Chapter 437

It's not that Lu Yanche never wanted to get engaged to Mu Niange, he was afraid that his words would scare Mu Niange away...

Lu Yanche and Mu Niange were kept in the dark about Madam Lu's and Mu Niange's plan. Now, the matter is a foregone conclusion. Lu Yanche and Mu Niange are getting engaged, so Lu Yanche naturally wants to give Mu Niange the best.

Lu Yanche put down what he was doing, and concentrated on thinking about the engagement. He browsed the information on the Internet, how to give his girlfriend a romantic engagement ceremony...

The various replies on the Internet made Lu Yanche fall into deep thought. After thinking about it, he felt that it was not appropriate. Lu Yanche scratched his hair, and let go of the book holding the mouse with a bit of distress.

Xia Minmin opened the door and came in. Seeing this scene, she thought that Lu Yanche was in trouble. She put the coffee on the table, focused on Lu Yanche and said, "Boss Lu, is there anything I can help you with?"

When Lu Yanche heard Xia Minmin's figure, he looked up at Xia Minmin. Xia Minmin smiled brightly, his eyes full of anticipation. Lu Yanche raised his eyebrows, and his irritability disappeared. Xia Minmin clearly came to seek abuse?

Lu Yanche pointed to the seat opposite, motioning for Xia Minmin to sit down.

Xia Minmin looked at Lu Yanche flattered, and sat down slowly after a while...

Xia Minmin's heart was raised. The day before yesterday, Xia Minmin swore in front of Mu Niange that Lu Yanche might not belong to Mu Niange in the end. It seems...Mu Niange didn't reconcile with Lu Yanche, otherwise, Lu Yanche would treat Xia Minmin , how can there be such an attitude?

Xia Minmin was nervously clutching her fingers. Lu Yanche put one hand on the table and knocked on the table. He remained silent, not in a hurry to speak to Xia Minmin...

The more Lu Yanche remained silent, the more Xia Minmin guessed what Lu Yanche was thinking in her heart. She really didn't know what was bothering Lu Yanche, so much so that Lu Yanche asked Xia Minmin to sit down.

When facing Mu Niange, Lu Yanche never dared to bring Mu Niange into it. He was afraid that Mu Niange would doubt him and not trust him...

Then, the only possibility for Lu Yanche to ask Xia Minmin to sit down is about the company.

This is what Xia Minmin thinks and what Xia Minmin expects. So far, this is the only thing Xia Minmin can do in front of Lu Yanche...

"Let me ask you... what kind of engagement ceremony do you girls generally like?" Lu Yanche raised his eyebrows and looked at Xia Minmin with a smile on his lips. He asked very seriously, with a look of seeking answers.

Xia Minmin was taken aback when she heard the words, and for a moment, she didn't know how to respond...

Did Xia Minmin hear wrong?

Lu Yanche actually told Xia Minmin about the engagement ceremony?

Xia Minmin asked uncertainly: "You just said about the engagement ceremony?"

Lu Yanche hummed twice: "Didn't you say you could help me? Then... Let me ask you now, as a girl, what kind of engagement ceremony do you like?"

Xia Minmin wanted to laugh, but couldn't laugh anymore, her hand that was nervously playing with her fingers turned into pinching her fingers in an instant, her heart was throbbing, did she do this every day, looking for something to do to abuse her? , let Lu Yanche torture himself to the point of bruises and bruises before he is satisfied?
"Ache, don't make such jokes with me..."

Xia Minmin couldn't bear such an impact, and hoped that Lu Yanche could stop it in moderation.

Who would have thought that just as Xia Minmin finished speaking, Lu Yanche burst out laughing: "Who are you? Why would I make a joke with you? And... want to make such a joke with you?"

Lu Yanche's eyes turned cold, and a chill emanated from his body: "You said it yourself. You want to help me. I told you my troubles. Why, you don't have the ability to help me?"

How could Xia Minmin help Lu Yanche?
If this was the engagement ceremony between Lu Yanche and Xia Minmin, Xia Minmin would definitely speak out what's in his heart unceremoniously, but isn't it...

Xia Minmin stood up from the chair in a jerk, she looked at Lu Yanche, as if she wanted to tear Lu Yanche into pieces, how could Lu Yanche do this, holding Xia Minmin's sincerity, and playing with it like a toy.

"I can help you, I said it, will you do what I want?"

Xia Minmin took a deep breath and calmed down her clarity...

She pursed her lips and smiled charmingly. She said that she could help Lu Yanche, as long as Lu Yanche could do what she said, why not?

"In the final analysis, you are capable, and you want to pretend to be very capable in front of me. If your proposal does not suit my wishes, why should I follow your proposal to do things? Here, I am your boss. He is also your boss, and the one who pays you wages, do you want to step on my head?"

Lu Yanche's narrow eyes narrowed...

He looked at Xia Minmin's eyes and became contemptuous.

It's not enough for Xia Minmin to humiliate herself once, she has to continue for the second time, how shameless Xia Minmin is to trample on herself again and again like this.

Xia Minmin laughed twice: "Did Mu Niange tell you those things?"

Hearing that Xia Minmin mentioned Mu Niange, Lu Yanche frowned subconsciously: "What did you tell Niange?"

It seems...

Lu Yanche didn't know, could it be so sudden that Mu Niange and Lu Yanche are getting engaged?
Obviously, they were in a cold war over Xia Minmin's matter. Could it be that, as Yang Zhishuang said, as long as Mu Niange thinks about it, she will definitely be able to achieve it. She is important to Lu Yanche. Her words, It can change Lu Yanche a lot, what's more, that incident is not Mu Niange's fault, Mu Niange should be angry, Lu Yanche should go to coax Mu Niange, and coax Mu Niange to forgive him.

"You asked me what kind of engagement banquet the girls want. Are you going to get engaged to Mu Niange?"

Lu Yanche didn't say anything obviously, Xia Minmin already had the answer in her heart, she didn't want to believe it, so she asked Lu Yanche, she stared at Lu Yanche closely, hoping that Lu Yanche would tell herself that this matter was not true...

"What do you think? I'm not engaged to Nian Ge, should I be engaged to you? Xia Minmin, what you think is so beautiful, are you daydreaming every day, imagining that this is your room, and I'm in the room, Then you come in and out at will, is this something that even Mu Niange envies?"

Once again, Lu Yanche stabbed at Xia Minmin's matter fiercely. Lu Yanche was right, Xia Minmin was fantasizing like this.

Did Lu Yanche see through Xia Minmin's mind from the very beginning?Xia Minmin is a joke in front of Lu Yanche...

Xia Minmin couldn't imagine how Lu Yanche thought of Xia Minmin when Xia Minmin left the office.

(End of this chapter)

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