunt that you and Ah Che should get engaged first!"

got engaged?

Mu Niange was dumbfounded. The situation has developed to such a point that Mu Niange never expected. Could it be that Mrs. Mu brought Mu Niange here to discuss this matter with Mrs. Lu?

"Mom, what day do you guys see?" Lu Yanche rushed over to Mu Niange and asked.

Hearing this, Mrs. Lu flipped through the calendar in her hand twice: "No.15 next month is a good day..."

"Well, then it's settled. Next month's NO.15, Nian Ge is engaged to Ah Che..."

How did Mu Niange get out of the Lu family? Mu Niange can't remember at all. She was brought out by Mrs. Mu. When she returned to Mu's home, Mu Niange realized that she wanted to talk to Mrs. Mu: "Auntie, talk to Mrs. Mu." Why didn't you tell me about Lu Yanche's engagement?"

Madam Mu is not stupid, if she told Mu Niange, how tense would things be?

Mrs. Mu pulled Mu Niange to sit on the sofa, she sighed, thinking of the life Mu Niange lived before, and the life he is living now, in fact, it is not much better, they can take care of Mu Niange, There are not many, all along, Mu Niange has been taking care of herself.

"I also want you and Lu Yanche to settle down..."

"Auntie knows your feelings for Lu Yanche, and also knows Lu Yanche's feelings for you. It is really not easy for you to be together. Are you going to give up the relationship between you because of Xia Minmin's sabotage? Others are not Say, let's just talk about the engagement..."

"You are engaged. The media announced this matter. Xia Minmin seduced Lu Yanche by Lu Yanche's side. She is the mistress. She will be scolded. How could Xia Minmin, who cares about face, do such a stupid thing?"

Mrs. Mu is right, Xia Minmin is absolutely unwilling to be a mistress, so she will not let Mu Niange and Lu Yanche's engagement banquet go smoothly...

Mu Niange understands Mrs. Mu's painstaking efforts, after thinking about it, she agrees, the engagement is a matter of time, but it's ahead of time, Xia Minmin was still swearing in Mu Niange's ear yesterday that Lu Yanche might not be Mu Nian Damn, in a few days, when the news of Mu Niange's engagement to Lu Yanche gets out, Mu Niange really wants to see what kind of expression Xia Minmin will show?
Just thinking about it makes Mu Niange very excited...

When she told Yang Zhishuang about Mu Niange's upcoming engagement, Yang Zhishuang laughed. She patted Mu Niange's shoulder, raised her thumbs up to Mu Niange and said, "Niange, you can do it."

Hitting Xia Minmin back in this way, Xia Minmin has no room to fight back...

Mu Niange and Yang Zhishuang's thoughts were indeed the same, they both thought that Xia Minmin would die of anger, Mu Niange sighed, and said with regret: "Before getting engaged, should there be a marriage proposal?"

Yang Zhishuang pondered for a while, then nodded: "Yes."

um, yes……

So, where is Lu Yanche's proposal to Mu Niange?
Mu Niange didn't see it at all. If Mrs. Lu and Mrs. Mu hadn't arranged it, Mu Niange really wanted to go back on his word.

(End of this chapter)

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